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  1. D

    Testing HCG potency with pregnancy test / Buying HCG in liquid form

    Hi, I recently purchased some HCG in error. I thought I had ordered powdered form as usual, but realised my mistake when it arrived and I found it was premixed. What's confusing me is I thought HCG once mixed only retains full potency for about a month, and that is when stored at the correct...
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    Oral Test / Test Enanthate in oil

    I'm sure like many I knew that oral forms of T are modified to prevent them being metabolised by the liver. I recently read that original Olympians ate sheeps' testicles, which got me wondering. Looking around, I found a study which seems to indicate, with some caveats, that oral Test E oil...
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    Lump after sub q pin

    I am trying sub q and the first one went well, but the second attempt has left me sore with a bit of a lump. Nothing sever, just sensitive to the touch, and a firm area about the size of a squashed pea. Not hard, just firmer than the surrounding tissue. The injection was 3 days ago, and was...
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    TRT doesn't work. According to this woman

    Researchers say there are no benefits of testosterone treatments for men Old article I know, but I find it interesting that this information is out there. Of course I've read plenty of studies that discuss apparent libido, bone density, fat reduction benefits, etc, etc. And unless it's...
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    Need the low down on my thyroid numbers

    In another thread about metformin I started, I had some helpful suggestions to look into thyroid. At the time, I'd had two prior tests during the last 6 months, and was advised here on Excelmale things were worse than I thought. Looking into things away from the standard clinical approach, I...
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    I quit caffeine cold turkey. So far so good.

    At some point I recognised that caffeine was no longer doing anything subjectively rewarding, but somehow didn't consider removing it completely. Maybe I was seduced by all the touted health benefits. I've always know instinctively that something related to my adrenal function was being...
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    New supplement stack awoke the beast... or coincidence

    I gave the first try out to a new supplement stack, which apart from creatine which I take every day, contains things I have either taken sporadically or not at all. Each was selected for it's own supposed benefits, and I thought of making up a single bottle with the following and about 500ml...
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    Thinking of trying metformin with TRT

    Hi, I would say after 6 months on TRT I am close to dailled in, or at least the best I've been. Pre-TRT and during TRT I've had periods where I've trained every day, seen my strength and fitness go up (benching bodyweight, squad and deadlift 2x bodyweight, completed tough mudder, found it...
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    Greetings form Kent

    Still getting dialed in on my TRT after 6 months, but making good steady progress. I cannot believe it took me until this week to find this place and learn about things like the amazing role of nitric oxide and the full spectrum of cialis benefits. I have just fired off a whole batch of online...
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    Taking the plunge with CIalis

    Trying to find info on splitting cialis pils is harder than I thought. I've seen it mentioned here that dissolving in vodka then administering the liquid with a syringe is an option. Also wondering if there's an alternative to alcohol as a solvent. I do have lengthy periods of abstention, and...
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    Aromatization and T adjustment when using HCG

    I am interested in adding HCG. I am a strong aromatizer, probably because my BF % is close to 30, with a lot of visceral fat vs subcutaneous. I have settled on 12.5mg exemestane/aromasin every day, with no sign of this being too much. EOD was not enough, and I now have better libido and mood...