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  1. robs2nd75

    Recent labs....

    Does anyone have any thoughts in regards to hyperparathyroidism and/or T3 supplementation? [h=4]Lab Test Results[/b] acth, plasma...
  2. robs2nd75

    Does T3 effect GH?

    Endo added T3 today but she doesn't want me to start until after my GH stim test. Curious if in fact it effects GH and how so?
  3. robs2nd75

    TRT and Gym Injuries

    I have been on TRT for roughly a year now and have had numerous injuries in the Gym. My GH is normal I have no idea why this keeps happening. I am significantly stronger than ever before but the frequency of injuries is alarming. Does anyone have any ideas?
  4. robs2nd75

    Frequency of testing ?

    Since obesity and diabetes effect T levels should the frequency of labs increase if a man is losing weight and or gaining control of their diabetes?
  5. robs2nd75

    Supraphysiological T levels

    How long is it safe to be slightly elevated and what are the negative sides to look for?
  6. robs2nd75

    hGH and Intermittent Fasting

    Any thoughts on intermittent fasting to increase hGH?
  7. robs2nd75

    Is Testosterone immunosuppressive?

    To be fair, I am taking this link from Michael Scally's pg. and he indicated that it was not. I wanted to know the various views of members here..........
  8. robs2nd75

    Exercise recovery and Testosterone levels

    At present I am only working each muscle group once a week as my ligaments/tendons are having a difficult time keeping up with strength gains. I have read that muscle recovery takes anywhere from a minimum of 36 hrs. up to 72 hrs. How should I schedule my workouts w/ respect to TT levels and...
  9. robs2nd75

    Help with blood work, please

    I have never had so many things off in my BW before. Have felt like garbage for a couple of months. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Lab Test Results lipid panel Test Low Normal High Reference Range Units cholesterol, total 179 100-199 mg/dL ldl cholesterol calc...
  10. robs2nd75

    How to post on excelmale.

    I have seen this question/ statement about difficulty posting on excel. Here are the simple steps: 1. Register with excelmale. 2.Log in to excelmale. 3.Click on "forum." 4.Click on "Post New Thread." 5.Type in the text box. 6.Click on "Submit New Thread." Sometimes after you login it will...
  11. robs2nd75


    Does anyone have any experience with Victoza?
  12. robs2nd75

    Buyers clubs

    Could someone please explain buyers clubs to me? How do they work? What are the requirements and benefits of joining?
  13. robs2nd75

    Abdominal work ?

    I have read more contradictory advice on abdominal work than any other subject. From number of sets to weighted vs non-weighted movements to recovery it seems that everyone has differing opinions. I wanted to see the general thoughts of excelmale members on the ideal ab workout and recovery...
  14. robs2nd75

    Body Fat testing ?

    My understanding is that water always reads as lean tissue with bf testing. Is there any form of bf testing that isn't thrown off by water and if so what does the water weight read as?
  15. robs2nd75

    Insulin and bodybuilding?

    I am a Type II Diabetic and my physician is considering employing insulin. I have read that many bodybuilders use insulin. Does insulin help to increase muscle growth, if so why, and when should it be taken for maximum benefits?
  16. robs2nd75

    TT vs FT which is more important and why?

    Many physicians will test for both but some neglect to test for Free T. If FT is a measure of what our bodies actually use why are physicians (seemingly) placing more importance on TT? Should men be more concerned with their FT or TT and why?
  17. robs2nd75

    Supraphysiological Testosterone?

    It is my understanding that supraphysiologic levels of TT over a long period of time can be harmful. (Please correct me if I'm wrong). Are high levels of FT harmful when TT is in the normal range? Recent Labs: testosterone,free and total Test Low Normal...
  18. robs2nd75

    Weight loss plateaus

    Does anyone have any suggestions for weight loss plateaus?
  19. robs2nd75

    Estrogen: Definitive answer on E2 testing methodologies

    I'm sorry but the more I read the less I understand in regards to E2 testing. I have had the sensitive assay and the regular one and both are almost the same when considering the reference ranges. To be more specific, I am right in the middle of both reference ranges. I've had several E2 labs...
  20. robs2nd75

    Phlebotomists suggestion for those that bruise and/or have a great deal of pain

    The phlebotomist told me today that they just taught her a new technique for patients that bruise or have pain. Pinch the fat and then twist it before injecting. This method of injecting is kind of a variation on the z-track and should help to prevent bleeding. She also stated, as Gene did in a...
  21. robs2nd75

    How long can one avoid lifting before experiencing a loss?

    For whatever reason there are these periods of time where I just don't have the time or desire to go to the gym. How long can I avoid the gym before some of the gains are lost?
  22. robs2nd75

    Does Testosterone cause dependence/addiction?

    All of the research suggests that their is no physical dependence to exogenous Testosterone. Most of us have realized incredible improvements in physical and mental health from T as such what are your thoughts on psychological dependence to T?
  23. robs2nd75

    How to get your Dr. to prescribe something they are reluctant to.

    Having an issue getting my Dr. to prescribe HCG. Does anyone have any advice other than going the illegal route? He is fairly well versed in TRT and feels HCG is overrated and expensive. I think this question applies to many drugs/ therapies in the TRT/HRT world for most men.
  24. robs2nd75

    lowering testosterone

    There are conditions that require or at least are benefited from lower levels of Testosterone. Any advice on how to naturally lower testosterone to a low normal?
  25. robs2nd75

    Injection pain

    Why, at times, do I feel intense pain and muscle twitching during an injection and at other times feel absolutely nothing?
  26. robs2nd75

    Dark urine after T shot

    Why is my urine always very dark a few hours after my T shot? I have taken excess vitamins in the past and urine is always neon yellow this is more of a dark yellow.
  27. robs2nd75

    How to get a rough idea how much your medical procedures will cost.

    This link is via Dr. Scally; . I found it to be very accurate for several of the procedures I've had. Hope this helps those who have are having financial anxieties. Please post any other websites that give similar info.
  28. robs2nd75

    Research publications/ websites

    Which research publications/ websites do members use? I personally favor pubmed = but am always looking for some other good sites.
  29. robs2nd75

    AAS Pros and Cons

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of AAS vs TRT w/ say a TT of 900?
  30. robs2nd75

    Budget Labs

    For those on a budget, what labs are mandatory to get adequate TRT?
  31. robs2nd75

    Cost of testosterone, HCG, anastrozole & Pre/post workout supplements

    For those on a tight budget what would be your recommendations for top 3 prescription drugs and top 3 OTC's? Also does anyone have any advice on how to get drugs cheaper ie. compounding pharmacies, coupons, becoming a study participant?