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  1. V

    High reverse T3 the cause of high SHBG?

    My SHBG is high. I believe I ruled out all other causes of high SHBG- sensitive e2 is on the lower end of normal, increased my Vitamin D to well over 100, natural testosterone is 8-900, and DHT is normal. Last cause is thyroid. Comprehensive thyroid panel was good except for a very high reverse...
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    Everything is a disaster

    It started with low T symptoms, so I went to a researcher/professor endocrinologist at a university hospital. Said my symptoms would likely go away. They didn’t. Started having BPH symptoms and thought that lack of orgasms could be enlarged prostate so I mistakenly took saw palmetto that...
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    I want to remove gyno, have done research

    I’ve had gyno beginning with corticosteroids from asthma treatment in 5th grade. It’s caused me embarrassment, and I overtrained in college years ago to manage it as best I could. I didn’t know it was caused by hormones. I regrettably took Saw Palmetto and it reverted back as I couldn’t workout...
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    HMG treatment only, any side effects or shutdown?

    Hey all, I’m wondering if I used HMG, would I have either shutdown of LH or FSH, or any other side effects? I have seen an endocrinologist that thinks I have an androgen insensitivity and/or sertoli only syndrome. I had a better reaction with TRT than HCG, so also thinking about using HMG...
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    I have cold urine??

    Ok, so I peed in the shower one time and happened to feel that it was cool. Kind of concerning so I will check if I have to go while showering. It was cold again. Sometimes it’s cool and sometimes it’s hot or should be normal. When I say cold, definitely colder to touch than room temperature...
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    Blood cupping therapy

    Hey all, I’m looking into the safety of blood cupping therapy on the pelvic area and if anyone has feedback or experience. I’m interested after reading this article...
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    RU-486 safe to use in men?

    I found a peptide that says it’s similar to RU-486 in that it’s a progestin that acts like an anti-progesterone. Says it decreases estrogen like side effects and increases libido. Wondering if it’s safe to use at 20mg or possibly more.
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    Allergic reaction to Empower’s T cream and other meds

    I’m breaking out with face redness/itch that goes from my eyebrows and down through cheeks, now nearly to my jaw. I was on Empowers T cream and hydrocortisone and was breaking out a few months ago. Took a break from all meds and was doing fine. I started Empowers injectable Taurine and...
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    Would I benefit from a different type of T?

    Natural labs are attached. I’m high SHBG and lower e2. E2 in these labs is 16, but also have 19. I have been on HCG along with either Empowers T Cyp or T cream and results are disappointing. Looking for something that maybe will boost my e2 up. Maybe Propionate, Sustanon, or Pfizer’s Depo-T?
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    DACNB practitioners?? On preconsultation, he stated that I likely have blood sugar issues which causes hormones not to work. On the intake agreements, there is only a metabolic program for $ 1,300 up front and $500/month. Seems like everyone may be forced...
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    Blood sugar issues

    Greetings. I spoke to an alternative medicine doctor, well he has a certification wellness through a chiropractic association, like DCNAB. I spoke to him about brain fog, trouble focusing, hormonal problems, and he said that my symptoms sounded more like blood sugar issues or blood sugar...
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    Does hydrocortisone help with libido?

    I have low salivary cortisol. It is only 0.2 when it should be around 0.6 near the top of the range. Cortisol makes a large drop midday and stays low. I feel drained during the day/ fast heartbeat although never have to nap. When night comes I am calm and can concentrate and focus on my...
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    When testicle size increases, what happens?

    We know that HCG or Clomid can increase testicle size. But exactly how does a testicle increase in size once extra LH or HCG enter the cells? Does it stop apoptosis, or more cells uptake glucose or water, etc?
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    Are Accutane Side Effects Related to Similarities in Androgen Molecules?

    I copied these molecular formulas from PropeciaHelp. Accutane is one of the medicines that has long lasting side effects similar to low T, persistent after discontinuing the medication. Similar side effects and persistent nature brings these accurate victims to PH. Notice how isotretinoin...
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    Loading the syringe is difficult

    I’m trying to load T in the syringe, but the air pressure inside seems off. I will add or pull air, but it’s either pulling mostly air and the liquid slowly drips down, tiny air bubbles are forming at the syringe, or the plunger is being pushed out. If I get a decent load, there will be one...
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    Question about orgasm

    What is the mechanism/cause of the throbbing or pushes ejaculate out? I always had the throbbing before any symptoms happened, then the no-libido, no morning wood happened and throbbing as well as orgasm sensation disappeared. More recently I am starting to have the throbbing again, but not...
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    Is HCG and DHT a good combo?

    I’m looking at DHT heptanoate injectable or a DHT cream and combining with HCG to preserve fertility. Is this a workable combo? I have high SHBG and would like to preserve fertility.
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    Possible Malpractice?

    Hey all, I’m frustrated with the misdirection of a top state university endocrinologist/professor that has overseen me, starting with my 1st appointment in 2010. I have had mixed, unguided direction and ZERO medication/advice from him. I just wrote up a huge description on here, but I’m...
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    My new test results.

    Here are my results after 2 months of taking Natesto, and while on a low iron diet. I was also taking 18g of inositol a night. No natesto on the morning of testing. Some days I would forget to take Natesto, or sometimes I’d double dose. I have a separate lab for SHBG which turned out to be...
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    How long for TRT to reduce high SHBG?

    I know that most TRT places recommend 3-6 months for TRT to show results for low total T. My case may be different, as I have a test of 700 due to a high SHBG of 66. These were my baselines before starting Natesto. I’ve been on Natesto for 2 months, and I can’t really tell if it’s helping. I...
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    Help me create a Hydrocortisone treatment

    Hey guys, quick background, I have high reverse t3, low salivary cortisol, and high shbg. I have tried t3 meds that really didn’t do much besides increase shbg , and I’m now on Natesto only I want to try hydrocortisone, Hisone, from ADC. Articles I have read on low cortisol claim my cortisol...
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    St Johns Wort-Are there long lasting effects?

    Im looking at St Johns Wort and wondering if anyone has seen evidence of sexual dysfunction or long lasting side effects such as PSSD. If true, I’m not sure if Mucuna would be best taken alongside of SJW?
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    Androgens make hyperthyroid worse?

    Told my endocrinologist I had high reverse t3. He checked my gland with touching my neck while swallowing. Said he felt “something.” Sometimes I’ll definitely feel hyperthyroid in short bouts, such as a half hour-of racing heartbeat, shaking hands, perspiration. Im also having multiple...
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    Enclomiphene vs Natesto and SHBG

    I have high shbg, around 55-60. When I take Cialis or Sildenafil, I'm usually back to zero libido the morning after, so estradiol is low. Today I successfully received a script for Natesto, and the doctor noted I should have a thyroid ultrasound done, as he felt something by feeling my neck...
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    Can all liquid supplements be used sublingually?

    I didn't find any sublingual specific vitamin D, so I ended up with liquid vitamin D drops. Is there any reason why any liquid supplement, such as my vitamin D, cannot be absorbed sublingually? Or will all be absorbed if I hold it under my tongue, or on my tongue?
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    Came across a peptide/amino acid mixture from pig brain that works as a nootropic and libido booster. I was searching for libido boosters, and there were quite a few positive reviews in forums, with one guy claiming he had to stop taking it after it made his libido uncomfortably high. It has...
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    Convincing a doctor to prescribe Natesto

    Hey guys, I'm looking to increase T to suppress high SHBG of 63. I also believe many symptoms are attributable to low E2. Since I'm late 20s, and T is high on paper due to high SHBG, local doctors never consider TRT, and I always had a bad experience with getting any testing done. Defy...
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    Lack of morning wood-is this only due to low Free T?

    Looking at the causes for lack of morning wood, is Free T the only contributor? Does any thyroid, adrenal, or mental cause it to cease?
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    Would one T shot work in a couple days?

    I tried a combo of things one weekend and had good success a couple days later, that eventually faded. Im high natural T 700, high shbg 60ish. I took one shot of .25ml of Test cyp. Is this enough to change levels in a few days? Also took one DIM pill, one gingko biloba per day. Also I had...
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    Combining Anti-androgen herbs while on T

    I'll start off by saying that there are guys with PFS that have had success with herbal antiandrogens. Licorice, ginkgo biloba, and vitex berry. Anywhere from symptom improvement to full recoveries. One in particular is Vitex. I'll look for his thread, and I know by his prior posts that he had...
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    Low e2, high shbg; would a low dose T still shut me down?

    I'm around 700 natural T due to high shbg-60ish, and e2 is low 16-19. Would a low dose of T cyp keep me from shutting down my natural T? My thinking is that the extra T would push down shbg, then e2 might slowly increase to mid 20s without a shutdown. I have been experimenting with T and had a...