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  1. C

    Labs after discontinuing TRT

    Follow up on my discontinuation of TRT. To keep it short - when I was 24, my total T tested at 159 (264-916) on an afternoon blood test (wasn’t knowledgeable on T at the time and the importance of a morning test). I was Put on Test cyp/hcg for 4 years or so with a brief intermission on clomid...
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    Feeling depressed the day following DHEA supplementation

    My doc suggested 25 mg DHEA at night for sleep. Last night I gave it a shot and slept pretty good. This morning I felt pretty groggy and all day long I have felt drowsy/down/flat/depressed. Is this due to the cortisol suppression from DHEA? I’m thinking maybe I’ll cut the dose down to 10 mg...
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    Supplement with DHEA and Pregnenolone during HPTA restart

    I am attempting a restart after a long and thoughtful discussion with my doc. I was advised to take pregnenolone and DHEA during the restart but I was under the impression that this would be suppressive to my HPTA? I always assumed supplementing those two were fine if on TRT, but suppressive if...
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    Hematocrit increased on EOD protocol

    Hey there, My HCT was 35 pre TRT. On a 2x per week schedule of T-doses ranging from 80 mg per week to 160 mg per week, my HCT never went above 46 despite total t being upwards of 1400-1500 at times. Also about 1000-1200 hcg per week. Now, I recently went to an EOD schedule keeping my weekly...
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    Labs after switching to EOD schedule

    I was on a 2x per week schedule but decided I wanted more stability and less spikes. I have been on the following for 11 weeks now EOD: -23 mg test-c (80 mg per week) -315 mg HCG (1100 mg per week) Symptoms: -insomnia -sweating all the time -fatigue (due to insomnia) -Oily skin -high(er) blood...
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    Blood test timing on EOD schedule of Test/hcg

    I currently take testosterone one day, then HCG the next, then back to testosterone day 3. On an EOD protocol like this, does the timing of my blood test matter if I’m alternating test/hcg? I figure my levels are pretty stable at this point since I’m injecting either hcg or test every day And...
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    Nighttime hunger

    I have been on test for almost 4 years now with a small break in between to try a HPTA restart. Since the beginning, I am often always hungry when I wake up in the middle of the night. No matter how much I eat during the day I almost always wake up in the middle of the night feeling the need to...
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    Looking to make slight change to TRT/HCG protocol; need advice

    I am hoping this will be the last post I make about my current set of side effects. My last dr. appt basically gave me the option of increasing T, increasing HCG or just keeping things to the same. I would prefer to keep my general dosage the same and maybe just change when I take it so that I...
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    Side effects: Acne and restless sleep

    I'm seeking out advice for back and shoulder acne and some mild sleep issues (have lessened with nightly pregnenolone and occasional melatonin). I'm currently 28 years old, I've had the acne the entire time I've been on TRT which is about 4 years with a brief period in between with no treatment...
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    Frequent urination

    I have recently develops frequent urination again, last time I had it was due to low e2 I believe. Here are my labs on 40 mg test 2x a week 360 iu hcg 3x a week Total T: 783 (362-916) Free T: 15.7 (9-26) E2 sens: 24 (8-35) SHBG: 53 (15-55) TSH: 2.1 (.45-4.5) DHEA-S: 346 (138-475) PSA: .9 I...
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    Interesting results with HCG dosage/Frequency

    I just wanted to point out the differences I saw in my T levels with different hcg protocols. Test-C 40 mg 2x a week and hcg 500 iu 2x a week: Total t>1100 Free T- 20 E2 - 34 Test-C 40 mg 2x a week and hcg 360 iu 3x a week: Total t - 783 Free t - 15 E2 - 24 It would appear 360 iu 3x a week...
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    Advice for high SHBG protocol

    I am high shbg, consistently over 55-65 (range 15-55) I am currently on 40 mg test 2x per week and 360 iu hcg 3x per week. I am getting very inconsistent sleep and feeling up/down throughout the week. I know high shbg typically go with larger, single injections but I’m worried that even more...
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    Testosterone Cypionate with Grapeseed Oil Expiration/BUD

    I have a compounded vial of test-C + grapeseed oil that was created 4/13/18 according to the vial and it has a beyond use date of 10/10/18. I must be losing some test-c in my needles because I’m about to run out of my prescription early. Would I be able to use the old vial safely if it has...
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    Testosterone vial shipped and left outside - any issues?

    Random question, but I have testosterone and hcg (powder form, pre mixed) shipping to my place from empower pharmacy, through Defy. I won’t be home from work until about 4-430 so the testosterone cypionate and hcg powder may be outside in ~85 degree heat, but not in direct sun for 5 or so...
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    Managing E2 without the use of AI: Suggestions?

    I am on the following: -40 mg test-c 2x weekly -500 iu HCG 2x weekly I recently discontinued my ai as it makes me feel very bad even at just .125 mg and brings my e2 to low 20s. I have a high SHBG, historically around 55-65 (15-55) and my Total T runs around 1100 with free T anywhere between...
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    A Few questions on HCG to maintain fertility

    I didn't want to bombard the thread that Dr Saya posted those two case studies on HCG dosing so I figured I would start my own to ask a few Q's. I am going to consult with Dr. Saya when my next appointment comes in a month but I wanted to see what you all thought as well (plus it's free to ask...
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    Need help with sleep management on TRT

    Hey there - been back on trt for about 3-4 months. Currently on the following protocol: 40 mg test-c 2x weekly 360 iu hcg 3x weekly .0625 anastrazole 2x weekly - I was on .125 anastrazole 2x weekly but my e2 was at 24.5 and I was still having joint pain so I decided to cut the dose in half to...
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    When to have blood work done if injecting 2x per week

    I’ve seen people say test-c will peak at 3 days post injection.. so do I have the blood work done at peak or trough? Because if I’m injecting every 3.5 days and getting blood work done right before my next injection, isn’t that my peak? I am typically a Saturday night/wed morning dosing...
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    Clomid with high shbg

    I am curious if there is any way to have long term success on Clomid despite being prone to high SHBG. I have always been over the range, my SHBG was at 60 (15-55) even on injections. I tried a Clomid restart and it shot my SHBG up to 90 (15-55). So after 4 months on Clomid, my total t was at...
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    Pre-trt bloodwork was done at 2pm

    I just looked at my pre trt blood work from 2015 because I was curious about some numbers. I was 26 at the time. Turns out it was a 2 pm blood test and wasn’t fasted. My numbers were as follows: My total T: 159 (348-1197) Free t: 4 (9-26) E2: 10 (8-42) I am concerned now that maybe my...
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    Blood work on Clomid and 1 month after quitting

    On Clomid: Total T: 726 (264-916) Free T: 11 (9.3-26.5) - **low** E2 sensitive: 14.7 (8-35) - **low** SHGB: 89.3 (16.5-55.9) - **high** DHEA sulfate: 350 (138.5-475.2) One month after quitting Clomid: Total T: 473 (264-916) Free t: 6.9 (9.3-26.5) E2: 14 (8-35) Feeling dead tired a lot. Should...
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    My recent thyroid blood test

    Tsh: 2.78 (.4-4.5) T3 free: 3 (2-4.4) T4 free: 1.18 (.82 - 1.77) Reverse t3: 14.2 (9-24) Thyro antiB: <1 (0-.9) TPO Ab: 8 (0-34) I was having hypo symptoms but they may be related to low Testosterone. Waiting on those results too. What do y’all think?
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    When to get labs after quitting clomid

    I’m 28, was on injections and hcg for 1.5~2 years with test levels over 1200. Urologist determined I may no longer need exogenous testosterone and I went off injections and onto Clomid for 4 months with the first three being at 25 mg eod and the last month at 12.5 eod. I quit Nov. 6th. My...
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    Endo Doctors in Atlanta area

    Hopefully take insurance, looking to optimize my thyroid levels. No longer on TRT so it doesn’t have to be a doc that prescribes the typical test/hcg/ai protocol.
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    Looking for solid endocrinologist in Atlanta, ga

    Any recommendations? My TSH is a little high at 2.9 (.4-4.5) so I’m going to have more labs drawn and possibly seek out an endo in Atlanta. My urologist doesn’t seem to be worried about anything other than fertility...
  26. C

    Labs on Clomid right before discontinuing it

    Total T: 726 (264-916) Free T: 11 (9.3-26.5) - **low** E2 sensitive: 14.7 (8-35) - **low** SHGB: 89.3 (16.5-55.9) - **high** DHEA sulfate: 350 (138.5-475.2) TSH: 2.86 (0.45-4.5) - **high** T3: 2.6 (2-4.4) Any tips on how to bring down TSH and maybe increase e2? Should I look into taking DHEA...
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    Coming off Clomid after restart

    Doc is taking me off Clomid to see how well I do without any hrt. Here are my lab results on 12.5 mg clomid EOD for 2 months and nothing else except a multivitamin, vit D, etc. Total T: 726 (264-916) Free T: 11 (9.3-26.5) - **low** E2 sensitive: 14.7 (8-35) - **low** SHGB: 89.3 (16.5-55.9) -...