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  1. P

    Feel good physically but bad attitude.

    TRT for a few months. No new labs yet. After incremental increases over time in t dosage- finally- Energy, stamina, mental clarity, strength, libido all good when they used to be all bad before TRT. But now, I'm often edgy, lack patience, not angry, but quick to anger if wronged when I used to...
  2. P

    High T and High red blood count Q

    Young heathy men particularly athletes can have 1000 + T naturally. Young men with high T don't typically have high red blood count issues caused by their natural T. Why would young TRT patients or any age TRT patient with the same high T have issues with red blood count?
  3. P

    Hard training and cutting on TRT

    I'm on TRT. Taking days to revover. Sleep is good. Nutrition good, but cals well below maintenance for last 2 months. Training very intense, but can't seem to lift more than 2 days per week. Can't recover. Completely trashed 3 days after a hard work out - dead, multiple naps, lethargy. On...
  4. P

    Post honeymoon TRT crash period?

    I can't find much info on this. How long does it take to shut down natural T production after starting TRT? I'm assuming once your body senses outside T, it shuts down natural T. Right before this happens there should be high T levels, meaning natural T combined with outside T creating a...
  5. P

    TRT vs Pro BBer's

    Do pro BBer's who use much more T (often year around) than TRT patients, complain about the roller coaster symptoms and problems getting dialed in that TRT patients do? Many TRT patients state that too much T is giving them symptoms. Do the pros have these same symptoms using super high doses...
  6. P

    Low Total T - Is There an Option Other Than TRT?

    Is it typical to have free T in single digits and severe symptoms of low T, dial in the proper dose of TRT and feel worse? Scary. I've been told that Total T doesn't matter if you have very very low free T because all the remedies that fix SBGH achieve only a 20% increase max in free T, which...