Search results

  1. C

    Lowered PSA, 2.99 to 0.92, in Three Months

    As noted in other posts, my PSA leaped dramatically in a little over a year, 1.00 to 2.99. Though still below the magic number of 4.00, the velocity puzzled me and alarmed my doctors. My urologist in Toronto was using words and phrases like “biopsy,” and “suspending your TRT protocol for a...
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    SelectMDX Prostate Cancer Screening Rather Than Biopsy

    A “puzzling” velocity rise in my PSA over the last 15 months prompted my urologist to utter the word, “biopsy.” I responded, “SelectMDX,” the reasonably new, non-invasive urine test that tracks two bio-markers and can rule out prostrate cancer with an extremely high degree of certainty. We...
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    SelectMDX - Advanced Prostate Cancer Screening Test Now Available in Canada

    MDxHealth Signs Partnership with LifeLabs to Make SelectMDx Available in Canada LifeLabs has partnered with MDXHEALTH to make the SelectMDX prostate screening test available in Canada for the first time. Just as Dynacare teamed with LabCorp to bring sensitive estradiol testing to Canada...
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    A Message From Nelson Vergel: Deletion/Closure of Threads and Posts

    A Message From Nelson Vergel Recently a controversy has arisen regarding the deletion and closure of threads and posts on Excelmale. The language used by certain members was heated; it was said that Excelmale was indifferent to free speech, engaged in knee-jerk censorship, and was even becoming...
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    When Depression Strikes

    In July of 2018 I was six months past my 60th birthday and enjoying a Canadian summer, looking forward to a number of trips my wife and I had planned. By the end of August I had lost three friends to death and saw my own health being threatened. By September, always a wonderful month in Toronto...
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    Improve Sperm Quality By Eating Nuts?

    Men who ate about two handfuls of mixed almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts daily for 14 weeks improved their sperm count and had more viable "swimmers", scientists found. The study comes amid a decline in sperm counts across the Western world, linked to pollution, smoking and diet. Researchers...
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    Nitrate-Cured Meats and Mania: An Association

    Diets high in nitrates were associated with higher risk for experiencing a manic episode, a recent study has shown. Among those with a history of psychiatric disorders, people who reported eating a history of dried meats cured with nitrates had increased odds of currently experiencing mania, a...
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    Conscientisousness, Longevity, Hair Cortisol Levels

    Conscientiousness is associated with greater longevity and other favourable health outcomes, but the processes underlying these links are poorly understood. Health behaviours such as physical activity and avoidance of smoking and excessive alcohol consumption may contribute, but direct...
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    SHBG: Is it Really A Marker for Diabetes?

    SHBG, low testosterone, and type 2 diabetes. It's frequently said that a low SHBG value is a marker for type 2 diabetes - is that really the case? An Australian study examined prospective associations of SHBG and sex steroid levels in a cohort of community dwelling-men (ages ranging from 35-80)...
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    Testosterone & Cancer Patients: Hope in Fighting Body-Wasting

    Cachexia - A loss of body mass that's common to cancer patients. Almost 20% of cancer-related deaths are attributed to this syndrome which is marked by a rapid and/or severe loss of fat and skeletal muscle. A recent study in the Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia, and Muscle shows that testosterone...
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    Loneliness: Another Study Paints a Bleak Picture

    Loneliness isn't just a fleeting feeling, leaving us sad for a few hours to a few days. Research in recent years suggests that for many people, loneliness is more like a chronic ache, affecting their daily lives and sense of well-being. Now a nationwide survey by the health insurer Cigna...
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    Statins Prevent Kidney Stones? Yes, According to a New Study

    It's known that lipid levels, higher lipid levels, are an independent risk factor for kidney stones. A recent study confirmed that these is an association between statin therapy and fewer kidney stones. All patients who were newly diagnosed at the University of Chicago with hyperlipidemia...
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    Vitamin D and Semen Quality: Disappointing Study Results

    Many men with hypogonadism present with dramatically low levels of Vitamin D. Animal models and cross-sectional cohort studies suggest that Vitamin D may have a beneficial role in male reproduction. A randomized clinical set out to determine the effect of 25-hydroxyvittamin D and calcium...
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    Higher T:E Ratios in Postmenopausal Women - Increased Risk of Heart Concerns

    Postmenopausal women who had higher testosterone to estradiol ratios had an increased risk for incident CVD, CHD and HF events, according to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. “Although sex hormone levels may be linked to future cardiovascular events, it is...
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    Diet & Prostate Cancer: Mixed Results

    A decade ago, J Kellogg Parsons, MD and colleagues published their pilot trial of the Men’s Eating and Living (MEAL) study, assessing the feasibility of implementing a diet-based intervention in men with prostate cancer. Among 74 men aged 50-80 were randomized to receive either...
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    Thyroid Function: Restoration of Serum Levels Helps Low-T Men

    It's a common issue - impaired thyroid function is so often involved in hypogonadism. Thyroid hormones play an important role in reproductive and sexual function in both males and females, however, comprehensive information on the ill-effects of hypothyroidism on leydig cell, sertoli cell and...
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    We Need Sleep...Another Study Confirms Its Importance

    New members coming to Excelmale are often questioned about their sleep. As has been pointed out time and again, there is an epidemic of undiagnosed sleep apnea in society that can - and does - hammer hormonal function. However, sleep disruption, manipulation of circadian rhythm, is a core...
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    Getting Off the Biopsy Train in Prostate Cancer

    One of the topics all of us on TRT always remain wary of is prostate cancer. In a recent article, the issue of how prostate cancer is diagnosed and managed was discussed thoroughly. As may not be getting on the biopsy train if you receive a positive diagnosis. Freddie Hamdy, MBChB...
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    Estradiol in Men and Cognitive Function - What is its Role? Does Direct Supplementation Help?

    As part of prostate cancer (PCa) therapy, many men are deprived of all androgens. This "chemical castration" leads to profound hypogonadism and exceedingly low levels of estradiol. It also results in serious cognitive impairment. A recent study asked the question: can estradiol supplementation...
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    Sleep: Its Impact on T-Levels, ED, BMI, and Nocturia

    Sleep - its role in maintaining men's health can not be overstated. Recently, at the American Urological Association Convention, three studies were presented that showed just how critical adequate sleep is for men. Nocturia and poor sleep quality have been linked to such daytime problems as...
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    Tramadol Abuse: Impact on Sperm Quality, T-Levels, Prolactin

    Tramadol, a Schedule IV Controlled Substance in the United States, is an abused opiate - particularly in the Middle East. A small study was undertaken to investigate tramadol impact on sperm quality and on levels of testosterone, prolactin and gonadotropins, in tramadol abusers (n = 30) to...
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    Viagra or Placebo: Surprising Results From a New Study

    It's been known for years that PDE5 inhibitors, Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, improve erectile function in men. However, a surprising number of men in a double-blind, controlled study of sildenafil (Viagra) responded well - better than expected - to placebo as opposed to the active drug. These men...
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    Article: Case Report: HCG Restores Spermatogenesis

    You can view the page at
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    Genetic Testing & the Choice of Anidepressant

    For over 30 years, they've been praised to the sky and vilified as virtual poisons. Antidepressant - few drugs, since the era of antibiotics arrived in the wake of the second world war, have received as much media attention. At the recent annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, a...
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    ED and Psoriasis: An Association

    Several studies have shown a relationship between psoriasis and erectile dysfunction (ED), but a meta-analysis of the data has not been performed. A systematic literature search was conducted using MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane databases, and Google Scholar. We calculated pooled odds ratios (OR)...
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    Fasting May Regenerate/Repair Intestinal Stem Cells

    It's a mouse study - the point is acknowledged. However, new research at MIT raises some intriguing points. As people age, their intestinal stem cells begin to lose their ability to regenerate. These stem cells are the source for all new intestinal cells, so this decline can make it more...
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    Healthy Lifestyles & Life Expectancy - a Look at the US Population

    Americans have a shorter life expectancy when compared to residents of almost all other high-income countries. Using data from the Nurses' Health Study (1980-2014) five low-risk life style factors were identified: never smoking, body mass index of 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m(2), at least 30 minutes of...
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    Can a Peptic Ulcer Drug Tame Superbugs?

    Antibiotic resistant superbugs are a major public health issue that threatens the entire globe. Drug-resistant infections kill around 700,000 worldwide every year. The World Health Organization predicts that number could increase to ten million by 2050, exceeding the number of deaths caused by...
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    TRT's Termination Impacts Body Comp/Fat Loss

    It's been established that testosterone treatment, TRT, can augment diet-associated loss of fat mass, while protecting against loss of lean mass. A study assessed whether body composition changes are maintained following withdrawal of testosterone, the cessation of TRT. The short answer is no...
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    Hematocrit Levels: What We Can Learn From Transgender Studies

    One of the most frequent, unwanted side-effects for men on TRT is the rise in hematocrit levels. A recent study of trans men highlighted the issue. In trans persons on gender-affirming hormonal treatment, a decrease (in trans women) or increase (in trans men) in hematocrit is often observed...
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    Topical Finasteride and Hair Loss: Study is Encouraging

    Currently, only topical minoxidil (MNX) and oral finasteride (FNS) are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia. Although FNS is efficacious for hair regrowth, its systemic use is associated with side...