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  1. X

    Why do I feel better when my hormones are in flux?

    Hi everyone. Hope you're all well. In late March my doctor changed my protocol and for about a month afterwards I felt great with a really decent libido. Then everything went flat. This isn't a new occurrence to me; it seems that I feel better whenever my hormones are in a state of flux. I've...
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    My prostatitis has improved by me going to weekly injections

    Since February this year I've been injecting 30mg of enanthate every two days. I was originally on 80mg of cypionate every four days but that gave me massive anxiety, but the new EOD protocol sorted that out. However, in May this year I was diagnosed with prostatitis and I've been back and...
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    Can lowering your TRT dose too quickly cause prostate issues?

    Hi all. Hope everyone's well. Quick question: can lowering your TRT dose too quickly cause prostate issues/prostatitis/CPPS? Long version of the story: I've been on TRT since July 2018, and I've spent the tail end of last year and most of this year reducing my TRT dose as it was causing...
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    Titrating down: advice please

    Dear all. Hope you're all well. I was wondering if I might tap into some of the great knowledge of you guys. Thanks to this forum, I recently decided to titrate my dosage of 160mg (test cyp) down to a more "sensible" level where I don't need to use an AI, and still get the benefits of TRT. On...
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    Advice on reducing test dosage

    Hi all, I'd like some advice on reducing my testosterone dosage. Please by all means, treat me like the idiot I am because I still have much to learn. Below is my latest blood test results (as of yesterday). Testosterone translates to 946ng/dl and E2 to 31.3 pg/ml. From what I understand...
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    Hi from Scotland

    Hi all, I'm xib. I'm a 48-year-old from Scotland, UK. I'm about a year into "proper" TRT after self-administering it since July 2018. For me, self-administration was OK, but there difference between that and doing it through a clinic is night and day in my limited experience. Right now, I'm at...