Search results

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    Cypionate dose protocol for a male.

    I completed several searches here and online but was unable to find the answer to this question. If an HRT male's testosterone levels are at 500 ng/dl what would be the weekly subcutaneous dose of cypionate at 200mg/ml to increase those base levels to 600 ng/dl?
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    Vitamin D, and supplements.

    Recently I have been evaluating and researching the many supplements I take on a daily basis due to insomnia and becoming fully awake at 3:00 am. Currently I am only taking vitamin D3 125 mcg twice daily and sleeping much better. Next week I am going to have elective surgery and read this...
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    Has anyone had success losing fat with T3/T4 therapy?

    Has anyone had success losing fat with T3/T4 therapy? If yes, was this the dose or what the dose doubled. This combination is from Empower T3/T4 Liothyronine/Levothyroxine sodium 9/38 MCG capsule While taking 1 (one) capsule upon waking with water, then no food, or coffee for at least 30 minutes.
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    Question about dosage of T3/T4 dosing and Thyroid values.

    63 years of age and have struggled with fat loss for decades. I walk 70,000+ steps per week, lift weights 5 days per week. I eat a very strict diet consisting of: oatmeal, chicken breast, salmon, lean pork, vegetables, yogurt. I weight the meat for correct portion control. I am...
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    Low cortisol levels (adrenal exhaustion) vs. low calories and starvation mode

    Hello, This morning I read a post from 1-24-18 "Belly fat Won't Go Away" Madman commented, "Put my money on it that your calories are too low so your basically in starvation mode" How would I determine if I am in starvation mode vs. low cortisol levels, adrenal exhaustion? I am 59 years of...
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    Statin Question

    There are many side effects attributed to statin use. I experienced cramping in my hands and legs and stopped using Crestor 10mg daily 2 years ago. I have read posts that suggesting that due to many side effects statins should only be taken when a person experiences an event: stroke or heart...
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    Oxandrolone Decreasing Abdominal Fat in Obese, provider in florida?

    There are a few articles describing the benefits of Oxandrolone in decreasing abdominal fat in obese 40-60 year old men. Absolute Pharmacy stocks Oxandrolone Capsules. Would anyone know of a provider in Florida that would prescribe Oxandrolone from Absolute? Defy Medical does not use Absolute.
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    In search of Endocrinologist or thought leader concerning complex thyroid conditions.

    Hello, There are many people here, including myself, with complicated thyroid issues. My goal is to find an endocrinologist or thought leader in the area of thyroid treatment. I noticed that the author of the book "Stop The Thyroid Madness" (Janie A. Bowthorpe, M.Ed) offers one-on-one...
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    Have you had success increasing your IGF-1 with peptides?

    Have you had success increasing your IGF-1 with peptides? One person here mentioned that his IGF-1 baseline was 100. After taking Ipamorelin + CJC1295 for 6 months his IGF-1 levels increased to 200. In addition, he had a reduction in body fat, reduction in visceral fat, increased muscle mass...
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    sermorelin and ipamorelin used together

    Hello, Recently I was prescribed to take sermorelin 1000mcg sq each night along with ipamorelin 360 mcg sq each night. I have searched this site and the internet but have not found this combination. Has anyone used this combination before? Thanks,
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    IGF-1 LR3 vs. Ipamorelin CJC1295

    Hello, New member here. Thank you Nelson for this great site. I have learned a lot of very helpful information in a short period of time, contacted members directly, and now have located a provider to analyze my labs. I have been researching this site and the web. Does anyone have...