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  1. K

    Clomid Questions? When to Stop

    Hello all, My HPTA restart began 6 weeks ago without a problem. HCG mono for 3 weeks followed by Clomid 12.5mg EOD for 6 weeks. I believe I'm in my 3rd week of Clomid and I've just now started to feel bad on it. My anxiety level is starting to slowly creep up and so is a feeling of depression...
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    HPT Restart, what should I expect?

    Hello everybody. After a lot of thinking I have decided to get off TRT. Like many before me I started TRT because of low libido. No matter how low or high the dosage I have not been able to feel the benefits in regards to libido. Fertility is really important to me so I'm willing to move on and...
  3. K

    What's the best pinning schedule for this SHBG?

    Hi guys, I'm strongly considering injecting myself 3x per week rather than the 2x per week I have been doing. The doctor suggested I might have some success with it as well. I currently inject only my HCG 3x per week. My SHGB is 21, would I inject M/W/F? How would I feel on Saturday and Sunday...
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    New Testosterone...Different Response

    Hello ya'll, Long story short, I've been using testosterone cypionate for the past year using the brand I pick up from CVS which is from Sun Pharmacy. I recently ran out and went one week without a shot so I called Defy and received a new batch from Empower. This is the first time I've ever used...
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    DHEA Supplementation & Heart Palpitations

    Friends, a few weeks ago I was admitted to the hospital because I was having an atrial fibrillation which is basically a rapid, irregular heartbeat. This can be dangerous, as it was explained to me, because I am at a larger risk of developing blood clots because of this condition which can lead...
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    Why do I feel worse the day after a shot?

    Hi guys, So I'm wondering why I actually feel worse a day after my T & HCG shots? This has been a pretty consistent pattern, with the use of an AI and without the use. Here's how my week goes. Monday morning I feel pretty good, energetic, good mood, and ready to work. I inject Monday evening...
  7. K

    The E2 Roller Coaster

    Hi guys, So my E2 levels have been all over the place. For the most part I've been on the high side, pre TRT and during TRT. However, recently with the help of Anastrozole it's been lowered, but wow it took a dip I wasn't expecting. Lately, I've been feeling anxiety and some weird depression and...
  8. K

    Has HCG helped your testes size increase?

    I was on HCG monotherapy for a few months this year and noticed that the whole time I was on it my testes never filled up. Now that I'm on testosterone the sack obviously is not going to get any better, if anything worse. I started adding HCG to my protocol in August and the results are the...
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    Strange Low E2 Symptoms

    First off let me preface this by saying that I am not sure I have low E2, but I suspect I do. Let me also say that I also realize that the only way I can know for sure is by getting it tested. My schedule is pretty packed and it's very hard to get myself to a lab right now, but I will try...
  10. K

    Does Cialis cause joint pain?

    Hi everyone, I have been taking the generic version of Cialis (Ceebis) for about a week now. My dosage has been 5mg per day. Since I started taking the pill I have noticed that my knee joints have started to ache. My heart tends to beat at irregular beats as well. At first I attributed this to...
  11. K

    Arimidex or Cialis Side Effects?

    So in my haste and rush to start feeling better in the sexual department I have been taking Armidex and Ceebis (Cialis) the past few days. Let me be more specific; I took .25mg of Arimidex on Wednesday and Friday as these are testosterone and HCG injection days. The doc at Defy prescribed this...
  12. K

    How to improve penile sensitivity?

    Does anybody know if TRT improves penile sensitivity? My sensitivity has gone way down after I was forced off HCG monotherapy earlier this Spring. So far the sensitivity has not returned on TRT. I just started adding HCG to my protocol again, but I'm only two shots in. What causes the loss in...
  13. K

    Is TRT a life long commitment for those who were not Hypogonadal?

    Hi guys, I've been thinking about those of us who started TRT therapy because of our low, but normal Total T numbers. Many of us showed symptoms of low T, but our numbers sat right at the average of low normal. In my case my numbers consistently sat in the 300's throughout my 30's and start to...
  14. K

    How many times per week do I take my AI?

    Hi guys, I'm going to be starting on an AI after talking to my doctor at Defy. When I spoke to him I was doing 100mg per week, 50mg 2x per week. He upped my dose to 140mg per week, 70mg 2x per week. For fertility purposes he added HCG 500iu 3x per week. When we spoke he did mention that perhaps...
  15. K

    Tried Viagra and Another Fail

    So I bought and received some Viagra from a compounding pharmacy yesterday. I thought last night was a good night to try it so I took one 75mg Viagra pill. I'm not sure if that's the same potency of a regular 25 mg Viagra, but I figured it would be just fine. After some self stimulation I was...
  16. K

    How will DHEA supplementation effect me?

    Hi guys, I wanted to know how you guys have reacted to DHEA supplementation. My DHEA came out really low and the doc at Defy wants me to supplement it. I understand it's supposed to help me to be more relaxed, have better sleep, and possibly have dreams at night which I really don't have now...
  17. K

    Excited About New Protocol...But When Can I Start?

    Hi everybody, I was finally able to have my first consult at Defy. The doctor went over all my labs and explained everything to the tee just like you guys said. He recommends me going up in my testosterone since my Free T is not optimal at 12. I've been battling a non existent libido with ED...
  18. K

    Thyroid Panel Test Results...What Kind of Treatment Should I Expect?

    Hi all, I've been on here for several months struggling with libido and ED issues. I started TRT in June and been feeling much better, however it has done nothing for my libido. I've also been eating at a caloric deficit, working out 6 days a week and have lost only 5 lbs in one year. My family...
  19. K

    Cialis or Viagra

    Hi guys, Since I've had ED problems for the last year I was wondering which drug do you find to be more effective. I've tried Viagra before, the last time it didn't work, but I think that's because I had gone cold turkey off of my HCG Monotherapy due to insurance and all my hormones were way...
  20. K

    Injection Frequency, what do you recommend?

    Hi guys, I'm trying to get estradiol to come down a bit and hopefully stabilize levels some. I've noticed recently that my libido goes up slightly right before injection so I'm wondering if it's because my estradiol level. Right now I'm injecting 2x per week. After 6 weeks of this protocol I...
  21. K

    How Do you Control your Estradiol Levels?

    Hi guys, I'm wondering how you guys keep your estradiol levels in a good range. Even before TRT I had higher than normal estradiol levels, probably due to my weight and high body fat. I'm 42 years old, 5'7 and 263 lbs, even with working out 6 times a week and maintaining a healthy caloric...
  22. K

    First Protocol Blood Results...What Do You See?

    Hi guys, I received my first blood work results which accurately measures where I am after 6 weeks on my current protocol. I currently inject twice a week, 50 mg each time, 200ml/1L testosterone cypionate. Some things off the bat that I noticed was that my Total T is good for my age at 42 yrs...
  23. K

    What's your idea of a good libido?

    I can always tell when I have a good libido by my level of attraction to females. If I find girls attractive, but don't necessarily think of them in sexual terms then I know my libido is low. If I find really fit & athletic girls attractive plus I think of them of sexually then I know I have an...
  24. K

    Totally Dialed In, Feeling Awesome, but where is the libido?

    It took 5 weeks after dropping my dosage from 175mg a week to 100mg, but I finally feel great. After the emotional roller coaster, all the anxiety, the low moods, and the irritability, I think I'm finally dialed in. Last week was my roughest (Week 4), my mood was so low and my anxiety was...
  25. K

    Antidepressants and TRT...How do they mix together?

    Hi guys. I've posted a few times about my beginner's journey with TRT. The reason I started TRT was because of lack of energy and more importantly lack of libido w/some ED. I've had the lack of libido for as long as I can remember and low T numbers have been there for quite a while as well...
  26. K

    Two Shots per Week, Two Different Results...Why?

    Hi everybody, Currently in Week 5 of my new T protocol, 100mg per week, 2 shots of 25mg per week. I have noticed a trend that I find weird. I usually inject on Wednesday and Sunday, I alternate the leg I inject in on each day. When I inject on Sundays on the right side, I usually feel like I...
  27. K

    Whoever Said Changing your Protocol Sucks was Right On, When does it End?

    Changed my protocol 2 weeks ago after 4 weeks of 175mg of testosterone cypionate per week. Brought it down to 100mg, 50mg 2x weekly. Didn't feel anything the first week, but now I'm feeling as low as you can be. Depressed, low libido, brain fog, and overall blah. I'm still doing great in the...
  28. K

    4 Week Results are In...What to Make of It?

    Well the results are in and I need your help. I've been on TRT for 6 weeks now. These tests were taken at the 4th week after following my endo's orders after injecting 175mg of testosterone cypionate per week (doctor wanted every other week). Since the 4th week I took the advice of Excel Male...
  29. K

    What should I expect after lowering my testosterone dose?

    Today is my first day of injections with a reduced dosage. I took everyone's advice and dropped from 175 mg every week to 100 mg, 50mg 2x weekly. I did the 175 for three weeks. What can I expect from lowering my dosage now? Will my libido be effected? It was on the upswing with the 175, but it's...
  30. K

    Why the Mood Stinks 5 out of 7 days?

    Hi everybody, As I have said in previous posts, my endo prescribed me 175mg of testosterone cypionate every 14 days. I instead chose to give myself my medication every 7 days after reading of the stupidity of injecting every 14 days. I also know that my dosage is probably too high for a beginner...
  31. K

    Do I Have Primary or Secondary Hypogonadism or is it Thyroid?

    To be clear, my doctor's never diagnosed me as hypgonadal because my Total Testosterone has never been below 300. However, I'm 42 years old and for at least of a handful of times over the years in my 30's I have never tested over a 396 in my Total T. I've consistently been in the 323-396 range...