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  1. D

    Recent labs and AI recommendations

    Been trying daily shots T-cyp at ~16mg/day. Skipped the .25-.5mg arimidex during this period to see the results. Also using dhea at 25mg/day. I would've dropped the dhea, but really seems to help with chronic sinusitis/rhinitis. Did this for about 6wks and ran labs. Didn't realize E2 was so...
  2. D

    Any thoughts on these numbers?

    About 6wks ago increased levothyroxine from 50 to 62.5ug
  3. D

    Lab timing with daily shots

    Is there a significant peak/trough with daily shots of T-Cyp? TIA
  4. D

    Daily Cyp injections and Labs

    I've recently switched from a "T clinic" to a urologist. With this I've changed from weekly Cyp. injections to daily. He's pretty by the book and will be wanting my levels in the "normal" range. I like mine prob a little higher. Long story shorter, I'm curious how levels roll down after stopping...
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    Ferritin =114(scale 24-380)

    Should I supplement?
  6. D

    Trying daily sub-Q cypionate

    It was like 6 weeks with weekly shots to reach "steady state", how long on daily shots?
  7. D

    Other side effects of higher test levels

    Start by saying I have labs with new urologist next week. I've been with a low T clinic for quite awhile(years) & have done fairly well with weekly injects of 200mg+ My levels read prob 1000 at trough, I know some guys have done this and reported they definitely felt better at lower doses...
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    Anyone know of a good maybe excel template for tracking dose vs labs?
  9. D

    Once weekly vs twice weekly inject

    Prob discussed numerous times but search didn't reveal. I'm about to go from once weekly test cyp inject to twice weekly. What can i expect?
  10. D

    Is it possible to get a prescription for test these days?

    I'm 62 and have been on trt for almost 6 years. UHC has covered weekly shots at the local clinic with no copay. Just pay for labs and extras. However, last week it was noted that I would have to see a provider every visit now. This costs $45 a week. I'm looking for options. Sent an email to my...
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    Creatine and DHT

    Has it ever really been verified that creatine raises dht? Would've never thought so but seems like my prostate pings me after use now.
  12. D


    Funny, one website says things like cruciferous vegetables, soy, herbs etc lower estrogens, the next website assures one that these same things raise estrogens. One says lowers cancer risks, Next says raises cancer risks. Surely there's a way to basically test this sort of thing?
  13. D

    Nitric oxide and inflammation?

    Does beet juice, arginine, citrulline, taldalafil? make my OA worse?
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    I've been popping half a gram of l-tyrosine with my t4 each morning, temperature rises much faster. Reading 98.x most mornings by 7:30. Any drawbacks to this?
  15. D

    T4 helps me sleep. Anyone else?

    Most nights I wake after a good nap. Last night about 2:30 woke right up. Maybe most people wake but return to sleep quickly perhaps. I was up until 4ish. Theanine wasn't enough to go back down. I decided to take T4(50ug) at that time. Takes about an hour I guess but woke sleeping like a baby...
  16. D

    Considering "micro dosing" AI?

    Weekly shot test cyp(I know), was recommended 48hrs post inject to take.5mg anastrazole. I found I felt much better taking anastrazole about the same time as shot. As it is preventative only, this made sense as the T spiked the ai would alongside. This does leave E perhaps unattended after a...
  17. D

    Grounding Reduces Blood Viscosity
  18. D


    Anybody have any thoughts about this?
  19. D

    Omicron - asymptomatic protocol?

    Hey guys, omicron is at my place of work in the form of two employees testing positive but without serious symptoms. Seems like Covid protocols for supplements and such were suggested earlier. I'm just trying to gather ideas here. I'm taking 10k iu vitamin D, B complex, gram or two of C, E...
  20. D

    How many like/dislike effects of HCG?

    Just wondering how many guys get favorable results using HCG? (Well being, mood, libido etc. other than fertility)
  21. D

    Fast Metabolizers?

    Anybody have any theories on why one guy does great on 100mg test/wk and others (like myself) struggle to get their say free test in a good range? I remain curious. Could adrenal or thyroid be a reason?
  22. D

    T4 helps me sleep

    Anybody know really why an hour after I take my 50ug dose of T4 I sleep like a baby? I often wake at 2-5 and if I take it then, an hour later I sleep blissfully.
  23. D

    Nitric oxide vs antioxidants

    Hey guys, I like to use arginine, citrulline, etc to encourage nitric oxide for blood flow as do some others. However it's come to my attention that at some point it's a free radical. Also using antioxidants may decrease nitric oxide? How do we get the best of both worlds? Any thoughts?
  24. D

    Melatonin gives me insomnia?

    Used to work but now at best go to sleep for a few hours then wake. Even at lower doses. Seem to get this from any form of magnesium recently too. Used to love zma. Take theanine at that point. Takes awhile to take effect but at least I can get up for work. Anyone have any thoughts on this. TIA
  25. D

    HCG protocols?

    Hi, my doc has recommended 500iu hcg on days 3 & 5 alongside my once a week cyp injection. I'm thinking days 4 & 6 might work better? Don't see alot of hcg protocols for trt when googling. Any thoughts? TIA
  26. D

    Turmeric and iron?

    Wonder if this could help hematocrit? Iron Deficiency Anemia Due to High-dose Turmeric