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  1. J

    Total or free testosterone?

    Hi Im wondering if I should go after Total or Free Testosterone. If I have total in the high range like this blood test shows. Total 988. reference 221-716ng/dl Free 12.5 reference 7.0-36.7 ng/dl SHB 80 reference 11-78 nmol/L Then if I increase the T dose to go after the free T it will look...
  2. J

    Scrotal application?

    It has been some discussion about scrotal application of testosterone. Does anyone here have more info about that? 1) Is that a special cream or just the regular T-gel? 2) If you are taking cyponite, and add the scrotal do you lower the dose of cyponite or? 3) Do you have to test your DHT if...
  3. J

    Thyroid T3 ok T4 low

    Hi guys. Just a little simple question. My T3 is in a good range using Nature-Troid, but my T4 is low, do I get any benefit to rasie my T4 into normal range, or is it enough to have the T3 optimal? Johann
  4. J

    Thyroid or Ferritin problems?

    Hi guys Thyroid or Iron problem? I do have a problem with heart palpitation, anxiety, chest pain, brain fog. Not always, I can be good for a 1-2 months and then it hit me and I'm bad for 1-3 weeks. I have taken "all" the blood tests and had EKG, 24 hour EKG, Ultrasound, and all "good" there. But...
  5. J

    Low Prolactin.

    Is there any way to increase Prolactin with Supplement, diet? My level came in at 6.1 Johann
  6. J

    Should I Donate? Confusing Results

    What do you consider low ferritin? I'm having problem with my Iron, as I have Hemochromatosis but my ferritin is at the low end but high iron and high saturation. Johann.
  7. J

    Would my wife benefit from HRT with those numbers?

    My wife just got her lab test. Testosterone 30ng/dl Free Testosterone 1,3 pg/ml Estradiol 41,9 pg/ml Progesterone 2,5 ng/ml She took the Blood test on day 1 of her period. (I think its called the Follicular phase) And she is 47 years old.
  8. J

    Free t3 good, Free t4 low.

    Hi, I have been able to get my Free T3 in a good range 3.7 but my t4 sames to be hanging in 0.9-1.0 Should I ask my Dr to add t4 to my protocol or is this just fine? Or add t4 from bluesky? Im taking 4 grains a day of nature throid. Did take 2 at 6am and another 2 at 2pm. But did change...
  9. J

    What dose of Sermorelin for Women?

    Does anybody have any input on if Sermorelin is effective for women, and in what dosage?
  10. J

    Thyriod Storm.

    A long story short. 12 months ago I was doing Iodine protocol, and when I was tapering down to 12.5mg dayli maintenance dose, I got a Thyroid Storm, though I was having a stroke:( I was a mess for about 6 weeks, and the Dr that I have seen are not helping.. By...
  11. J

    Starting TRT Numbers.

    First Test 10/20/13 Not using anything Test- 472 Free- 6.4 Second Test 11/26/13 Using Test C a Week Test- 378 Free T- 5.9 E2- 8.1 Will go up to a week now, and add 125 iu HCG ED and take next blood test in 4 weeks..