Search results

  1. M

    Dialing In - Haematocrit & Estradiol Management

    Hey guys, I've been on TRT for about 9 months, and had a very positive experience thus far. Unfortunately, my most recent blood results indicated a couple of anomalies and I was hoping that some of the more knowledgable members here might be able to assist from a knowledge point of view. I've...
  2. M

    Storing T in Syringe?

    Hey guys, I've read some of the advice on this forum and actioned some of the tips, but my healthcare provider just 'blew a gasket' when I told him how I was attempting to prevent T wastage. I'm UK based and my current protocol is 0.5ml of Sustanon 250 every 5days, with HCG every 3.5 days...