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  1. Z

    Feel worse with higher test levels

    I’m seeing a lot more post with people who have test levels above 1000 who feel crappy. Even with everything else in range e2, DHT, prolactin etc. I’ve also have seen post of people almost using microdose amounts and feeling way better. My question is, is this the new thing? Because my doctor...
  2. Z

    DHT really low- makes no sense

    So I have been feeling pretty crappy lately (down depressed anxious and no libido) and decided to do labs. I had labs done and my t was -1319 E2 sensitive was - 31 Shgb- 42 Free T was 29 But the weirdest one was my dht it came in at 50pg/ml. Which is incredibly low. What makes no sense is I’m on...
  3. Z

    Prolactin crashed

    Hello, I recently started taking cabergoline to help my RLS. I am on hormone therapy. The last few weeks I have noticed I felt pretty crappy. So I got my levels check and one thing I noticed was my my prolactin was undectable. Was wondering if I stop the cabergoline how long it will take for my...
  4. Z

    Letting e2 run wild

    My old dr was a dr who was all about not treating E2. He said let it go as high as you want and it won’t be a problem. Well I am seeing a new dr now and my e2 sensitive was 45. My libido has been super low, my anxiety kind of high, also my junk shrivels up to nothing along with my scrotum...
  5. Z

    High Testosterone and anxiety

    So I got some Of my labs back and the basics are my T was 1477 Free T-47 SHGB was 30 Hemocrit was 51 Hemoglobin was 17 IGF-1 was 180 PSA-0.6 this was done 24 hours after my last injection. I do 25mg everyday. But my question is, my anxiety has been a little on the higher side lately. I know...
  6. Z

    Testosterone Cream and DHT increase

    So I was on cream for about a year and in that year i noticed my anxiety was heightened. I also had other issues as stated of just feeling like crap. Anyways when doing labs, most my dht readings were upwards of 3-400. I was just wondering if that could of have been the culprit of my anxiety...
  7. Z

    Injection locations

    Hello, so I just went back on injections. It’s been over a year and a half since I was on them and sort of forgot the good spots for injecting. I am doing my upper thigh for sub Q. But I remember hearing the stomach was pretty good for sub Q. What was the benefits of sub q over IM? Also my e2...
  8. Z

    Cream question

    So I posted a couple days ago about cream issues. Basically I use to do injections felt good but switched over to the cream because I heard it was the cats meow. Well early on it was great, my libido was sky high. And well actually that’s about it. Everything else felt normal. Fast foward 1 year...
  9. Z

    Cream levels super low

    So I got my labs done becuaase I was feeling very tired and fatigued. Felt just like not good at all- basically how I felt pre test. Anyways my protocol is 2 clicks twice (200mg) a day once in the morning once at night. I did my 2 clicks in the morning and got my labs done 26 hrs later (no dose...
  10. Z


    Hello, I had my labs drawn a couple weeks ago. One thing I forgot to put in my previous post was my prolactin was a little high at 15. Can I lower my prolactin by lower my dose of testosterone? I’ve just noticed my libido is better when it sits around the 5 mark. Thanks.
  11. Z

    Lowering estrogen

    Hey ya’ll, wanted to ask, is there a way to lower estrogen without the use of an AI or vitamins and zinc?? Like can it be lowered by just stopping your hormone does for a couple days? Thanks! P.S I’ve tried the search bar and didn’t really understand what I was looking at: as in was I searching...
  12. Z

    Estrone serum

    I had labs done the other day everything looked good. One thing I noticed that was high was my estrone serum—it was at a 70. My libido the last couple weeks has been really hit or miss. No morning wood at all. Good this be because of high estroserum?? My e2 though was 25.
  13. Z

    Injection question

    I know there is tons of stuff on here about this, and I have posted before about this. But one thing, So I spoke with my doctor about how I got myself 27 gauge needles. He told me I should have stuck with the 25 gauge needle because even though I am doing my injection in my stomach. With a 25...
  14. Z

    SUBQ dr crisler method

    So I have been doing SUBQ injections in the stomach. My needle size is 27g 1/2. Anyways I was on YouTube the other day and saw dr crislers post on YouTube about sub q injections (may he Rest In Peace) he was saying when you inject your not supposed to grab the fatty tissue on your stomach. But...
  15. Z

    doctors on e2 (don’t worry about it)

    So after reading the TOT bible and also listening to some of Jay Campbell’s podcast. There is this belief that doctors shouldn’t be prescribed anastrolze anymore and that estrogen is something that doesn’t have to be looked at all. My doctor has me on an AI. But the way some of these doctors are...
  16. Z

    Effect of Calcium D glucarate on Nipple Tenderness

    So for starters I apologize if this on the wrong forum. Secondly I looked up info on this and couldn’t really find anything. So my doctor told me to add 1000mg of calcium d glucarate daily to my routine. Well 2 days after taking it my nipples got real tender. I stopped for a week and it went...
  17. Z

    Hematocrit - The Cause of My Problem?

    So after mass research I am pretty certain what my issues are. I have had pretty each skin that’s been uncomfortable. Along with chest pain, and it seems with the itchy skin it’s having a high hemocrit. Is there anyway to lower it? Should I just take a break from my testosterone?? I only do labs...
  18. Z

    Finishing really fast

    So the last two days I have sex with my wife I literally have been only able to last for like 30 seconds to 1 minute. Mind you I have always been a guy who can go for atleast 10 minutes or more sometimes. I almost feel like premature ejaculation is worse then ED. Could it be my testosterone is...
  19. Z

    Testosterone Injection protocol Switch from EOD to ED

    So I am on 40mg EOD of test cyp/prop. Was just wondering if people like ED injections better. Also was wondering because does ED give you the most consistent feeling in your mood? Thanks
  20. Z

    Alcohol - Depressed and Weak Following Binge

    So yes, there are post on this forum about alcohol and TRT. But nothing I could find in this forum and nothing specific to mine. Anyways I have been pretty dialed in the last 3 weeks, it took almost 2 months to get there. The other day I went out with my buddy and got pretty drunk. Had like 5...
  21. Z

    EOD question

    Was wondering with EOD injections what your dose per week equals. Say someone was doing 30mg EOD would that equal 120mg a week? And if you go up by 10mg does that just add 30mg per week. So say it was 40mg EOD would that equal 150mg per week? And so on. Because some weeks it’s 3 days a week...
  22. Z

    Trt and suboxone (specifically)

    So I made sure to look if anyone has posted about this before, was unable to find anything about suboxone. I saw people post about opioids but not suboxone. I actually couldn’t find a lot on the internet either. I’m just wondering if there are people on here who are on testosterone therapy and...
  23. Z

    Test on scrotum???

    I have been reading a lot of guys who say they are on injections but also do the cream on their scrotums. I was just wondering why essentially?
  24. Z

    MWF protocol

    I just started this week on my new MWF 50mg each injection. The first week has been okay. I am going to avoid an AI if I can. I was just wondering if their are any members on here who do specifically 3 days a week and how it’s been going for them??? Thanks!
  25. Z

    Testosterone Vial Expiration

    So I was on the phone today with cvs about my testosterone prescription. And they said they can’t fill a 10ml vile for a 90 day supply because after 28 days it goes bad. So they have to use 1 ML vials. I have never heard of test going bad after 28 days. The old pharmacy I use to get it from was...
  26. Z

    Estrogen and sensitivity

    So after a long month of struggling with my erectile dysfunction I was able to be intimate with my wife for a whole session tonight )not saying that to boast there is a reason for me stating this) over the past month I have done tons of labs and research on here as well. People have been helpful...
  27. Z

    What is a good level of SHBG?

    So it seems I probably have wore out my welcome with questions on this site. No one really seems to answer anymore. But I am going to ask another and hopefully someone responds. Was wondering if having SGHB be in the mid to high 40s is better then having it in the low 20s I get labs don’t tell...
  28. Z

    New protocol

    So after going over labs today with my doctor. (Not going to post them, just because essentially from all the research I have done on this forum and others things seemed pretty normal.) I will just post the basics real quick tbiugh TT-917 E2 (ultra sensitive)-17 SHGB- 26 Prolactin- I can’t...
  29. Z

    New TRT doctor questions

    So I am following up with my new doctor that I saw on Wednesday. It was 45 minute consult just to explain what was going on. Why I am seeing him, why I went on TRT. Basically I explained to him I am tired that of the ups and downs that I have been experiencing on TRT. These ups can be for a week...
  30. Z


    Here are my labs, I just started seeing a new doctor. These labs are from last doctor awhile ago. My main reason for posting them though, is I am wondering just how much or how little my PA was testing for... thanks.
  31. Z

    Question on labs

    So I got my lab results today Free T-17.7 TT-797 E2-35 (roche test) SHGB 36.1 PSA-.9 I have been having some libido issues along with a little bit of mood issues. 3 weeks ago I was great. Now, kind of in the middle. Having difficulty getting erections and maintaining. Sex drive is pretty low...