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  1. C

    when to donate blood

    my hematocrit is slightly high at 50.5%. my red blood cell count is high at 6.59 million/uL but my ferritin is low at 11ng/ml and my iron is low at 45 mcg/dL. I'm really concerned about my high RBC and wondering if i should donate with my iron and ferretin so low.
  2. C

    most complete labs list

    Can anyone post a list of the most complete labs to get while on TRT so I can let my primary Dr. know since he's willing to work with me and I'm going through my insurance this time and they will cover it. I did that follow up TRT blood work at discounted labs last test but I wan't more details...
  3. C

    There's no regions in my nethers...

    When I first started TRT I was given HCG with my protocol. It has never seemed to agree with me for some reason or another so I stopped taking it. I recently tried to incorporate it back in my protocol but it was making me feel like shit at just 250 iu every 3.5 days and had to stop. I suspect...
  4. C

    e2 vs free e2

    On another thread i posted, Vince Carter mentioned about also testing free e2. I've never heard about testing that so I'm really curious and trying to educate myself about it. Can one have normal levels of sensitive e2 yet have high free e2? If so, how would one address that problem?
  5. C

    Switched to EOD and feeling worst

    Guys, As some of you know, I recently changed protocols from weekly injections to every 3.5 days. That change was a pretty drastic decision on my part but I almost immediately felt the benefits of it and stayed the course for seven weeks before drawing blood the day before next injection...
  6. C

    compounded vs pharmaceutical

    Do you think there is any difference between compounded testosterone and pharmaceutical grade testosterone you would get from your local pharmacy other than the oils used? I've always been curious as to the quality and accuracy of the medication from a compound pharmacy.
  7. C

    Will I benefit more if I switch to EOD

    I wanted to start another thread so not to get off topic with another thread I started. About 8 weeks ago I switched to 50mg of test every 3.5 days and feel pretty good on that protocol but feel there is room for Improvement. On this protocol I have not needed any AI’s which is one of the main...
  8. C

    for those that suffer from occasional prostatitis.

    I have suffered from occasional bouts of mild prostatitis while on TRT over the past couple of years and wanted to share some information. Anyone who has ever experienced prostatitis will tell you the horror stories that comes with it. Weaker urine stream, burning sensation, constant discomfort...
  9. C

    new protocol new labs

    As I mentioned in a previous thread titled (am i heading in the right direction) I changed my protocol about 6 weeks ago to 50 mg of test cyp every 3.5 days. I feel so much better on this protocol but feel there is still room for improvement beginning with a better diet and exercise. I've been...
  10. C

    Am i heading in the right direction?

    Hello, I'm new to the site and not very familiar with all the forum etiquette so please bare with me. I'm 48 years old and started TRT 1 year ago after my T levels came back at 201. As you can imagine i felt like shit and decided to start treatment. A friend referred me to a local men's...
  11. C

    Hello, new to the site.

    just wanted to introduce myself and say hello to the community.