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    Do many people take 35 EOD=245 or 40 EOD=280 or higher dosages? One guy who posts a lot on FB and YT says he does 350 every week to feel right and doesn't worry about numbers.
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    Storing pre-loaded syringes.

    When you fill a lot of syringes for a couple of weeks. How do to store them, needle down, needle up, on their side, or it doesn't really matter? I always pull the plunger back to take pressure off the needle.
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    Getting syringes in Illinois online.

    I used to get them from the EasyTouch store and they are still out of stock. I use 27g .5cc or 1cc 100 pack. I'm willing to try 28g if in stock. Amazon will not ship to Illinois and other online suggested on here will not without a prescription. Starting to get low again.
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    Daily injections-what is the average dose of people that inject daily?

    Daily injections-what is the average dose of people that inject daily?
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    When did the Easytouch store start charging shipping???

    When did the Easytouch store start charging shipping? Is there another place to buy for a cheap price that doesn't charge shipping? Amazon doesn't sell to my state. I use easy touch 27guage, 1/2 inch, .5 cc
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    Pharmacy switching 10ml/200mg to 1ml/200mg without telling me

    Dr. prescribed my 10ml/200mg that I've been taking for over 2.5 years and my wife came home with 7 bottles of 1ml/200mg. I called and asked about the mess up and they said the bottles expired after 28 days and would not let me return them since she had already left. Is this right and what about...
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    Tips for drawing the last test. cyp. from bottle.

    Tips for drawing the last test. cyp. from the bottle. Syringes fill great till I get to the last of the bottle.
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    What is average for most people taking daily doses of tadalafil for harder erection and lowering blood pressure?

    What is average for most people taking daily doses of tadalafil for harder erection and lowering blood pressure? tadalafil (Adcirca)(generic) tablet 20mg 90 tablets @GoodRX CVS Pharmacy90 tablets of tadalafil (Adcirca) 20mg GOODRX Coupon Price $67.39 What is the best way to break into 4 pieces?
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    High free test

    What to do to lower free test and raise total or is it nothing to worry about if you feel ok but not as good as I'm wanting. Total TESTOSTERONE, SERUM 739 264-916 01 NG/DL Adult male reference interval is based on a population of healthy nonobese males (BMI <30) between 19 and 39 years...
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    Has anyone added oral daily MK-2866 (ostarine) and GW-501516 (cardirine) along with there testosterone injections?

    Has anyone added oral daily MK-2866(ostarine) and GW-501516(cardirine) along with there testosterone injections? If so, switch one or both, dosages, results?
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    Does anyone have exp. with this or the company that sells it?

    Does anyone have exp. with this or the company that sells it? I this something to stay away from? Mass Stack 3 in 1; 90 capsules (Testolone RAD-140: 30mg, YK-11: 12mg, Ligandrol LGD-4033: 15mg) Regular price$225.00 $99.99 Sale (Link Removed)
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    blood test time

    Switched to 3.5-day shots Tues.- 6 am and Fri.- 6 pm. Coming up on 6 weeks Fri., should I give blood early Fri. morn when they open at 8 am or when they close at 4 pm? Do most people not drink or eat the night before giving blood?
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    3 1/2 d- bt

    Switched to 3.5-day shots Tues.- 6 am and Fri.- 6 pm. Coming up on 6 weeks Fri., should I give blood early Fri. morn when they open 8 am or lastest they take 4 pm? Do most people not drink or eat the night before the test?
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    3.5 day testosterone injection blood test time

    Switched to 3.5-day shots Tues.- 6 am and Fri.- 6 pm. Coming up on 6 weeks Fri., should I give blood early Fri. morn when they open 8 am or lastest they take 4 pm? Do most people not drink or eat the night before the test?
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    3.5 day injection blood test time

    Switched to 3.5-day shots Tues.- 6 am and Fri.- 6 pm. Coming up on 6 weeks Fri., should I give blood early Fri. morn when they open 8 am or lastest they take 4 pm? Do most people not drink or eat the night before the test?
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    Is Mucuna Pruriens Effective to Improve Libido?

    Does anyone have any experience with this - Mucuna Pruriens? Reading it will lower stress, reduce anxiety, improve focus, boost libido and improve mood.
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    When will the search feature be back?

    Trying to search the last couple days and get this every time - Oops! We ran into some problems. A server error occurred. Please try again later. Wanting to switch to insulin syringes and stick twice a week and thought would be lots of info here already. Like how to fill syringe, can you use...
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    Should I fast before bloodwork?

    Should I fast before bloodwork for free and total? This time the nurse told me to fast before I go get blood test, never has before. Test isn't till 3pm haven't ate since 5pm last nite.
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    Hair on head turning curly after trt.

    My hair on my head is turning curly after being on test. cyp. for 6 months. Does anyone else notice this or is it a coincident? The lady the cuts my hair mentioned it too and asked if I was on some kind of medicine. I told her I was and she asked what and I said I would rather not say. She said...
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    Doctor that will prescribe HCG in So. Il.

    Need a Doctor that will prescribe HCG in So. Il. My Doctor is getting me test. cyp. 200mg/10ml, but will not prescribe HCG. Do not won't a clinic like Defy or Primebody, would like local. When I try your Doctor finder, I get this error. We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceed Our server...
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    Next blood test.

    Lowered test cyp injection from 1ml-200mg weekly to .5ml-200mg-weekly. Today will be 4th shot on lowered dose. Should I get new labs today before shot or wait a couple more weeks?
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    1 vial (10ml) of Pregnyl 10000 units

    1 vial (10ml) of Pregnyl 10000 units $108.38 with coupon. Is that a fair price and how many shots would I get out of vial at 2 shots a week 500iu?
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    2nd lab back 1100 total

    I am i not feeling any effects yet? Started out 200 now 1100, but no effects good or bad,been 5 weeks. Taking 1ml of 200 every week.
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    First injection of test. cyp.

    Got first shot Tues. of Test. Cyp. 200ml. Will be getting one once a week, how long before I feel any affects? Dr. said 18 to 30 hrs, nothing so far.