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  1. H

    Repeat Bout of Low Estradiol

    Hey guys-- Back in June, I posted this -- suspecting I had high E2 but it turned out (as many of you who replied had suggested) that it was in fact low Estradiol. Once I got my hormones back in a good spot, the symptoms went way. Fast forward to now. Out of nowhere, I started having some ED...
  2. H

    High E2?

    Here's my current protocol: Test Cyp 200 mg/ml – 0.45 ml IM/SQ 2 times weekly HCG 400 iu SQ 2 times weekly Anastrozole 0.5 mg 2 times weekly I've been on TRT for a little over two years, and it's been good. I got dialed in pretty early. My most recent labs were 733 T, 20.3 Free T, 28.4...
  3. H

    TRT increasing blood pressure?

    I've been on TRT through Defy for about two years, with great results. This is my protocol: Test Cyp 200 mg/ml – 0.45 ml IM/SQ 2 times weekly HCG 400 iu SQ 2 times weekly Anastrozole 0.5 mg 2 times weekly I am 41 y/o, 5'7", 190 pounds; work out, CrossFit-style, four to five times/week, with a...
  4. H

    Would this likely be low or high E2?

    I am experiencing some symptoms that I suspect are related to high E2 -- but I also wonder if low E2 could be the cause. I'd appreciate any thoughts from the hivemind here. Current regiment: T Cyp 200 mg/ml and HCG 400 iu -- both twice weekly. Also take .25 Anastrozole twice weekly, taken at...
  5. H

    Do you guys really think I'm a good candidate for TRT?

    Hey guys, Thanks for all the knowledge on this forum. It has really helped me as I've researched TRT. I am struggling with whether I should use TRT, given that my numbers appear to be borderline, and I'd like some advice. Here's the deal: I am 39, and about two years ago, following a...