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  1. B

    First experience with BiMix

    I have posted about my experience withTriMix, so I thought I would follow up with this post about my switch to BiMix. The TriMix gives me extremely hard and slightly painful erections. And even at very small doses...1-2 units...I will be hard for 2+ hours. So I recently tried BiMix for the...
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    BiMix / TriMix injection technique ??

    So I'm fairly new to TriMix / BiMix use. Only use it for "recreational" sex. I have read, watched videos, etc., on injection techniques. There seems to be varying opinions on it. What I have currently bern doing is taking hold of my penis behind the head and pulling it to stretch it. Then...
  3. B

    Hyper responder to TriMix? Switch to BiMix?

    I only use Trimix for "recreational" use. And to date I have only used it a dozen times or so. I get my prescription from Empower. I have discovered that it takes VERY little for me to have a 3+ hour erection. And then I am popping Sudafed and doing dead lifts/high incline treadmill to bring...
  4. B

    Using TriMix WHILE already erect?

    Wondering if anyone has injected TriMix while they already had an erection? If so, how did it go?
  5. B

    Combining Trimix and Cialis report

    I tried TriMix a week or so ago for the first time. I was/am still afraid of it, so I started with only 3 units. And am VERY happy I did only 3 units because I “responded well” to that little amount. Back story for those who have not read my past posts, is I do it have a problem getting hard...
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    First go with TriMix….

    My wife and I bring in a 3rd (female) from time to time. My wife is in her early 40’s and our third is 30. I’m in my 50’s. I’m in good shape and don’t have problems with getting hard. But with two, fit, younger woman to attend to, our sessions last awhile. And after and hour or so, I lose my...
  7. B

    Syringe dosing question

    my brain is not working. I am trying to convert .175ml to units. I am thinking it is 7 units in a U100 syringe but want to make sure. Thanks
  8. B

    Using TriMix “recreationally” ? and PT-141

    About a year ago my wife and I started bringing in a third female into our world sexually. It has been a lot of fun. My wife and our third are much younger than me…I’m in my 50’s…and normally it’s not a problem. Over a weekend of fun, I can normally get off 3-5 times. But sometimes we will...
  9. B

    Cialis causing swelling in ankle, foot, and hand

    About 8-9 months ago I woke up and noticed my right ankle and foot were swollen pretty significantly. There was no pain so I did not think it was a sprained ankle, etc. I tried ice and heat, but this did not help. After about a week I went to a walk in clinic and the doctor ordered an ultra...
  10. B

    One for the experts. Swollen foot w/ANY injections

    So…I’m back. After one brutal event after another in my world…my wife ran off with a coworker. one of my closets friends died. Followed by the father passing. And a bunch in between. I started back on TRT about a year ago. Pretty standard protocol….Test cyp EOD for a total of 144mg a week. hCG...
  11. B

    Insomnia... Xanax? Might try TRT we go again I am again. To start with I suffer with insomnia. A byproduct of my time in the sandbox. I have tried “everything” from over the counter products to prescription meds. Nothing seems to work. Or more accurately, those make me feel very hung over and drag ass the next day and do...
  12. B

    HCG from India?

    Hi all. I have been helping my buddy through is very rough TRT treatment Via his family doctor. He was on gel for a couple of years. Finally his doctor agreed to prescribe him injection, but no surprise, he had him on 200ml once every two weeks, no HCG, etc. So I am trying to help him find...
  13. B

    About 1 year off of T labs

    So...some of you may remember some of my posts. I had struggled with TRT. Never getting dialed in. So about a year or so ago I stopped TRT. Many aspects of being off TRT for me are positive. Better sexual function...yes...TRT gives me sexual issues. Mostly large drop in cum volume and force...
  14. B

    Flying with T cream

    Hi folks. I have flown with T cyp and take that in my carry on. Never flown with cream but am guessing just take that in my carry on as well? Thanks
  15. B

    “Cycling” for the sweet spot.

    Ok...hear me out. There seems to be a fair amount of guys on here that just do not feel good on full time TRT treatment. But like myself, get that “honeymoon/sweet spot” after a few weeks of starting TRT and for myself I get that same feeling when I stopped about 3-4 weeks after my last...
  16. B

    Back on TRT: Same old thing some of you may remember I stopped TRT awhile ago. And was feeling really good....for awhile. But after a bit, I was not having good workouts, my energy was less, I was having more pronounced mood swings, etc. I decided to reach back out to Defy and see what they thought. We spoke...
  17. B

    Post TRT labs...what to check?

    Hi folks. As some of you know, I stopped TRT a few months ago and I am getting ready to pull labs to see where things are. My question is other than "full panel"...including E2 sensitive, FT, TT, FHS, LH, etc. Should I add anything else? Thanks
  18. B

    Heart palpitations and high BP

    So as some of you know I stopped TRT and one of the main reasons was I started having very heavy heart palpitations. And my BP became elevated. My last labs showed my HCT at below high range which was 52 I believe from Lab Corp. My buddy who started TRT about 6 months prior to me...
  19. B

    6 weeks clean & sober! Stopped TRT.

    So after about a year of TRT I decided to stop TRT. The negative effects outweigh the positives for me. I never felt great or even really good on TRT. And the final straw for me was I started having heart palpitations in the evening. They were very strong and really worried me. Here is the...
  20. B

    Bloods back...E2 down....but.... my labs back. These reflect the following changes: Change T injections from every 3.5 days at 120mg total, to M-W-F at 150mg total. Yes...went up on doctors recommendations. Dropped the hCG I really believe this was driving my E2 up. And I last 10+ lbs stopping it. Dropped the DHEA...
  21. B

    Waiting on labs...looking to stop...PCT questions

    So as some of you have probably read on past posts I have made, I have never really felt GREAT on TRT. It has been one big try this, try that, ok, stop this, add that, etc. I give a BIG way to go to those who have stuck with it for years trying to get dialed in. For me, I am kinda over it at...
  22. B

    HCG is the problem....

    Hi folks. Some of you have probably read some of my other post. But here is a brief overview. I was having high E side on my starting protocol of 80mg of T and 500iu of HCG every 3.5 days. I tried lowering my T dose to 60mg every 3.5 days, and all that did was lower my E2 from 75 to about 70...
  23. B

    Thinking of adding daily low dose Cialis to my protocol

    So I have a buddy who is a gym rat and has been on “cycles” and TRT for years. He is in his early 50’s but looks like he is 30. Anyways, was talking to him about my workouts and TRT, etc. He recommended that I should add daily, low dose Cialis to my protocol. He claims it helps with blood flow...
  24. B

    Stopped HCG...interesting “effect” so far....

    Hi folks. So as I posted in another thread, after my consult with Defy, I changed my protocol to M-W-F to hopefully lower my E2. So far....based on how I feel...I believe my this has worked and my E2 is lower. I still have a couple of weeks before I pull labs, but I feel much better on this...
  25. B

    Switching to M-W-F injections...question on timing

    So in the hopes of lowering my high E2, I was instructed to go from every 3.5 days to M-W-F injections. My question is should I do Monday morning, Wednesday mid day, and Friday evening? My thoughts are to try and keep things a bit more level for the Friday through Monday time. As...
  26. B

    More labs...pretty good drop in hematocrit

    So I have lowered my T injections from 80mg every 3.5 days to 60mg every 3.5 days due to trying to mitigate high E2. My hematocrit from 49.3 down to 43.8 in 7 weeks time. While that is good E2 barely moved at all. From 75 to 73. Just thought I would share what impact T has on...
  27. B

    *UPDATE* New 6 week labs....lowered dose...higher E2!?!?!?

    Hi Folks. I had complete labs pulled 12 weeks ago (posted in another thread) and my FT and TT were good. 1034 on TT and FT was 28. Both “over range” on Labcorp ranges. But my E2 sensitive was really high. 75.4 on 8-35 range. I was injecting 80mg of T cyp. every 3.5 days. As well as 500iu of...
  28. B

    90 day labs....HIGH E....what now???

    Hi Folks. Just received my 90 blood work results back from Defy. Looking at it the high E jumps out at me. I am a high SHBG guy, so the nice doctor I spoke with on my initial consultation said he would like to see my E2 around 30-40. I would have random high E issues once in awhile. These...
  29. B

    Waiting on 90 day to forum

    Hi Folks. Long time visitor of the sight and finally signed up. I am a Defy patient and just had my blood drawn for my first 90 day follow up. I am curious to see my numbers and to hear what Defy plans for me from here. Still waiting on the labs to come back. I do feel better than when I...