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    Should I bother with Thyroid and DHEA Supplementation?

    Hello everyone. I have been looking to get back on the TRT train after falling off the past few months. I am going to start doing my injections regularly and everything. However I want to know if its really worth it to try and tackle Thyroid and DHEA too? According to my results collected last...
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    Should I bother with figuring out the DHEA Pregnenolone Cortisol puzzle with Test should I choose to use a PED?

    Hello everyone. Recently, I have been trying to figure out why despite taking 200 mg/ml test in 1 ML dosages split twice a week, I still feel like shit a lot of times. On top of regular psychological issues, Im trying to figure out what I could be doing to get to the fabled golden zone that...
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    Test levels LOWER after switching to injections?!

    Alright yeah, title sums it up. Switched to 200 mg/ml a week in July along with HCG. Was formerly doing half a pill of Clomid every day. I stopped as I believed it was worsening my depression. I have 1mg of Arimidex as well was taking once a week but was informed it might be crashing estrogen...
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    Peptides with TRT?

    Hello again. I was speaking with my doctor today about certain peptides and other things that can help me along with my TRT journey. Along with potential for thyroid in helping shed the extra weight im holding I had spoken about peptides people have added to assist in weight management and...
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    Chest fat or Gynecomastia? Can Test correct it?

    Hello again, sorry for posting so much but I have a lot concerning me atm. To preface, ever since I was a teenager and puberty started to take its toll on me, I have had extra tissue on my chest that has caused me much embarrassment and discomfort in my social life (I hate beaches/pools) and in...
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    Injecting Test with EasyTouch insulin syringe?

    Hello everyone. I am just posting this quick question. I am out of longer syringes that would be used to inject myself in the thigh muscle but still have easytouch syringes for my HCG. Theyre thin and short so im not sure they would reach my muscle. Are these syringes sufficient to inject or not?
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    How will I know my regiment is enough? Am I just not made for TRT?

    Hello, My history with trt replacement isnt long but I feel its long enough. Started in adolescense but never did it regularly then. My doctor really didnt know what he was doing considering he was injecting me once monthly but it was understandable considering my age att. Now I am trying to...
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    Questions about my TRT regimen and way to help things along

    Hello ExcelMale Forums. Ive finally managed to switch to injections. I have risen from 200-something to 957 using clomid. I feel hardly different and I feel it might be because of the fact I was using Clomid, which ive heard it has effect on mood which is the main reason im switching to...
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    22 yo Good idea to try to T+HCG injections, as well as find doctor contemporary?

    Hello again everyone, I'm hearing a lot of things here from my last thread and am very enlightened as to what to do next. I'm taking Clomid and Arimidex currently, but I'm looking to try by best to convince my doctor to go straight into injecting. I'm hearing that HCG is another substance that...
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    22 Year Old Male. Just starting TRT but wondering if there's more I can do.

    Hello, this is my first post here. Im 22 and was diagnosed with hypogonadism when I was younger, about 16 or so. I was going through some treatment at the time of gel patches, but Im sure I dont need to elaborate on how annoying that was to you all. Thus my doctor and I talked and I was...