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  1. Will Brink

    Lactoferrin: A Broad Spectrum Anti-Viral Peptide

    As COVID-19 is the current topic, I have condensed and updated my lactoferrin discussion specific to anti-viral effects of lactoferrin: 20 years ago (how time flies!) I wrote about the impressive anti-viral, anti microbial, anti caner, immune supporting effects of lactoferrin via Life...
  2. Will Brink

    The Game Changer: faux documentary

    Due to the influx of Qs and comments about the faux documentary The Game Changers, I have posted some comments and links to excellent reviews for those who want the facts: This is not going to be a review of the recent faux documentary The Game Changers per se. As others (linked below) have...
  3. Will Brink

    Creatine as Cancer Fighter

    Yet another potential benefit of creatine is that of an essential immune support supplement via energy for antitumor immunity. While this is a mouse model, there’s no reason to think it does not apply to humans as the cellular mechanisms are essential the same: “...our results have identified...
  4. Will Brink

    Alkaline Water Facts

    Total scam or health-promoting drink? I cover the topic below and the answer is probably not what you'd expect: One can’t throw the proverbial rock and not hit yet another obnoxious ad of some sort for alkaline water, with claims to cure all that ails ya, from genital warts to fear of flying...
  5. Will Brink

    Inflammation, motivation and dopamine

    There's a fascinating connection between inflammation, dopamine, and motivation: "Why do we feel listless when we are recovering from an illness? The answer is, apparently, that low-grade chronic inflammation interferes with the dopaminergic signaling system in the brain that motivates us to do...
  6. Will Brink

    Oxytocin is an age-specific circulating hormone that is necessary for muscle maintenance and regeneration

    Raising Oxytocin and effective strategy for combating sarcopenia? Needs more data but interesting: Oxytocin is an age-specific circulating hormone that is necessary for muscle maintenance and regeneration Nat Commun. 2014 Jun 10;5:4082. doi: 10.1038/ncomms5082. The regenerative capacity of...
  7. Will Brink

    Why Running (Still) Sucks...

    Thirty plus years or so, I have been saying that running is the most overrated form of exercise on the planet, while resistance training (RT), the most underrated. At that time, there was little data to support that position and only dumb muscle heads lifted weights and those truly interested in...
  8. Will Brink

    DHEA: Does It Have Non-Hormonal Benefit?

    DHEA: Does It Have Non-Hormonal Benefit? Monica Mollica explores that topic via Brinkzone and it's a very interesting read: DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is most known for being a pro-hormone which in the body gets converted to testosterone and estrogen. It is a long held view that DHEA...
  9. Will Brink

    The "old guy" workout :)

    Yes, my “hard core” days are over. When I was younger, my priority was getting bigger and stronger, and that was basically it. These days, I’m often experimenting with my own programming in an attempt to find a balance strength, conditioning, and body composition, that fits my schedule, goals...
  10. Will Brink

    Got Zombie cells?

    Q is rhetorical as the answer is yes, and it's a key to aging we can address now! The Age Reversal Network is the place to get info on the cutting edge anti aging/longevity science and treatment: "As cells reach the end of their life cycle or become severely damaged, most self-destruct via a...
  11. Will Brink

    Whey cancer cachexia syndrome

    More whey win: a new review focused on the potential value of whey in cancer cachexia syndrome. It should be noted that some sub fractions in whey may directly inhibited cancer cell metabolism which this review mentions in the abstract: Review Whey Protein in Cancer Therapy: A Narrative Review...
  12. Will Brink

    Bodybuilding Revealed Ebook (FREE)

    Here's the spiel if interested: Over 20K copies sold, a massive tomb covering supplements, training, and nutrition, now FREE. BBR set the standard for such science based information designed to get results people want, and save them $ (by knowing what supplements are worth using, and which are...
  13. Will Brink

    Creatine Supplementation Improves Aging Muscle, Bone and Inflammation

    Hot off the presses, a great review on more general health/anti aging benefits of creatine as it applies directly to aging: Review Effectiveness of Creatine Supplementation on Aging Muscle and Bone: Focus on Falls Prevention and Inflammation J. Clin. Med. 2019, 8(4), 488; doi...
  14. Will Brink

    NAD, Hype Or Miracle Molecule?

    Confused over all the hype over NAD? I get down to the facts vs hype over this molecule and even had an NAD infusion done myself! Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is an essential cofactor found in all living cells, essential for energy production. To get a tad more technical, it’s found...
  15. Will Brink

    Low Fat Vs Low Carb and Weight Loss

    I read an awful lot of studies on nutrition, supplements, and so forth per my job, most not really worth noting here on BZ. Not that they are bad studies per se, but they don’t really tend to tell us anything we don’t already know or add much to the body of knowledge. Once in a while a study...
  16. Will Brink

    Rationale for Using High Dose Testosterone to Treat Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

    So, we come full circle to T potentially being used to treat some forms of prostate cancers: "Rationale for Using Supraphysiologic Testosterone to Treat Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer.” We have known for decades that androgen deprivation offers remarkable efficacy and palliation for men...
  17. Will Brink

    Tattoos and Your Health

    The popular fad of covering yourself in ink may have serious repercussions people may not consider before doing it. Various colors contain heavy metals; Mercury, lead, antimony, beryllium, chromium, cobalt nickel and arsenic, to name just a few. Ironic to me, the high % of trainers and online...
  18. Will Brink

    Lower Cortisol/reduce stress with whey?

    Whey protein never fails to amaze and surprise me for its long list of potential benefits. One unexpected benefit of whey may be that of a mood elevator and antidepressant. This effect of whey is actually not a new finding. I wrote about that in an article on how whey may assist weight loss in...
  19. Will Brink

    How Important Is Exercise For Weight Loss?

    If you’d asked me a decade ago what was the best method of weight loss, if I choose only exercise or diet, but not both, I would have said exercise all day. That is, increase exercise, lean body mass, and so forth, to create a caloric deficit vs reducing calories if I could only choose one...
  20. Will Brink

    Poor Quality Control In The Pharmaceutical Industry: A Report

    Our FDA "approved" and regulated drugs may not be safe due to quality control issues in pharma. I have updated an article I wrote in 2010 on the topic with a 2019 report, that suggests things are no better and people are getting sick, or worse... Poor Quality Control In The Pharmaceutical...
  21. Will Brink

    Vegan Diets: The Raw Truth

    There are many controversies regarding the vegan nutritional approach. For those who want the facts on vegan diets, those considering being a vegan, as well as those who are vegans, here is the authoritative article on that topic. In this new article, I have taken on the big task of addressing...
  22. Will Brink

    Testosterone and SOF War Fighters

    An interesting lit review on testosterone and the impact of SOF training on T levels. As expected, low cals, lack of sleep, etc crashes T levels, leading to loss of muscle mass and reduced performance. It does show the powers that be are at least taking a look at this topic with the view of how...
  23. Will Brink

    Gainswave For ED

    Gainswave is becoming a popular treatment for ED, but is it justified? The data suggests it's a valuable treatment for a very specific group of men, and not a first treatment of choice for most others. Those men who have micro vascular occlusion by fibrosis, complications of diabetes, and...
  24. Will Brink

    Vasper, a breakthrough in Fitness?

    Vasper is an exercise machine that employs several approaches that have shown promise in studies for improving performance, health, body composition, strength, and recuperation. Those are compression/occlusion, cooling, and intervals. All three of those modalities have shown beneficial effects...
  25. Will Brink

    Resistance Exercise Reduces Cognitive Decline

    My article via Life Extension Magazine discussing how resistance training is essential for body and mind. Resistance Exercise Reduces Cognitive Decline "When we think of the benefits of exercise, we tend to think of its ability to reduce cardiovascular disease, strengthen bones and muscles...
  26. Will Brink

    My Trip To NutraBio

    Here's my full report: "Most also know I rarely recommend any companies, and if I do, it’s few and far between. When I do, it’s because I personally know the owner, or have done some consulting work for the company and know how it operates, where and how products are sourced and produced...
  27. Will Brink

    IF vs Standard Diet

    Intermittent fasting (IF) is all the rage, but is it any more effective for weight loss than typical dieting? Many studies that looked at the Q were too short and or too small. This one ran a year and was 100+ people enrolled. What did it find? IF (5:2) no better than standard dieting on various...
  28. Will Brink

    The Golden age of Bodybuilding On Tape!

    Those old enough to remember the 90′s know it as the “golden age of bodybuilding” and it was! The magazines – pretty much all of whom I wrote for – were at their peak in sales and popularity, the industry was growing rapidly and still a lot of fun, and people actually cared about who won...
  29. Will Brink

    High Reps vs Low Reps: The Science

    What does the science say? Based on the excellent recent meta-review of the data by Brad Schoenfeld et al, I have add some thoughts on the matter, with links to some additional reading by BrinkZone author Monica Mollica, etc. Should those focused on hypertrophy incorporate high rep training into...
  30. Will Brink


    Folks, my latest novella, Soul-Mind is up on Amazon. If you enjoyed the last two sci-fi stories, this one has some elements of both. The cover is a bit generic, so may have to use something else. Thoughts on cover? I look forward to your reviews/feedback. See ==> Soul-Mind
  31. Will Brink

    Max "fat burning" (Review)

    "fat burning" is the non science way of saying fat oxidation What are the factors that leads to maximal fat oxidation? Here's an excellent review paper on that topic. Essential take home however is - and what lead to decades of bad fitness advice (e.g., "aerobics 'burns' more fat so that's what...