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  1. W

    Histamine, Low Libido and ED

    Libido and ED as bad as they have ever been. Tried Prog at night per Dr. Saya's recommendation and no help at all. In the last month, I have weaned off HC after being on it for years and I feel a bit calmer without it, but the sexual dept is as stated. 25 years of this. Close to throwing in the...
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    Anyone supplementing estrogen?

    It's pretty much the only hormone that I haven't tried.
  3. W

    DHEA and DHEA-S

    Thoughts on these from same blood draw? DHEA 1.192 ng/mL 0.630 - 4.700 ng/mL DHEA Sulfate 340 ug/dL 44 - 331 ug/dL Levels good or low?
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    Mouth Pieces for Sleep Apnea

    Anyone been officially diagnosed with mild apnea, tried CPAP and just couldn't tolerate any mask. Then, try a mouthpiece and have success?
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    Iodine and Thyroid

    This happened years ago and again in the last couple of weeks, so may be helpful for some. Various times in my life I have had depression and even after getting hormones tuned up there has been some nagging mild depression that creeps up. My T4 and T3 levels look good, but my TSH has sometimes...
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    Progesterone - where to buy?

    Per my consult, I may be trying 10mg oral Progesterone nightly. But, online all I see is TD creams. Anyone have a good source?
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    Fundamental Protocol Changes

    For men that never achieved subjective success in regards to libido and ED from initial TRT protocols, I have read some having achieved success with scrotal T Creams. Has anyone else done a complete change to protocol in a different manner and found success? If so, what did you do. For this...
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    ADHD, treatments, libido

    So , quite sure I have had ADHD my entire life and considering getting treatment for it. Been 10 years of TRT, Thyroid protocol tweaking with pretty much zero improvement in libido and ED. PT-141, Viagra, Cialis all with minimal help. I have seen read some people get great improvement (and some...
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    DHT and Cortisol

    Yes, this study is in monkeys. However, the different response to T and DHT is interesting. Perhaps, this is why scrotal T cream calms some people down. Dihydrotestosterone differentially modulates the cortisol response of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in male and female rhesus...
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    Wonderings Journey

    Fairly new here, thought I’d start a log detailing my journey and hopefully my progress. I am 49 (hard to believe), developed issues young. Minor issues in my early 20s and major sexual dysfunction around 26 years old. One thing that stands out from my earliest issues was having some ED when my...