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  1. F

    can't open attachments or click on user profiles

    Since about a week ago I can't open attachments to posts like PDFs nor click on users to see their profile. Those things are no longer links. They are just black or gray text instead of a red link. Any way to easily fix this? Thanks! @Nelson Vergel
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    Requesting feedback on wife's bloodwork

    Wife's complaints are fatigue and tiredness. Brain fog at times. Heavy periods. This test was taken ~day 20 of her cycle. Her family doctor normally just does CBC and Lipids test and those are usually all in range. I did these tests out of pocket just to see if there was anything we could...
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    Where to get pregnyl?

    I thought I remembered a thread about people getting pregnyl from some walmart select pharmacy or something but can’t find it. Neither cvs nor regular walmart here has it. Any tips? @Gman86
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    E2 vs Test troughs on AI

    When I inject test cyp, I know levels rise then fall a bit several days later. What happens to E2? Say I inject twice a week and take .125 anastrozole each time. Does my E2 drop the first day or two due to the anastrozole then rise on day 3? I guess I am asking in this case if test and e2...
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    Propionate guys updates?

    @seanmosher @Gman86 @sh1973 Others? Any updates on the switch to prop?
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    insulin syringe bubble with test cyp

    I started trying 27g and 28g easytouch insulin syringes 1/2" for test cyp. I almost always end up with one sizeable air bubble at the top of my syringe after I'm done loading (and lots of tiny bubbles while loading). Even though the bubble is at the needle side of the syringe, it won't come...
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    Irritability and anxiety on Testosterone

    Original protocol was 80/500/.125 twice a week and I felt ok. Felt some flushing and red eyes the day of and day after my injections then felt good the final 24hrs before my next shot. Switched to MWF 54/350/.125 for my second labs and now I’m noticing anxiety, irritability, etc the first two...
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    Week w/o hcg question

    I have to travel for a week and may not be able to take hcg. Would I still take my ai as is? Current protocol is 54mg, 350iu, .125ai m/w/f. Thoughts?
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    Needle length question

    I have tried subq (3/8" 26g), IM 1/2" 28g, and IM 5/8" 25g. I seem to feel way better using the 5/8" needle pushed in deep (so maybe 1" in). Does this make any sense or is it a coincidence? Or is it based on the location I'm injecting (usually ventroglute, lateral quad, or delt)? When I say...
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    Need help managing hematocrit w/ labs

    Test Cyp IM 80mg, Arimidex .125mg, HCG 500iu every 3.5 days. Latest labs were taken Monday morning ~30min before next injection (9/24). I am including my original full panel from 6/8 as reference. I feel pretty good on day 2-3. Day 1-2 I get some facial flushing, etc. Any suggestions? I'm...
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    evening injections- hard to sleep question

    I inject M morning and Th evening. Sometimes on Th evenings it's hard for me to get to sleep. Should I just deal with it or could I just do like M and Th morning injections?
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    Broke a full bottle of test. Help?

    I just dropped by #2 full bottle of test and shattered the bottom. I picked it up and quickly inverted it and maybe 1/3 of the oil is still there. Do I just discard it or can I draw what's left out into my half used bottle? Thanks for the advice. Edit...after research I will just discard it...
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    High shbg and subq injections?

    I am injecting subq 80mg test cyp e3.5 days along with 500iu hcg and .125 arimidex. Pre trt labs had free test at 9.8(8.7-25.1) shbg at 65.4(16.5-55.9) and e2 sensitive at 23(8-35). Not feeling much of a difference after a month. Would I be better off with IM rather than subq for the test...
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    newbie questions w/ some lab results

    38 year old man. 200lbs ~15%bf w/ decent diet. Feeling tired all the time. Lots of sleep doesn't help. I started adding 5mg DHEA 2x/day and 10mg preg 1x/day with a slight benefit to energy levels. I have been reading up on these forums as much as I can. Can anyone recommend what to do to...