Search results

  1. C

    My recent labs… high Free T and E

    48 year old, 5’8, 207ish, TRT since 42. Pretty muscular no clue on body fat. Pretty vascular and slight visible abs. I eat like 50/50 good vs crap. Currently on 120 test and 60 nandrolone per week split m,w,f. No AI. My last 2 lab results from March and August. Free T is super high and E is...
  2. C

    Bioavailable vs Free Testosterone

    Quest labs provided me with both a Free and Bioavailable testosterone level. All my last labs just provide Free not bio. I have seen these terms bio and free used interchangeably a lot but they are obviously different. What’s the main difference? and which is more meaningful for TRT purposes ?
  3. C

    Best time to get labs if pinning M,W,F

    I pin M,W,F .2ml each pin ( approx 120 mg / week) Recommend get labs Monday morning before that pin ? Or any of the in between days. Waiting til Monday will have a 2 days between pins
  4. C

    Bacteriostatic water and refrigerator

    Is it ok that I placed my unopened vials of bacteriostatic water in the fridge. Didn’t realize that I could have just stored them in my cabinet in the dark at room temperature like I have before. Just totally forgot put some vials in the fridge. PS: posted on peptide forum but wanted to post...
  5. C

    Bacteriostatic Water: Refrigerator

    Is it ok that I placed my unopened vials of bacteriostatic water in the fridge. Didn’t realize that I could have just stored them in my cabinet in the dark at room temperature like I have before. Just totally forgot put some vials in the fridge.
  6. C

    HcG and Bacteriostatic Water ?

    Hey gang. When I used to get HcG from my clinic ( 5000 I.U ) I would reconstitute with 5 ml of bacteriostatic water. My protocol is 250 units twice weekly so total 500 units weekly. Anyway, we all know that HcG is becoming harder to to get from clinics, so I sourced some HcG overseas ( pic...
  7. C

    Gonna put in home gym....thoughts.

    Wife and I decided to have a little home gym in our basement. The space we want to use is 14 x 9. We will still keep our gym memberships but want to have the option since who knows if gyms will shut down again here in PA, plus my wife is prego and once the little one comes along, going to the...
  8. C

    My labs. Have at it

    Hey gang. Here is my latest lab follow up. I’ll be meeting with the clinic doc in a week or so to review and see if any changes. Still waiting on the Estradiol. I would assume it will be around 50 like my last labs. These labs are similar to my last labs back in March. Otherwise feel perfectly...
  9. C

    Gonadorelin: Dosage Conversion

    Hey gang. Just got a 10 ML (1mg/5ml) vial of Gonadorelin HCL. Directions call for 50 MCG subq. This is my first time using this product vs Compounded HcG previously. Anyway, I want to make sure I get my math right as the 30 gauge insulin syringes are marked 1 ML total / 100 Units. not marked...
  10. C

    No Gym: Quarantine check in and learnings.

    Probably like most of you, I have not been to the local gym in 2 months. How have you adapted? what are you doing? and most importantly, did you go to shit or are you surprised at yourself 2 months down the line? My only form of exercise has been push-ups, pull-ups and some various light...
  11. C

    Post Injection Bump ?

    Hey Team. So did my regular Monday test cyp shot. 42mg using Easy Touch 28 gauge 1/2’ into my right deltoid. I have been doing the deltoids for a while now with no issues rotating. So this morning when I injected I noticed after withdrawing an immediate bump formed. There was some blood drip...
  12. C

    Corona Gains: TRT and Gains or lack thereof...

    Hey gang. Just curious. Most of us are 4 weeks into lockdown. I have not been to the gym in 4 weeks and like most, I am working out at home. I just do pull ups and push ups and some db exercises with 25lb pair. upper day and lower day. I also try and jog/walk 2-3 miles 2-3 times a week which is...
  13. C

    Don’t Stop Working Out

  14. C

    2 Years on TRT: Update and my thoughts.

    Summary for those interested: - At 42 decided to randomly get my T levels checked. Labs results were in the 230’s, so pretty low. I’ll be honest that I really didn’t exhibit any major low T issues that drove me to check. I was just plain interested as I always worked out and was wondering about...
  15. C

    Bacteriostatic Water for HcG mixing.

    Hey gang. Quick question. Is the recommendation that any leftover bacteriostatic water be discarded? The kit that I got recently got has two vials of hCG powder but only one vial of bacteriostatic water (multi use 30ml) Typically I would just reconstitute one HcG vial at a time with the 5ml of...
  16. C

    Micro Dosing Testosterone ? kinda

    My routine for the last 2 years has been test cyp injections every Monday and Thursday. About a month ago I stopped doing Glute IM pins and trying out shallow IM in the Delts twice weekly. Just easier to administer and love using 28 gauge 1/2” insulin pin. My dose is approx 60mg Monday and 60...
  17. C

    Baby making and TRT... what’s up?

    I know I should prob have done a search first and I will in the site. So wanted some feedback from the peanut gallery. Girlfriend (40yr) and me (44yr) are going to a fertility clinic to learn more about possibly having a child. She has a tubal ligation so looking at a reversal or possible IVF...
  18. C

    56% increase is testosterone using a testosterone booster: Say What?

    Was in the youtube wormhole watching videos and this video got tagged for me to watch. Guy is claiming a 56% increase in total T in 30 days. 587 to 918 using a Test Booster you can buy from Amazon. Is there something fishy going on here?
  19. C

    Any tips on testosterone leakage from stopper?

    When I draw the test dosage using a 23g pin and remove the pin there seems to be a nice size droplet of medication that makes its way out. I Seems like such a waste. My steps are: 1. Draw back the plunger to get air just a bit pass the .5ml. I do about 75mg test each shot. 2. I then insert into...
  20. C

    Thinking of stopping my AI. Thoughts.

    Hi gang. Been on test cyp since Feb 2018. I am scripted at 200mg/week doing 100mg IM on Monday and Thursdays. Even though 200 is my script, I am actually doing a bit less prob 150-175mg/week. I was having some back acne flair ups and playing around with lower dose. Anyway, I am also on 0.5mg if...
  21. C

    Thinking of Lowering the dose, Not typo.

    Long story short, I’ve been on testosterone replacement therapy for just under one year most of it on 200 mg of cyp per week divided into two weekly 100 mg dosages. When I say most , there was a three month period or so where my dosage was decreased due to being over the reference range. Back...
  22. C

    Question on splitting up my dosage due to travel abroad

    Hello. I am currently on 200mg/week split up into two weekly IM shots at 100mg per. It’s been since 12/13 since I did my last 100 mg shot. [ran out]. Due to required blood work reviewed on 12/21. All bloods were solid and within decent ranges 12/13 bloods at (831 total test amd 144 free test)...