Search results

  1. S

    Where can I get HCG now?

    I'm at my wits end trying to refill my HCG. I have a prescription from my local GP. He used to send the prescription to Empower but, as we all know, they no longer sell it. Here's what I've tried so far: Local Walmart pharmacy: Insists that they don't carry either generic HCG or Pregnyl even...
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    Compounded hair loss products vs. plain old Minoxidil

    I'm experiencing some receding at my temples and thinning on top due to high DHT since upping my test dosage. This is the only dosage that's been completely effective for me so I'm hoping that I can stay at this dosage and also keep my hair. Dr. Saya at Defy recommended some of Empower's...
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    Are there any drawbacks to starting Minoxidil before I really need it?

    I'm 39. I've been on TRT for several years. I'm fairly sure my hair is starting to thin in the back and along the front of my hairline. I'm not 100% sure that I'm not being paranoid, just "pretty sure." I've heard it's important to start Minoxidil as soon as possible once hair loss starts. Is...
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    What's my best bet for lactose free protein powder?

    I seem to get skin breakouts from whey protein powder and I'd like to try something lactose free. What's my best bet for a lactose free protein powder that's as complete and effective as possible? Preferably cheap and decent tasting, but my first priorities is lactose free and as effective as...
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    Does anyone notice a difference switching from Nature-throid to Armor thyroid?

    I take 1 grain of NDT every morning. I've always gotten Nature-throid (65mg) but for some reason this time the pharmacy sent me Armor (60mg) instead. I'm feeling more fatigued than usual, but I also just changed my testosterone and anastrozole doses. I'm wondering how likely it is that the...
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    Securetabs - Are They Still Around?

    I've ordered successfully from securetabs in the past, but apparently their website's changed again and I can't find the new one. Anyone know if they're still around and where to find them? If not, any suggestions on a reliable place to order tadalafil?
  7. S

    Any need to raise low DHEA if I feel fine?

    I've been struggling for a long time to get my TRT dialed in. Small changes in free T and E2 seem to have a big effect on me. I've finally found a protocol where I consistently feel really good, both mentally, physically, and sexually - 28mg Test subQ daily, 125 IU HCG subQ daily, 0.08 mg...
  8. S

    Waaaay too much pre-cum after TRT dosage change

    Sorry in advance for the gross topic, but I guess that's kind of what we specialize in here. I've been on TRT for 2 years at various dosages trying to get dialed in. Sometimes at different dosages I have more or less pre-cum. After my latest dosage change through Dr. Saya at Defy I now have...
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    Gene's NO stack: Pycnogenol vs. "Pine Bark Extract"

    Has anyone tried Bulk Supplements Pine Bark Extract powder in place of the Pycnogenol in the NO stack? What were the results. I've seen a lot of back and forth here and elsewhere over how it's a slightly different ingredient. Is it still effective? If so, and even if I had to take twice as much...
  10. S

    Can I take l-citrulline with food or not?

    I've been scouring the internet and finding conflicting answers on this. My bottle (NOW brand) says to take between meals. says "To supplement L-citrulline for circulatory health or to alleviate erectile dysfunction, take 1,000 mg of citrulline, three times a day with meals, for...
  11. S

    Morning wood but no daytime wood. Does this shed any light on what's going on with me?

    I've noticed this when I was having ED problems before starting TRT and almost every time when I have problems while on TRT. There have been times on TRT when my levels were way off and I didn't even get morning wood, but most of the time when my levels are good or close to it I get great...
  12. S

    Dissolving anastrozole tablets in vodka. Does it work? Any tips?

    I'm switching to a dose of 0.08mg anastrozole daily. I'd like to get started on that new dose asap before the new compounded capsules come in the mail. I have some leftover 1mg anastrozole tablets and I've read various accounts of people dissolving them in vodka to get accurate microdoses...
  13. S

    Still not dialed in after 2+ years on TRT. Labs included. Help?

    I'm a Defy patient and waiting for my appointment with Dr. Saya in a month or so. I'm feeling pretty bad and hoping to get some suggestions and answers from the community here or maybe from Dr. Saya if he's around and sees this. I've been on TRT for over 2 years now, with Defy for around 10...
  14. S

    When are my peak and trough e2 levels with this protocol?

    I'm taking 56mg test cyp every OTHER day, 125iu HCG every day, and 0.05mg Arimidex every day. I'm trying to plan some blood draws. With this protocol, when would I expect my peak and trough estradiol levels to fall?
  15. S

    Ordering from secure tabs

    Based on recommendations from several other members here I've ordered in the past from "Secure Tabs" with no problems. But I'm wondering why they keep changing the domain name for their website? Since I've started using them they've gone from to and now to...
  16. S

    HCG - 350IU 2x per week vs. 100IU every day

    I'm currently on Testosterone cypionate, arimidex, and HCG. I'm taking the HCG at 350IU 2x per week (subQ). I've seen a lot of guys recommending daily dosage so I'm thinking of moving to 100IU every day. What can I expect this change to do as far as my T and E2 levels? It's the same amount of...
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    Left my reconstituted hcg unrefrigerated for 6 hours. Is it still good?

    I messed up and didn't put my vial of hcg back into the refrigerator after taking a dose. It sat in a 75 degree (F) room for around 6 hours before I noticed and put it away. Is it still good?
  18. S

    Keeping testosterone above reference range. Is this ok?

    I'm on doctor prescribed 100mg testosterone cypionate IM 2x per week (for a total of 200mg per week). I've been on this protocol for 8 months now. I feel good, but my testosterone levels are above the reference range. This dosage keeps me between 1295-1470 total testosterone (range: 348-1197)...
  19. S

    How long do I have to wait to re-test e2 after changing arimidex doseage?

    I really need a straight, scientific answer to this. I've read various responses to this question on this and other forums. They range widely from 10 days to 3 weeks to 6 weeks. All of them seem to just be wild guesses with no actual data to back them up. I'm sure that there's some way to...
  20. S

    Questions on DHT level and hair loss

    I've been on TRT for around 7 months total, the last few months on an increased dose of 200mg cypionate per week (100mg 2x per week.) I just had my DHT tested for the first time. Result: DHT 816 (Range: 112-955 pg/ml) So I'm within the reference range, but right near the top. I have...
  21. S

    Empower Rx Pharmacy review - HCG

    I just recieved my first order of HCG in the mail from Empower Rx Pharmacy - The price was great. At $75 + $10 shipping for 11,000 IU of HCG it's the best price I've found. It was very easy and a good experience. My doctor faxed them my prescription and...
  22. S

    Some questions about

    I'm about to place an order on based on some older reviews I read here. I have a couple of questions for people who have used them: I'm ordering 20mg generic Cialis pills (regular pills, not "superactive" not liquid, etc.) What manufacturer will I get? I've noticed a difference...
  23. S

    Can I predict when peak and trough E2 levels will occur?

    My current protocol is 100mg Testosterone Cypionate injected on Tuesdays and Fridays, and .25mg arimidex taken on Wednesdays and Saturdays (24 hours after each injection). I'm wondering when I can expect my peak and my trough E2 levels to fall within this weekly cycle. Any thoughts?
  24. S

    Please help me dial in my arimidex doseage

    I need help figuring out what arimidex doseage to try next. Brief history: I was on 200mg test cyp per week (split up as 100mg 2x per week) along with .5mg arimidex 3x per week. Within 3 weeks this crashed my E2 down to zero. I next tried 200mg test cyp per week (split up at 100mg 2x per...
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    Questions regarding tests

    I've used privatemdlabs in the past. I've been checking out and the prices look great, but I have a few questions: 1. Estradiol test: I've been using the "Estradiol, Sensitive" test at privatemdlabs with good accuracy and results. I believe that it's the RIA method, but not...
  26. S

    HCG dose and timing for this TRT protocol?

    I've been on TRT for around 5 months. My doctor, while seemingly very knowledgeable on TRT, doesn't think that HCG is necessary and doesn't use it. I've been doing some reading online and am now convinced that it is important to add HCG to my protocol. My doc is usually pretty good about going...
  27. S

    How does one differentiate between gynecomastia and non-gyno nipple growth/sensitivity on TRT?

    I'm a 36 year old male and I've been on TRT for a little over 3 months. After approximately 3 weeks on TRT at 100mg Testosterone Cypionate every 7 days I started noticing changes in my nipples. They'd get pointy and erect much more easily when cold, or even at room temperature with my shirt...