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  1. T

    Daily injection scar tissue?

    Can daily injections cause muscle damage and atrophy? I inject daily alternating between shoulders only. Could this be a problem long term? I use a 0.5” 28 gauge insulin pin.
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    Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Went Up After Donation

    How’s this even possible. On the day of blood donation my finger prick hemoglobin was 17.9. Now these things are notoriously over estimating. Every previous donation finger prick test had me at 19 or 20 which was higher then reality. So this 17.9 should also be higher then reality. Well 8 days...
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    PSA levels on TRT - SURVEY

    Curious to see what everyone’s PSA levels are like on TRT. State your age, pre TRT psa and free % levels and what changes you saw in the first year. Any abnormal spikes? 43 - pre trt psa 0.93 - 3 months into trt 0.77, free 45% - 1 year into trt up to 1.8. Retest pending as this result freaked...
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    Is there a ceiling to Hemoglobin rise?

    Guys, does hemoglobin, red blood cell count and hematocrit go up indefinitely in accordance to test levels injected? So if a guy injects 100 mg a week vs a guy injecting 200 mg vs a guy injecting 500 mg a week how different will their blood markers be? If the 100 mg guy goes up to 18...
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    Dream Protocol?

    If testosterone supply was no issue, and all your blood markers were in check, what would be your dream TRT protocol? And injecting how often? Not looking for your dream cycle or blast. This is something you'd be staying on full-time.
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    Against AIs but willing to try

    I'd like to run a little experiment and try Arimidex. Total Test 926 Free Test 23 E2 non sensitive 72 SHBG 31 Based on those labs, what amount can I get away with using without crashing my E2? Being at 72 I have some room to work with. Here are my questions: - how many times a week should it be...
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    Effects of a random one off mega shot during trt?

    hey guys, what would be the benefits or not, of a mega shot in the middle of your regular trt regimen. let's say currently I'm injecting 64 mg every 4 days. What if for one shot on my next shot I inject something like 200mg. And then proceed with my normal 64 mg the next 4 days. Will I get a...
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    Upper limit for estrogen?

    Guys, is there an upper limit for estrogen aromatization? Do receptors get saturated at some point and level off with testosterone still climbing? What I'm asking is can we beat high estrogen by supraphysiological levels of testosterone and maintaining a good ratio? If my E2 is 72 with test...
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    Calcium D Glucarate eliminates testosterone?

    It's been shown that calcium d glucarate eliminates estrogen metabolites faster. But it also shows that it eliminates ALL steroids including DHEA and testosterone. Can anyone on here comment on this? Or being on TRT and using CDG is not an issue?
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    Pomegranate juice and Hematocrit

    I’ve been drinking pomegranate juice lately as it’s a great anti estrogen and anti aromatase, but I just read a study that states pomegranate juice ingestion raises rbc’s, hemoglobin and hematocrit by quite a bit. Anyone have any experience with this, and would this be more like an adaptogen...
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    T3/Cytomel carbolic?

    Have any of you guys using T3/ cytomel noticed any catabolic effects on your muscles? Or lack of progression in muscle building? I know it's supposed to be catabolic, but not sure at what dosage, and not sure exactly how much corresponding testosterone you have to inject to compensate for this...
  12. T

    High E2 levels with no symptoms or emotions?

    Guys, is it possible to have a very high level of E2, but experience no moodiness or water retention? My E2 is over 72 but I feel fairly emotionless if that makes any sense. Almost like the symptom low E2 guys suffer. Any ideas why?
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    75 mg DHEA too much?

    Guys question about DHEA. I'm currently taking 25 mg a day for the last 3 months, and it's only brought up my DHEA from 173 to 247. Not much at all. So the doc has decided I should try 75 mg a day. Do you think this dosage will be too high? As in high conversion to estrogen too? I've read around...
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    Cytomel (liothyronine) shuts you down?

    Guys, does cytomel shut down your natural production of t3 in the body? I just started taking 10 mcg daily to lower a high RT3 and incrrease a low normal t3. Just saw a video stating that minimum dose should be 25 mcg daily as this is what the body produces naturally? They said it was like...
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    Ferritin recovered in 10 days?

    How is this even possible? I donated a pint of blood 10 days ago, going in with a low level of ferritin of 22. Tested my ferritin again today and........20. Last donation I went from 29 to 19. I did take a 25 mg iron glycynate supp every other day right after the donation on the 19th. But...
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    Low DHT?

    Got my DHT finally tested and it doesn't seem to correlate with the other hormone values. I mean it's normal range high, but the other results are way higher. What could be causing this? I hear dht should be 10% of total testosterone. Trough numbers: TT - 926 FT - 23.2 E2 - 72.5 DHEA - 247 DHT...
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    Thyroid labs results - Insane Rt3?

    Guys need some feedback from the thyroid experts please. Here are my thyroid lab results, rt3 is off the charts! (I know this can be affected by dieting and heavy calorie restriction which I'm currently doing, losing about 15 lbs of fat in 2 months on the ephedrine caffeine stack) Only strange...
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    DIM - Anti-androgen Clarification

    I understand DIM helps with estrogen metabolism and balancing the good and bad estrogens, but can we somehow clarify the studies that say DIM is a potent anti-androgen? Supposedly it binds to androgen receptors interfering with testosterone. Can anyone comment on this? I’ve taken 200 mg a day...
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    Does Testosterone concentration matter?

    Hypothetically speaking I am injecting 70 mg of testosterone cypionate 100 mg/mL every 4 days. So that’s 7/10 of 1 mL syringe. Now let’s say you’re injecting 70 mg of testosterone cypionate 200 mg/mL which would be 3.5/10 of 1 ml syringe. Would the higher concentration of the 200mg/ml hit...
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    Please review and critique the latest labs

    72 mg TE every 5 days. Due to the high hct, hg, rbc I made a blood donation yesterday. So my peak TT/FT is 961 / 23.3, and my trough on day 5 right before injection is 600 / 13.5. Is the trough too low? SHBG 30.9 Estradiol 35 (129 pmol range <162) DHEA-S 173.2 (4.7 umol range <15) ALT 40 (range...
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    Hemoglobin 19.1

    All my numbers look perfect except my Hemoglobin is the highest it’s been at 19.1, hematocrit 56 and RBC 6.94. I don’t have any side effects. Other than anxiety reading online posts about this. Should I donate blood even though my ferritin is lower range at 29? Is flying in a commercial airline...
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    Aspirin before CBC test to affect Hematocrit

    Hey guys, would taking aspirin right before a blood test have any effect on hematocrit values? How about acute water ingestion? Or is the water ingestion something that has visible effects only when you drink enough daily? I drink at least 2 litres a day.
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    Cold feet at night?

    Are any of you guys experiencing cold/burning sensation in feet/soles at night? I seem to randomly experience this. Could be just bad circulation, as I used to get this sometimes before TRT too. Feet do actually feel cold to the touch, so it’s not a neuro type thing. Can it be related to...
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    72 mg TE blood test results! Ideal?

    Here are the total and free testosterone blood test results after 6 1/2 weeks on current new protocol, which is 72 mg TE every 5 days. Test was done 40 hours post injection, so at peak. TT - 33.3 nmol/L (960 ng/dl) range 8.4 - 28.8 FT - 810 pmol/L (23.3 ng/dl) range 196 - 636 FT/TT ratio 2.43%...
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    72 mg TE blood test results! Ideal?

    Here are the total and free testosterone blood test results after 6 1/2 weeks on current new protocol, which is 72 mg TE every 5 days. Test was done 40 hours post injection, so at peak. TT - 33.3 nmol/L (960 ng/dl) range 8.4 - 28.8 FT - 810 pmol/L (23.3 ng/dl) range 196 - 636 FT/TT ratio 2.43%...
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    High hematocrit regardless of dose or frequency. Time to stop?

    Guys really need your input and advice. Regardless of dosage, which isn’t even high, 100 mg once weekly or 40 mg twice weekly, my hematocrit, RBC, and hemoglobin, are not budging. On my latest labs after an 80 mg a week protocol divided into two shots, my haematocrit is still 55, haemoglobin is...
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    Please Read - Protocol Change...

    So, after my hematocrit rose to 54% on 100 mg testosterone (1233 ng/dl peak, 704 ng/dl trough) enanthate once weekly injections , I decided six weeks ago to change my protocol to twice weekly injections, @ 40 mg each. Morning Wood has completely disappeared, libido is pretty low, and actually I...
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    Hematocrit off the charts! Please read...

    Hi guys, I posted this on another forum, hoping to get as much advice as possible. I’m panicking a little with my off the charts hematocrit. At what point is it an urgent life threatening situation? Also does hematocrit, rbc, and hemoglobin go up and down on the same curve as testosterone...