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  1. Keith Willse

    Is Aveed (Nebido outside the US) Long Acting Testosterone Injection The Answer For Men's Low T? Dublin, Ireland, March 6, 2014 / PRNewswire / — Endo International plc (NASDAQ: ENDP) (TSX: ENL) announced today that its operating company Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc. received U.S. Food and Drug...
  2. Keith Willse


    Happy New Year !! Wishing all of you Health and Happiness in 2014 :)
  3. Keith Willse

    Exercise Can Increase Liver Function Tests

    If you have recently started a vigorous workout routine in addition to your TRT/HRT (Which I highly recommend, if you are able) make sure you inform your physician and or clinician as your base line chemistry can and will change. I have personally seen a clinical significance with my ALT and...
  4. Keith Willse

    Excellent Website

    This website has some very good information. Check it out as they even recommend Nelson's book! Testosterone: A Man's Guide ;) If you don't own a copy of Nelson's book, I would highly recommend it as it has some very good and helpful...
  5. Keith Willse

    New Gadget

    The Polar Loop is water proof ;) I will be adding this gadget to my toy box, lol.