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  1. B

    Good neww for those with BPH

    A close friend who is 62 years old had the Rezum procedure. He said he is peeing like a 16 year old ! He said his stream is MUCH stronger. He is still retaining urine because his bladder is stretched due to him waiting too long to address his BPH issues. That said, he is extremely happy with the...
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    New BPH therapies

    3 new BPH therapies I have recently read about. 1) aquablation ( this seems like the best ) 2) iTind procedure 3) butterfly bph therapy. They are conducting studies now. all 3 of these are very effective and fully preserve sexual function.
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    My calcium score is extremely high !!!

    In in my 50’s and in good shape. Genetically my LDL ( bad ) cholesterol is a little high (128) and my total is 198. i never smoked amd barely drink. I just got a calcium score( scan ) that should be zero and mine is a staggering 750. My cardiologist just had me add zetia to my crestor and...
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    My Urologist gave me saw palmetto last week

    My urologist noticed i have been retaining a little urine so in conjunction with flomax which I have been taking, he gave me 2 bottles of saw palmetto gel caps at NO charge. He says it works. Any opinion or experience?
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    Most will have something abnormal in blood work

    Don't get me wrong, I look forward to looking at improving blood work results. That being said, there is almost always something that will be too High or too Low. I think 99% of the population will have at least 3 flags in their blood work. Unless its "way out" of the range, we shouldn't hyper...
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    Anyone here use Metformin ?

    Im wondering if it is a safe long term medication if you are “ borderline pre diabetic”? Example, fasting glucose of 110... anyone have any thoughts?
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    Statins raised my fasting glucose ...

    My fasting glucose is usually 88-93. Now that I am on a low dose of crestor, my fasting glucose juped to 103 and Now its 105.. again, doc isnt concerned but I am. this could lead to more body fat and other issues. Statins ( many ) increase glucose but heart docs seems to brush it aside aas long...
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    Worried about my creatin levels

    Every so often my creatin levels are elevated. This time it was at 3.2. The top of the range is 2.7 with lab corp. last time it was 2.1. Another time it was as high as 3.5. Another time it was 1.8. my doc never even mentions it. My gfe or what ever its called should be over 59.. mine was 61. It...
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    My Thyroid improved ?

    My last blood test my TSH was 2.42. Now it is 1.94. my Free T4 is 1.23. looks good I suppose. Opinions?
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    Who is currently taking Thyroid medication ?..

    Who is currently taking thyroid meds? If so, my questions are as follows: 1) did you notice an increase in energy level ? 2) Did you notice an increase in your mood? Are you in a much better mood? 3) do you notice you burn fat easier? 4) did it improve your cholesterol levels? thank you in advance.
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    My Crestor ( Statin ) Concern. Small issue

    i have been taking crestor at only 5mgs Per day. My cholesterol dropped dramatically. However, im a bit concerned with some other numbers. LDl went from 127 to 79. total cholesterol went from 203 to 146. hdl is now 49. my A1c is 5.3 below are my big concerns : opinions please? my mchc is...
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    Opinions on Thyroid resuts

    Hi guys my doc says they are good but wanted some feedback. free t4 is 1.11 ( .82- 1.77 ) ng/dl free t3 is 3.0 ( 2.0 - 4.44 ) pg/ml tsh is 2.420 ( .450- 4.500) uIu/ml
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    Constipation causing Prostate issues ?

    I think i may have read this. Can being constipated cause prostate infammation? I always wondered if no bowel movement could cause a prostate issue.
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    Feeling normal- i have been off T for 2 years

    I have been off T for a little over 2 years. I am not taking any clomid or anything. It took almost 2 years for me to really recover. Yes, thats how long it took. I can now have sex and get an erection anytime with no issues. My mood is much better and consistent. My energy level is good but not...
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    High Creatinine number

    My creatinine level was high ( 1.38 ) I think the range is .09 - 1.30 Six months ago it was only 1.12. All my other kidney number were fine. My CK number was good. My doc didnt even blink when i mentioned the high creatine. He is a cardiologist. He didnt seem concerned. Of course i now am.. I...
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    Anyone taking Statins ( Crestor )

    Any of you guys have LDL issues and need to take a statin such as crestor? Any side effects? How long have you been on?
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    Very important blood test- particle number and size

    Guys Although we all need to get LDL cholesterol checked, the more important number is particle size and particle number. You can have good LDL numbers but if the particle number is high and the particles are small, you are at very high risk of a cardio vascular event. Get those numbers checked.
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    When you have normal T levels

    I just wanted to ask you guys something. You guys mean to tell me if any of you were a reputable endocrinologist or urologist and a patient in his 40’s or 50’s came in to see you complaining of low libido, energy, ect and you had his Testosterone levels: the tests showed his “natural total T”...
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    Great article on TRT with finasteride

    Injected TRT earns high marks for safety, effectiveness Says injections are safer than a patch.. why??? This article may surprise you... Hint, its about dht.
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    Enlarged Prostate and DHT levels

    Hey guys, i thought i saw a thread that said your prostate wont grow any larger whether you have a dht level of 150 or only 50. Is this correct ???? I guess you need to have very low dht levels in order to shrink it or prevent further growth. I think reference range is 35-79..
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    New therapy for Enlarged Prostate

    Its called “ Rezum “. It evaaporates excess prostate tissue using Steam. Its a very quick procedure that can be done right in the doctors office. No issues with incontinence, no erection issues, no ejaculaion issues. Another procedure called Uro Lift also has no side effects. They say the...
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    For those that do not benefit from TRT alone: Is growth hormone an option?

    Just read an article about a guy who was a bit low in testosterone. Thyroid was fine and was in ok shape but had low T. Doc prescribed T injections which helped libido but still had low energy despite his T levels now being 785 opposed to his natural level of 326. His free T was also in a good...
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    Men who have good natural T levels.—-

    Very healthy men with good T levels who excercise experience the same fluctuations in mood and libido as most men on T injections/ replacement. I feel far too many men “ overly adjust dosages” in order to find that perfect level. There really isnt one. The key is to find a dosage that keeps you...
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    Feeling anxious, depressed, and NO Confidence

    I have been off TRT for 18 months and about to get some blood work done. I decided to see if i can recover naturally. That said, for the past 6 weeks i have been feeling somewhat anxious, depressed, and i have zero confidence. These are all signs of low T and i will soon find out as a result of...
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    Low Testosterone saving a marriage ???

    Just thinking out loud. Im wondering if low T can actually be good for a marriage. I am not advocating not working out and dieting, quite the contrary. However, low T makes me more calm and also lowers my libido big time. I have a theory which probably pertains to no one but here it is anyway...
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    Doctor gave great TRT advice

    I recommended my doc to my buddy who has low T. He has been on for over 9 months using injections. His total T is now 810 and his estradiol is 28 and free T is a healthy level as well. He keeps telling me some days he feels great and other days not so great. I reply, “ ok, so does the rest of...
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    Opinion on thyroid results

    Hi guys.. any opinion. Free T4 - 1.12 ( .82 - 1.77 ) Tsh - 2.34 ( .45 - 4.50 ) T4 - 7.2 ( 4.5 - 12.0 ) T3 - 115 ( 71 - 180 )
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    Estrogen and dht ?

    Any of you have a concrete answer as to how dht blocks estrogen? Also how blocking dht raises estrogen?
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    Using nandrolone with Testosterone for less side effects

    I read something rather interesting where the report implied that using small amounts of nandrolone in conjunction with T can minimize side effects such as hair loss and prostate enlargement. Nandrolone converts to DHN, not DHT. DHN has a very weak affinity to the AR and is much less androgenic...
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    Flomax giving me good erections

    I need to ask my urologist but since taking flomax is am getting nice morning erections. If i dont take it, erections are weaker or dont happen in the morning so its definitely the flomax. I find this to be a rather welcome side effect. Anyone else experience this? Fyi, flomax doesnt really...
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    Does anyone else experience this issue after ejaculating ?

    Not to sound graphic but do any of you experience irritation after ejaculation? I guess its in my crotch area ( perinium). For a day or two i have an feeling of irritation and i have a sensation to urinate.