Search results

  1. D

    HCG one week per month?

    I've had problems with ED and anorgasmia since I began TRT 5 years ago. It took me almost four years to figure it out, but HCG gives me anorgasmia in doses above 250iu/2x week. Once I decreased from 2x 500iu to 2x 250iu, and then to 2x 200iu, the situation resolved. I just spent the past two...
  2. D

    Question about problems and E2 in mid-late restart protocol

    I'll try to keep this as simple as I can. I'm in the 6th week of a protocol to come off TRT after 5 years. That is a long time, and I knew to expect side effects. And I've had a lot. But the most troublesome right now is intense, emotional mood swings, and bad anxiety. I know that high E2 can...
  3. D

    How long does Trimix last for you?

    I'm 54, and when I get to a Trimix dosage that works consistently, which is between 5 and 5.5 units, I'm good for between 3 and 3.5 hours. I don't need 3.5 hours, though I have taken advantage of it occasionally for a 2nd round. But if I lower the dosage I get inconsistent results. I've read...
  4. D

    Link between Polycythemia and delayed orgasm?

    I continue my search for reasons for delayed orgasms since starting TRT about 3 years ago. I also have to use either Levitra or Trimix whenever I have sex. I'm 54 and didn't have these issues before TRT. I'm wondering if any of you high Hematocrit people have noticed a link between that and...
  5. D

    High Hematocrit and sexual function

    I've been on TRT for about 2 years now, with Defy most of that time. Here's how things looked from my last labs in September: Total T: 655 Free T: 21 Hematocrit: 52.1 E2 Sensitive: 32.9 SHBG (from previous lab): 23.4 DHEA (previous labs): 353 Protocol: 50MG Cyp 2x/week 400iu HCG at the same...
  6. D

    Help with surprising 3-month lab results?

    Hello all, So I got my 3-month lab results today along with a note to STOP my protocol for now, take baby aspirin, hydrate, give blood, and get another CBC panel in 10-14 days. The surprising results: - Hematocrit: 54.2 (37.5 - 51) - Total T: 1396 (264 - 916) - Free T: 31.8 (7.2 - 24) - E2...
  7. D

    Hello all, and wondering if this is trouble...

    Hello everyone, this is my first post here. I’m new to TRT and just started about 10 days ago. I found this site after I started, and have done some reading since. There is a LOT of information. I’m 50. I went to a clinic that had $49 labs + initial visit. My labs came back Total 472 and Free...