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  1. Tremonti22

    Need help with recommended protocol

    Need help guys This will be a long post and i'm sorry for that, but i'm at my wits end. Perhaps Nelson Or Vince could pop in to help a brother out. Been on trt for 6 years, been a member of this community for a while, pretty knowledgeable with trt, side effects, etc. I cannot seem to feel...
  2. Tremonti22

    Testosterone Storage

    Searched and couldn’t find this, sorry if it exists. What’s the best way to store test long term? Freeze it? How long is a 10ml vials shelf life? Could it be frozen for two years and then thawed?
  3. Tremonti22

    At home phlebotomy

    Really sucks having to go to the blood center to do this considering it’s really not that complex. Anyone ever done this at home and just have the wife poke you? I recognize there are several variables one must watch out for (where to stick) etc. but certainly seems one could learn
  4. Tremonti22

    Good TRT knowledgeable doctor in Houston area?

    Any recommendations would be helpful @madman has caused me to see that my doctor sux. Lol
  5. Tremonti22

    Daily Sub Q TRT injection ?

    Hey guys please forgive if this has already been addressed. Current protocol is 100mg every week (every 6 days). Hearing good things about sub q injections. Doc is fine with me doing it. She says to inject 0.07ml daily with insulin Syringe. Question is how many mg’s is that? How many would I be...
  6. Tremonti22

    HCG & Gyno / High E2

    I have a ton of respect for Mr Vergel and I know he said HCG doesn’t raise E2 that much, but I’ve been on TRT 1.5 years / 150 mg twice week (75 x2) & recently got on 500 iu twice weekly HCG. I have never felt better, finally no foggy head and I have all the benefits of the trt, HOWEVER, horribly...
  7. Tremonti22

    How common is gynecomastia really?

    I hear it being talked about constantly, it’s like the boogeyman. How likely is it? I mean I know it varies, but anyone actually know anyone who ever got it or anyone had it? Seems like you’d have to be an excessive aromatizer to me.
  8. Tremonti22

    “Sweet spot E2” vs test levels

    My question is the latest research shows that the so-called sweet spot for estradiol is not possible because all men are different. What I’m interested in is how come that doesn’t apply to testosterone levels why is it not better for me to have a level of 1500 for example. If all men are...
  9. Tremonti22

    Enanthate vs Cypionate

    any thoughts as to why I seem to feel better on the Enanthate vs Cyp? I know esters are slightly different, but I get less acne, less bloat & overall feel better on the E 150mg week Two 75mg injections