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  1. T

    Estrogen Symptoms PLEASE HELP

    Here we go - I’m off on an estrogen trip again. I am getting labs tomorrow, but results have been taking 10-14 days. I don‘t think I can remain this miserable for that long. I am on .1 Enanthate daily, and .125 Anastrozole every other day. I was taking .125 every 3 days, and my e2 was at 31, so...
  2. T

    Microdosing Enanthate

    Good evening. I have been on TRT off and on for a few years. My last try resulted in my giving up due to inability to control E2 sides. I with the guidance of Defy I performed a restart using Clomid and HCG about 1ish years ago. This initially brought my levels to the 500 range. We decided to...
  3. T

    HPTA Restart - HCG / Clomid

    History: I was unnecessarily placed on TRT for 2 years - 200mg. I came off cold turkey under no supervision, and don’t really remember too much about the side effects, timeline, etc. I stayed off for 3 years, and again went back on. I was logging about 15-20 hours of endurance training a week...
  4. T

    Same Draw - 2 Different Results Quest

    See attached images. I’m not sure why, but Quest sent me 2 results from the same draw, and they both show different results. They aren’t even close - 1 is showing E2 @ 10, and the other @ 23. These are pretty important numbers. It’s the difference between AI, and no AI. The test was ordered...
  5. T

    Weaning Myself Off Pain Meds and Feel like Hell

    Thank you, for the graph. I sincerely appreciate it. My only problem - it’s a mystery. I wish I understood it, ha. I finally received my latest results. Can someone spoon feed me? I have some other health issues going on, so its hard for me to tell where I’m at with things. I don’t know how much...
  6. T

    Quest Diagnostics - Estradiol Range is Inadequate

    See attached. I recentlay had bloodwork done, and my Ultrasensitive Estradiol came back at a 4. Typically, I would say this is low, however, they showed a range of <29. Accroding to them this was in the “Green” zone, and I am good to go. I am not buying it. What are your thoughts? I wasn’t...
  7. T

    Estrogen - Ejaculation

    Question - has anyone found there to be a correlation between the amount of fluid released during ejaculation, and estrogen levels?
  8. T

    Cypionate Dose Reduction

    I have posted a few times about my challenges with e2 management. Well, I gave up trying to dial in with Arimidex, and decided to reduce my dose. My first reduction was from 140 to around 120. It wasn’t fun, but I managed. After 6 weeks my e2 was still running hot, so I went down to about 100 a...
  9. T

    Lower T Dose

    As evidenced by my posts over the past several months - I simply can’t get my e2 dialed in. I’ve tried nearly everything; split dose, sub q, compounded Anastrozole, etc. I’m currently at 140mg Cypionate split between 2 doses, and this puts me in the 1200-1500 total / 3.4 - 3.0 free range. My...
  10. T

    Anastrozole - Stabilization

    I have been struggling with estrogen problems for over a year. I just can’t seem to get dialed in. I was at .1 anastrozole every 3 days, and after 19 days I went high, so I adjusted to .1 every other day. That brought me down to normal after a few days, then a little low, and now high after 15...
  11. T

    Subcutaneous Injections

    I am injecting cypionate subcutaneously x2 weekly, and can’t seem to get my test (free & total) anywhere near my IM injection #’s. They are consistently 25-30% lower. Has anyone heard of, or experienced poor absorption going subcutaneous? Does it take longer to stabilize? How to Inject...
  12. T

    TSH Labs / Hypothyroidism

    Can some please take a look at my TSH lab by Quest, and tell me if this is ok? I can see that it looks to be in range, but I’ve read in various places that it’s high. Thank you in advance.
  13. T

    Subcutaneous Injection

    5.5 weeks ago I changed my dosing from 140x1 IM weekly, to 70x2 SC. I am a relatively lean guy, so it’s hard to tell if I am getting the needle into the fat. What happens if the oil goes into the space between the muscle, and the actual fat layer? I am asking because I finally hit my “sweet...
  14. T

    Subcutaneous Split Transition - Complete Labs

    I posted a couple weeks ago, seeking advice on managing my dose, and transitioning from a 140mg weekly IM injection to a 70mg 2x weekly sub q regiment. I feel like my estrogen is somewhat stabile with .15 Arimidex at injection time. The labs support this notion. It’s only been a couple weeks...
  15. T

    Sub Cuetaneous Transition

    I have been battling high estrogen, for a few months. After posting my challenges on here, I received great advice - split my dose of 140 weekly, in 2 - 70 mg doses. I started out by doing .35 dex at injection time and I tanked, went to .25 tanked, so this week I didn’t take any with injections...
  16. T

    HELP - Beyond miserable

    I have been on TRT, for about 1.5 years. I was diagnosed with a low free T level of 6. I know this isn't terribly low, but it was low enough the dr. put me on 140mg of cyp a week. What he doesn't know is that, I was low because I am an endurance athlete. I don't know why, but this seems to be...