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  1. T

    Please review my recent blood work

    Protocol- 140mg a week split into EOD doses. Lately .25mg Anastrozole every 4 or 5 days. I understand my lipid profile looks bad, I need to cut back on drinking and probably reduce my weekly amount of test. I also need to get back into the gym (got thrown off my routine during Covid). Anyway...
  2. T

    Loss of libido 2 years into TRT

    I’ve been on 140mg EOD shots for awhile now. Switched off HCG about 6 months ago, lost water weight, felt better, libido still good. About two months ago my libido mostly went bye bye. I stopped drinking about two weeks ago and went through some mild withdrawals, though I’m feeling much better...
  3. T


    Aside from Cataceous’s experimentations, has anyone had positive experiences with gonadorelin in place of HCG? Testicular size, ejaculate volume, sperm quality? Aromatization issues? Just looking for more detailed feedback as I haven’t found much.
  4. T

    Gonadorelin + Testosterone for fertility

    Aside from Cataceous’s experimentations, has anyone had positive experiences with gonadorelin in place of HCG? Testicular size, ejaculate volume, sperm quality? Aromatization issues? Just looking for more detailed feedback as I haven’t found much.
  5. T

    Where can I find Pregnyl?

    I’m not having any luck with any of the pharmacies in New Orleans. I was told on June 8th to wait until the 22nd, now they’re saying try July 3rd. Other pharmacies are also saying their suppliers are out. I wanted to try Pregnyl before I give up on HCG altogether. I just do much better without...
  6. T

    Can’t get Tailor Made enclomiphene in La...

    I was told by my doc that Tailor Made isn’t certified to do business in Louisiana. What are my options for getting enclomiphene here, if any? I’m trying a restart for fertility purposes.
  7. T


    Anyone tried this? My friend did and got nice results
  8. T

    Perrigo brand Test Cyp domination, thoughts?

    It seems the only brand of testosterone that pharmacies here in New Orleans carry anymore is the Perrigo brand. Am I alone in finding that it just feels weaker than anything else I’ve tried? Especially compared to compounding pharmacies and even other generics, I just don’t feel the same. I just...
  9. T

    HMG and FSH prices??

    I’m having such a hard time getting a good idea of pricing on these two meds. Empower is telling me they need to see my prescription before they give me a price quote. My Dr is willing to write a prescription for either but I’d like to know pricing before I decide. Anyone? And for that matter...
  10. T

    T + HCG + (FSH or HMG)?

    My NP is giving me the option of HMG or FSH. I already take about 500iu of HCG per week (split into two, any more aromatizes). Any reason to go for FSH over the HMG....cost, effect?
  11. T

    The Thread for Dialed-In Dudes

    Are you dialed in? Got the four big areas of TRT on lock? Mood/Energy/Body Composition/Sexual Function If you do, well you’re probably not haunting this forum at midnight on a Saturday night. But if you do, please post your protocol below and a little about yourself (basic lab info, shbg...
  12. T

    Arimidex/Anastrozole intolerant. Would Aromasin work?

    I can’t even tolerate a 0.0625mg dose of Anastrozole, I don’t know if it crashes my E2 or if I just get a bad reaction to the drug, but it takes about 2 or 3 days to recover. Has anyone had this issue and then had success with Aromasin?
  13. T

    Has anyone tried adding FSH to their protocol?

    I've seen a couple of short lived threads on the topic, but nothing noteworthy or recent. I'm thinking of adding a low dose of FSH (perhaps 35iu per week to start) to my protocol (30mg Test Cyp EOD, 250iu EOD) to see how it may effect other areas of wellbeing and function aside from just...
  14. T

    New labs: high TT, FT, low SHBG

    Well this is frustrating, I gusss when the site was updated my original thread was deleted somehow. I had originally gotten a three page blood work report. One thing that troubles me on the followup lab is they didn’t check my HT, which was on the high normal side to begin with. Protocol-...
  15. T

    First post, bloodwork, first protocol, opinions welcome..

    Hello, everyone. I've been haunting these forums and many like it over the years while researching TRT. I had my results checked over and given a protocol yesterday, along with having my first shots done. I'd love to hear the opinions of some of the veteran forumites here, thanks for your...