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  1. D

    Gyno, pseudogynecomastia, or just fat?

    Evening Gents, So pecs have been bothering me for a long time now. I feel like I look like I have breasts. Wanted to get opinions from you all to see what you thought it looked like? Obviously I need to goto the dr and have it checked out, but cosmetic will cost me a fortune I am sure. Do not...
  2. D

    Testosterone Compound Cream Absorption / Labs / Ect

    Morning Gents, So I have been running Empower RX Compound cream for I guess a little over a year now Id say. Mine is 200mg/ml and I just do one click. From my understanding absorption was only around 10%, but pharmacist today said you absorb most of it? Thoughts? All the time I thought I'd be...
  3. D

    Help with Low Free Test / High SHBG

    Evening Gents, First time posting, but have been browsing for a bit. Figured I would reach out and see if I could get some advice. Brief history, have been working out on and off since 18 or so. Messed around with pro hormones and did a few cycles when I was younger (never followed a PCT...