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  1. D

    Has anyone used Amazon Pharmacy for Test Cyp RX?

    Morning- Has anyone used Amazon for their test Cyp? I was unaware that Amazon even had a pharmacy until last night. Their pricing is the best I've seen, 200mg/10ML $20.90... My doctor is in the process of sending over my script, if it's truly that easy, I'm all in. Amazon link
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    FL Telehealth/med laws

    Can someone please educate me on how TRT providers in FL get around the laws of providing controlled substance prescriptions (testosterone) to out-of-state patients? My understanding is that it's not legal under the Ryan Haight Act. It's also my understanding that there is proposed change to...
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    Doctor in the DC Metro area?

    I was wondering if anyone has come across a doctor in the DC/NOVA area that is well versed in TRT? (Even better if they take insurance) I've been on trt for about 2 years and while happy with everything, I'm a little worried about the FL telehealth laws that are currently on the books and the...
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    First Labs, 90 day follow up

    Hi Gents- I've been lurking on this site for several months and to-date it's been the best resource for TRT related info on the I can find. (Great job Nelson) Attached are labs from when I first started and my 90 day follow up. Overall I'm extremely happy with how things are progressing and I...