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  1. S

    As of today I am involuntarily off of TRT - Thanks Empower

    After many attempts and many hours on hold I finally got an operator to answer my call and refill my prescription on April 4th, but she said shipping times are 7 to 10 days. I immediately started taking half doses. Today I eked out my last few milligrams of test prop out of the vial. Its day...
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    Testosterone Proprionate Availability after Empower Move

    With Empower having moved to a new facility California patients will not be able to fill prescriptions until the licensing process is complete - and there is no timeline for that last I checked. I was wondering what other compounding pharmacies can fill test prop prescriptions for Californians...
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    Allergic reaction to test proprionate?

    I've been using 15 mg of test prop daily for a few weeks now. I rotate between six injection sites. Lab values are right where I want them to be. I am kind of a stoic so I tend to ignore side effects but I finally realized yesterday that all six of my injection sites are achy and/or inflamed...
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    Daily subq test before and after test cream

    I thought I would post these for guys who are curious about test cream. These labs are two weeks apart at same time of day. I am on 18mg a day of subq test cyp. Defy recommended I add two clicks of test cream to the scrotum daily for DHT affects. Apologies for not testing DHT. This is the...
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    Does variation in peak/trough equate to libido?

    I have been on TRT for about three years. In January I switched to daily injections in an effort to control hematocrit, acne and sleep issues. I began at 20 mg per day and have slowly decreased my dose down to what is now 14 mg per day under the theory that the lowest possible dose is best. I...
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    Okay to stop Ipamorelin/CJC-1295?

    I've been using this combo at 200 units five out of every seven days for about 8 months. Whatever results I may be experiencing are so subtle as to be indiscernible but I was in top shape with dialed in hormone levels when I began. I am considering taking a break from it so see if I can sense...
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    PT 141 diminishing effect on erections?

    Has anyone experienced diminishing effect from Pt 141 over time? It worked extremely well for me the first few uses but got less and less over time. The side effects, nausea and muscle soreness, did not decrease. The vial, which I keep refrigerated, is a couple months old. Could it degrade...
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    Some success, some challenges w/ daily protocol

    On the advice of Defy I switched to a daily protocol 12 weeks ago. I was on 140 mg of test (70 mg twice a week) and 150 IU/day of HCG. I now inject 18 mg of test daily w/ no change to HCG dose. I just ran my first labs after 12 weeks. In terms of side effect management it has been a complete...
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    Are Peptides supposed to ship reconstituted?

    Just received my first vial of ipamoreline/cjc-1295 from Tailor Made and it came reconstituted. I did not realize it until I got home and went to mix it. I HOPE it was shipped on ice but I don't know as it shipped to my doctor and they had it waiting for me at room temperature. Is this...
  10. S

    Weird response on labs after switching to daily injections

    After conferring with my doc I got him to switch me to daily injections after dealing with a decrease in SHBG and huge increase in E2. Was injecting 70 mg test and HCG 500 IU twice a week now 20 mg test a day and no change in HCG. Baseline labs were 1060 TT, 18.5 FT and 41.8 sensitive E2...
  11. S

    Weird drop in SHBG leads to sudden E2 issue.

    I have been on TRT for 2.5 years and have had textbook levels - TT around 1000, FT in the 20's, SHBG fluctuates between 45-50 and E2 typically matches SHBG. I have never had any E2 symptoms though I will admit that my regimen would create an E2 nightmare for most - test cyp 60 mg every 3.5, HCG...
  12. S

    Why so little info on Bremelanotide (PT-141-Vyleesi)?

    There is an astonishing lack of talk on here about a drug which attempts to address something that we talk about all the time and have zero tools to fix - libido. Now that we have multiple phase three studies to review on Pubmed and an FDA approved product perhaps we need to start gathering...
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    Scrotal T Cream - chasing the Honeymoon

    I have been on TRT for about 2 and a half years and am pretty rock steady on a regimen that works for me. Labs are good and I have resolved my side effects which in my case were horrible acne and sleep issues. I am currently on Natesto, 50 mg of test cream applied once a day to the scrotum...
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    Natesto Trial Complete - Back to Injections

    I am just finishing my fourth month of Natesto therapy and am calling the experiment complete. I am going back to injections. My goal was to see if I could restart my HPTA which was a common occurrence in the extended clinical trials but my FSH and LH are still unreadable. I would give it...
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    Natesto thread

    I have not seen or read much on here about Natesto. I am giving it a trial run and thought I would share my experiences in an effort to get some info out there. Brief history: On TRT for 20 months High SHBG guy (44-50) Best injection regimen was 80mg twice a week and HCG 150 IU daily (TT-1000...
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    Sleep issues caused by TRT

    I would consider myself a TRT success story except for one thing. I have never at any time in my life had an issue with sleep but now that I have my numbers dialed in, TT of 1000, FT of 25, SHBG, E2 and DHEA all within normal range, I wake up at 3:00 AM every single night and am unable to get...
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    Libido advice for varicocele patient - test gel?

    I started TRT about a year and a half ago after being diagnosed with bilateral varicoceles and showing a total T in the low 400's and a free T of 5. I had the varicoceles successfully removed but started TRT because my symptoms were terrible and I was not sure what damage was done by the...
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    Updated Trimix discussion - need advice on injecting

    I would like to start a new trimix thread for those of us who are new to the product. After considerable study (basically reading every thread on excel male going back years) I decided to take the plunge but I am doing so in a conservative and thoughtful way. I was torn between differing...
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    Some yet to be asked questions about Trimix

    I think I can safely be described as a TRT success story. I am 49 next month and went on TRT after being diagnosed with two massive varicoceles that required surgery. The effect TRT has had on my body composition and overall health have been amazing: body fat percentage dropped from 20% to...
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    Discountedlabs free estrogen test results in

    I typically run a sensitive estrogen in the 50's on my labs. My SHBG is also in the 50's. I have been on TRT for about 15 months and the numbers are pretty consistent. I do all the stuff that people caution will spike estrogen: 80 mg test cyp every 3.5 days, 400 IU HCG M W F and DHEA 25 mg...
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    Timing of sensitive free estradiol test

    I have always run a high estrogen level but I also run a consistently high SHBG. TT - 1010 (264-916) FT - 16 (6.8-21.5) E2 (sensitive) - 40.8 (8.0-35.0) SHBG - 42.6 (16.5-55.9) My last labs were actually low for E2 and SHBG which have both run in the 50's for months, but I have been steadily...
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    New TRT patients be hopeful - 14 month results

    I embarked on this journey 14 months ago and rode the roller coaster for months before taking charge of my own health and with the advice on this board and discounted labs finally dialed in my regimen. I see posts on the board all the time from new patients experiencing depression, anxiety...