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  1. A

    This NMN Supplement Hype

    Hi All, I'm a healthy 39 year old but am noticing a few things changing. Such as sleep quality, recovery time, etc. Without getting into details about my regime - I wanted to know - is a supplement like this worth it...
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    Using some Boosts - blood test input

    Hey All, My usual routine for years: 120 mg T/week HCG or Pregnyl 800/week Occasional Oxandrolone @ 25mg/day 3-4 days a week (6 months out of the year) Doc has me OK’d for higher T use, Deca, etc. but I stay conservative. Supplements: Multi CoQ10 4 Fish Oils/day (total 1.7 Grams EPA / 1 Gram...
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    Hooked on Oxandrolone?

    Hi All. I was prescribed 25 mg of Oxandrolone, once per day. Doc suggested I take it Mon-Fri, then off on Saturday/Sunday. I did this with my 120mg/week T injections. The results were great - better mood, better gym performance, better recovery, better looking, never tired, lot's of energy...
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    How to properly measure HCG

    I ordered 5,000 IU HCG injections. It came with a Small vile of water - meant for a single injection. I inject 400-500 twice a week. Is there a calculator online I can use to measure how much water to mix, so I can inject my normal dose? I will have to transfer it from the container it is now...
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    Missed an Injection - Regained my Erection

    Hi All, 2+ years ago I ordered black-market T Gel, applied to shoulders, felt amazing. 3 Months later connect with Defy - put on Injections. Starting Protocol was: 140 mg Test C injected twice weekly HCG injected twice weekly Since then, there's been a few different variations: 200mg Test...
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    Switching from Gel to Cypionate Injections

    Howdy all. I self-prescribed myself to T Gel 3 months ago, the results were amazing in getting rid of my symptoms (low energy, depression, bad sleep, poor recovery, etc - despite a healthy diet and all). Anyway fast forward 3 months, I realized I'll be doing this long term so I hooked up with...