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  1. B

    Random thoughts/questions regarding Test and AAS...

    Like many of my brothers on this forum I/we have been struggling to get dialed in on TRT..... and the thought process has usual been to try to replicate the normal levels/diurnal rhythm of the body to maintain peak homeostasis, however, even with seemingly normal Total/Free T, E levels, etc.. we...
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    Testosterone Expiration for opened vials

    What's the opinion on Testosterone shelf life for opened vials.... ? I was thinking of giving Test Prop a try again and have 90-95% full vial from Empower that was opened about 13-14 months ago....(it was stored in dark, dry place, the color and consistency still looks like new). Any thoughts?
  3. B

    Need for Thyroid Supplementation while on TRT.....

    As most of you on this forum know from my other posts that I have been on TRT for about 11-12yrs now and never felt dialed in.. Suffering from mild depression, lack of sleep, no motivation, cognitive issues, etc.... So I was recently going over my current and past blood labs to see if there are...
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    TRT and desensitization to stimulants

    Has anyone noticed that while on TRT they have become less responsive to stimulants? during my 11 plus years on TRT, I have become almost immune to any kind of stimulant. I never abused any stims either, I just feel like I got more desensitized. I guess it coincides with my depression and...
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    Stopping TRT protocol

    I have been researching how to stop TRT and I came across a video on Youtube which states the following: 1) Stop the Testosterone and give it time for the esters to clear the system 2) Start HCG for about 6 weeks and test labs to see if LH/FSH is getting stimulated 3) If LH/FSH stimulated then...
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    Empower Pharmacy Hair Loss Products... Anybody using?

    I think I'm going to give this a try: Hair Restore Ultra Scalp Solution - 60 mL Dropper Bottle of Minoxidil / Azelaic Acid / Finasteride / Ketoconazole 5/12.5/0.1/2% I'd like to get the finasteride component down to .05 or .025..... What is a good vehicle to mix with this... I was thinking of...
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    MPB and Finasteride (side effects/dosing theory)

    If Finasteride has a cumulative effect then it wouldn't matter what dosage someone was taking as the finasteride would continue build up in the body to levels that would eventually cause side effects, it's just that a lower dose would take more time to achieve the negative side effects as...
  8. B

    Test Prop @ 15mg ED/SQ vs Test Cyp @ 20mg ED/SQ... Results.....

    Below are my Lab results from my use of Test Cyp @ 20mg ed/SQ for 8 months and Test Prop @ 15mg ed/sq for about 3 months. Test Cyp @ 20mg ED/SQ (8 months) Testosterone Total-Male 609.0 ng/dL 300.0 - 890.0 ng/dL Free Testosterone 168.7 pg/mL 47.0 - 244.0 pg/mL Estradiol, Serum 72...
  9. B

    Blood test- Low SHBG, High E2 (over range), High DHT (top end of range).... any thoughts?

    I'm on Test Prop @ 15mg ED SQ and Armour Thryoid 3 grains. For the past 2 1/2 months, I have noticed my hair is rapidly thinning and dry, my beard/stache seems to be growing slower looking mildly sparcer and not as dark.... Energy, mood, libido and sleep sucks... I suspected high E possibly...
  10. B

    Getting ready to stop TRT.... What do I need to know?

    Ok, guys I am coming to the end of the journey of TRT... I have been on since 2010 and I never ever felt optimal, always feeling "meh", libido "meh", sleep horrible, up and down E2/DHT and now thinning hair (yay!)... I'm a low SHBG guy and I have been on Test Cyp and Prop variation of dosing...
  11. B

    Wellbutrin and TRT.

    Just curious if anyone felt/had symptoms of depression after starting TRT? I am 10 years in on TRT and I have felt mentally tired and unmotivated most of the entire time... I sometimes thought it was High E or low Thyroid but no matter how much I lowered E or adjusted thyroid (Armour) it...
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    Empower vs Defy and/or Recommendation of Compounding Pharmacy

    My doctor wrote me a script for Test Prop 100mg/ml. Does anyone have any recommendations where to fill it? Empower, Defy and/or another Pharmacy recommendation?
  13. B

    Is Prop legal (prescription) for TRT? One last Hail Mary before calling it quits after 11 yrs.

    I am just about coming to the end of the road with my TRT journey after 11 yrs... I never really enjoyed the benefits that it is supposed to bring... My lipid panels have been horrible (although I did have perfect Lipids on my last blood test when increasing Armour thyroid to 3 grains per day...
  14. B

    Enlarged ascending thoracic aorta causes?

    So I have been having a lot of acid reflux the past 1 1/2 years, no blood pressure issues and erratic lipid panels (expected when on TRT) but the last year lipid panel dialed in with Natural Thyroid supplementation-Armour... just had CT Scan for Heart Calcium which came back "0" normal.... but...
  15. B

    TRT and blood panel

    Since starting TRT over 10 years ago, I have always for the most part had messed up blood panels such as HDL/LDL level.... For the past year I have been on Thyroid (Armour 2 grains per day) and my blood panels have come back all in range.... my LDL/HDL was near perfect... I started Thyroid to...
  16. B

    Interesting findings regarding my low SHBG after adding NDT when reviewing old labs....

    From my many posts on this forum many people probably know by now that I am a Low SHBG guy (8-18 labcrop range) which manifested after starting TRT 10 yrs ago... I have never gotten dialed in despite numerous changes in Test dosage, injections, etc... It's been a struggle to lose weight despite...
  17. B

    TRT induced Low SHBG and TRT dosage?

    Ok, I just read through the entire Low SHBG sticky thread and have been researching all over this forum regarding low SHBG and Trt dosing... I was able to pull a lab test from 12 years ago prior to starting TRT and I had a SHBG of 44 (lab corp range)... Since starting TRT my SHBG has dropped...
  18. B

    I think neglected Total Testosterone focusing too much on free T...

    I think I might have found out why I wasn't feeling so good on TRT all these past years... I wasn't optimizing my Total T.. I was focusing too much on my free T which was always in the top 90% or higher of the free range which is great but my Total T was in the bottom Labcorp range (mid...
  19. B

    CJC 1295 w/Dac and Ipamorelin dosing?

    I've decided to make the jump into Growth Hormone peptides and have CJC 1295 w/DAC and Ipamorelin on the way... (I've read that the CJC and Ipamorelin is far more effective when used together). I've did my research and I'm pretty confident with how to dose Ipamorelin (100 to 300 mcg per night)...
  20. B

    Intuiv aka Guanfacine??????? Non-stimulant ADHD dopamine agonist

    I was talking to my doctor about lack of motivation due to no available stimulants to get me going hard in the gym... I have taken Modafinil in the past but it took about 300 to 400 mg's to get an effect which felt like old-school ephedra but I'd end up awake for a few days... and then it...
  21. B

    lab results for IM vs SQ ED protocols....

    Just got back lab results... and I now have blood work for Test Cyp SQ ED, IM ED, and Test Prop SQ ED.. Test CYP @ 30MG SQ ED Total Test- 728 (264 - 916) Free Test- 26.0 (6.8 - 21.5) SHBG- 28 Test Prop @ 20MG SQ ED Total Test- 468 Free Test- 16.2 SHBG- 22 Test Cyp @ 40mg IM ED ( I was...
  22. B

    Labs back... interesting results...

    quick backstory... I have been suffering from hypo symptoms for a long while (no energy, sleep issues, libido issues, memory/brain fog, can't lose weight, etc...) my TSH labs have always had T4 and FT4 in bottom 10% range, FT3 in upper 80% of range, and TSH always between 2.2 - 3.9...
  23. B

    Natural Testosterone diurnal patterns? trying to dial in TRT and dose timing, etc.

    Has there ever been studies done on natural diurnal patterns of healthy males... such as blood taken ever hour or 2 hours throughout a 12-24 period to see how steady Total and Free Test levels are? From my limited research the consensus is that Testosterone is the highest in the AM and falls...
  24. B

    Thyroid... numbers and peculiar happening since starting low dose NDT...

    Quick backstory... Been TRT for 9-10+ years, initially felt good for the first 6 months but over the next months/several years I became tired, suffering brain fog/memory issues, disinterested in things I was interested in prior, mild depression, up/down libido, sleep issues, weight gain...
  25. B

    When to dose NDT? how long to wait to eat after taking?

    I am finally making the full plunge and diving into full Thryoid dosing/replacing with Armour.. for the past 2 months Ive been taking a 1/2 grain every morning and tried waiting 30 min before eating/drinking coffee... but now I am going to go full 1 grain in AM and 1/2 late afternoon...
  26. B

    FYI... When in doubt with deciding/purchasing supplements... Just use Kirkland brand (Costco)....

    Just FYI for all interested......I have been researching supplements and health products (purchased a sub to Consumerlabs and a few other product test sites) and I have found that Kirkland brand products have passed most/if all testing and have been rated in the top categories as well being the...
  27. B

    Test dose timing for ED inject protocols... morning or night?

    I was looking back at some of my history (lab numbers) and something hit me during my research... I had experimented with SQ injections and was looking at one of my lab results which I have posted below... Using 20mg Test Prop (16.5mg pure test minus ester weight) SQ ED injects in morning 8am...
  28. B

    Natural daily male Test production correlating to TRT dosing......

    From my research I have found that the typical healthy young male naturally produces on average 4 to 7 mg of Testosterone per day... so 7 mg per day at 7 days per week = 49 mg of Test per/wk... Why in the hell was I using 200mg of Cyp per week (actually 140mg Test minus the ester) and...
  29. B

    TRT lack of energy, motivation and loss of sensitivity to stimulants due to E2 ?

    I know High E2 can cause depression, low motivation, low energy, etc.... especially if one is low SHBG then you are even more sensitive to E2 issues... I was wondering could High E2 cause someone to also be less affected by stimulants, etc.... Possibly could E2 affect dopamine levels as well?
  30. B

    Could it Be E2?

    I wonder if E2 could be my problem.... I haven't had the sensitive E2 test... Does E2 issues mimic hypo symptoms.. fatigue, brain fog, sleep issues, energy???? I have never had no gyno and/or bloating issues ever....
  31. B

    Thyroid supplementation... does it suppress your natural Thyroid?

    I've been searching all over the net and I can't get a solid answer. I have only found one site (a medical site/doctor) that states that small doses of NDT from 15mg up to 60mg will not shut down your natural thyroid production... 120mg and up will however suppress natural Thyroid... Does...