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  1. C

    My fertility journey

    Hi. Long time since I have posted any.. We are now going for a second one. First one came on first try, so I am hoping for the same this time.. Crossing fingers :) Fist time: 115mg test enanthate Mon/Wed/Fri and 500IU HCG EOD (late December all the way to June (2022) when we started...
  2. C

    Shipping peptides abroad

    Hi. Does any of you know if some of the medical providers will send peptides to Europe? I have a dual citizenship and live abroad. I will check up with the different providers soon, but would like if any of you have experience. I am under doctor supervision (trt), but the country does not...
  3. C

    Melatonin usage during daytime

    Hi. I want the benefits of using Melatonin as an antioxidant, but I can not take it pre bed. I get restless legs every time and it disturbs my sleep. I have read some information regarding use during the day on other sites, but can not find i anymore. Does anyone have experience with usage...
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    Dangers of Raloxifene / gyno

    Hi. I have been on TRT for some years now. Feeling great. My girl is days away from having our first child, looking forward to it. For those wondering, I was on 115 mg testosterone enanthate (split 2* week mondays am and thursdays pm) and 500iu hcg EOD from january to july. We first got...
  5. C

    Optimal dose BUT... Need urgent help

    Hi team Excelmale! Long story short (I have done several post before); I have eventually found my dose where my severe symptoms are gone., I am so FU..ING happy. More time is needed but the effect have lastet for a long period now. 100mg Enanthate on Monday and Thursday with 200 iu HCG. (side...
  6. C

    Help me dial in my protocol Nebido

    Hi. A little over 30y old and prescribed Nebido as trt from my doc. No guidance at all, so I want to get help from you nice guys:) 87-91kg 8% +- fat (3,2 mm: 12 point caliper test) 2800-3200 calories. Slowly reverse dieting. Moderate to high activity. Training 5 days a week. 10-15k steps a...
  7. C

    When to take blood sample

    Hi. I am used to taking blood sample in the morning (before starting trt 16 weeks ago). Now I want to know how my hormone levels develop from week to week (Nebido) in order to manage the correct interval of injection. Due to my work, I am no longer able to test during the morning, but more so...
  8. C

    Nebido trt experience

    Hi. I thought it would be a good ting to share my first months of trt using Nebido. Not so much information regarding such long ester on this forum and I think this could be of interest for someone out there.. W1: 4ml W3: 4ml W6: 4ml W11...
  9. C


    Hi. My first follow up test while on TRT is around the corner.. In my country we do not have the "sensitive" test for estrogen in men. Does anyone know if S-estradiol-17beta gives me a ok standpoint in what to do next? Or should I seek help in other countries (may be difficult). I need the...