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  1. W

    Would nasal trt be right for me?

    Quick rundown of what ive tried. Worked with defy medical a few times. Everything has been perfect with my bloodwork but I become mentally flat on trt even with hcg. Hcg may help slightly but it makes me gain 10lbs of water weight in my face even with insanely low e2 (crashed my e2 for testing...
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    Test No Ester

    I’m curious if using this maybe once or twice a week for a libido boost will shut down natural production?
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    Aromasin Brain Fog Regardless of Estrogen Levels?

    Anyone notice that for roughly 24-48 hours after taking aromasin that they experience brainfog despite where their estrogen levels are?
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    Cialis & DHT

    Need help understanding this article, mainly this part. “Serum DHT increase in placebo treatment immediately post maximal aerobic exercise and return to basal values at 60 min of recovery whereas tadalafil administration significantly reduced the DHT increase after exercise.” Is this saying...
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    How much of dosage change side effects are in relation to dopamine?

    This is more of what’s everyone’s opinion. When changes are made to testosterone dosages, let’s say lowering it for this instance. How much of those depressed, anxiety, no drive or libido type of feelings that come following a reduction in dosage, do you believe are mainly from the brain...
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    Anxiety When Lowering TRT Dose

    Most guy get anxiety as a side effect when starting trt, it’s very common until body gets adjusted to it. I always thought it was just bc more testosterone, higher dopamine and just body running at a higher gear so just an overall shock of the body. I’m starting to notice that same elevated...
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    Testing Melanotan II For Libido

    Got some MT2 to see if it could help with libido. Protocol I’m following [0.5 mg] 3 days in a row. Then [0.25 mg] twice per week. Did first dose around 3pm yesterday. The nausea and facial flushing happened within like 5 mins. The nausea was just pretty strong stomach cramps. Not vomiting or...
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    Issues Day After Taking Pregnelone

    Tried experimenting to see how pregnelone would make me feel for it to see if it could help with brain fog & libido issues on trt. Taking 5mg sublingual usually at night I feel pretty good that night. Relaxes me and get a good nights sleep (better than usual). After about 12 hours I either...
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    Things that reduce hcg effectiveness.

    Are their certain things like different medications or anything for that matter that can mess with the absorption or how effective hcg can be? For example I know not keeping it in the refrigerator causes it to lose potency. When I first started trt a few years back I remember taking from...
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    Not enough cholesterol for hormone pathway?

    Curious of something. If you’re taking hcg to help keep those hormone pathways flowing from LH but your hdl cholesterol is low. Does this reduce how effective in turn the hcg is having results for you mentally?
  11. W

    Swapping To 1 Injection Per Week.

    Just got my levels back and again they are perfect. Traveling and typing this on my phone so not gonna go through and copy paste everything regarding bloodwork but even my docs at Defy agree everything is spot on. After trying subq, daily injections and all other different methods the only...
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    Cholesterol Hormone Pathway

    In regards to the hormone pathway where cholesterol turns into Pregnelone to start the downstream path for the hormones. What happens to that cholesterol if you’re not on hcg? Does it sit there just building up in the arteries because it has nowhere to go?
  13. W

    Testing out Proviron for Libido

    Quick background info: I’ve been on and off trt. Libido has been crap regardless whether on trt or off. It does get worse on trt though. I’ve tried cream, prop, cyp, hcg changing dosages, frequency..etc you name and I’ve tried it. The only time I’ve ever had a surge in libido was one time when...
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    Complete opposite results from similar dosages.

    When I first started on TRT about 4 years ago my first protocol was 140mg test cyp a week with 80 units of hcg. My blood results for this came back at 467 total t, free t 19 & e2 at 17. Came off of it for a few years. Started back on trt about 2 months ago at 140mg a week of test cyp and No...
  15. W

    Body adjusting to dosing changes.

    Lets say my dose has increased on the injection and I can tell right away that my e2 is feeling a little high and not feeling that great. If I stuck with this increased dose for let’s say 6 weeks, could my body get used to this increased e2 to where it becomes normal for me and the negative...
  16. W

    Starting back on TRT: Anxiety is real bad

    Anyone else have real bad anxiety after starting trt? Third week of starting back & the anxiety is about a 9 out of 10. Is it just the hormone levels getting adjusted that is causing this? I had this when I first started last time but I thought it was the other medication. Testosterone is the...
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    French Grape Seed supplement

    Read that French grape seed can help prevent the aromatization of e2. Has anyone researched or used this on here with some insight? Talking about the supplement version of this, not the carrier oil for the testosterone.
  18. W

    Testosterone Propionate Side Effects

    Aside from just regular test side effects in general. I’m more speaking of test prop vs the longer esthers. Here are the things I’ve read that make prop different than cyp/eth in terms of sides. Spikes DHT more then other esthers Spikes E2 more then other esthers Lowers E2 more then other...
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    Propionate peak time & headaches

    The prop and headaches might not be related to one another but wanted to post together just in case. I started a prop/cyp blend roughly 2 weeks ago. I do daily injections at around 7pm. Ive noticed I’ve started getting pretty bad headaches everyday around 2 pm. When should I expect the prop...
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    High Cortisol & Insomnia

    After swapping to E.O.D injections I've had horrible insomnia. I'm exhausted but my brain wont shut off. More commonly you'll see posts about falling asleep for a couple hours then cant go back to sleep. This is very similar. Going through a lot of posts on here I've noticed others with...
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    Prop vs Cypionate for E.O.D Injections..

    If someone was swapping to more frequent injections (E.O.D) to help keep e2 from spiking as much, would it be better to swap to propionate? From my understanding most of the e2 conversion is from the part of the oil that helps give testosterone prop/eth is longer half life. I mean if you’re...
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    Testosterone Cream + Injections

    I’m going to start experimenting with this to see if it may work. Being on both of these separately I had slight glimpses here and there of feeling good, never nothing worth staying with that specific protocol. Now I’m considering trying to use injections to help offset some of the downsides of...
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    Going from cialis 5mg daily to 2.5

    5mg daily was to much and crashed my e2. Going to swap over to 2.5. My question can I do this by doing 5mg EOD? Ive tried cutting the pills (with a pill cutter) and it’s all over the place with how it’s coming out. Ive got a prescription for 5 more months of the 5mg so wanted to see if I...
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    Injections every 4th Day

    I remember seeing a thread about someone doing injections every 4 days rather than every 3.5 days and them noticing a positive difference. I’ve tried the search function but can’t locate it (might not of been on this forum). If this sounds familiar to anyone please link it. I’m also...
  25. W

    Could low estrogen be the cause of my hands aching?

    I swapped to testosterone cream (from injections) and started daily cialis about the same time. Noticed my hands ache a lot. Like arthritis type feeling. I know low estrogen can cause joint issues but I’ve had low e2 in the past and never had my hands feel like this.
  26. W

    DHT Cream as an AI?

    I’ve been reading more about DHT and how it can potentially help reduce estrogen. Got me thinking. Would something like regular testosterone injections + a DHT cream not be a good combo? Throw out all of the potential negatives like prostate or hair loss for this discussion.
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    Testosterone Cream Success (Almost!)

    Not going to go through the entire back story of everything I’ve tried but finally after about a year and a half I feel like I’m very close to success with TRT. I started the cream at 200mg last week and have had mixed results. Finally I’ve realized that 1 click of testosterone cream to the...
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    Testosterone Cream Scrotal Application

    Does estrogen seem spike more when applied the scrotum vs another area like the shoulder?
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    Longest You’ve Had To Wait With Empower?

    What’s the longest you’ve had to wait before them shipping out your prescription? Mainly talking about testosterone cream & injectables.
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    More frequent TRT injections better?

    Couldn't fit all of this in the title.. Can more frequent injections cause you to feel any better even if it keep your levels at the exact same as less frequent injections? I have finally gotten great lab levels for my test/e2 but still not really feeling much different. I know more frequent...
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    This Doesn't Make Any Sense...

    Below is my most recent labwork at 160mg of test cyp per week & no hcg & 0.125mg anastrozle twice per week. Now when I first started on TRT my labs looked like this on 140mg of test cyp & 800 units of hcg per week. (See Below). Total Test - 467 Free Test - 19.8 E2 Sensitive - 17.3 So...