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  1. B

    Good range T and E, free E and DHT through the roof

    I just got my labs back from the first week in October and I'll see that my testosterone is mid-range and my estradiol ultra-sensitive is good but my free
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    Dr suggested cypionate could be cause of water retenetion, but topical will not.

    I am going on 11 months of injecting, and I am still having major water retention. I am drivinb myself crazy on finding a fix for this. I beleive if I was going to normalize the water weight it would have happened by now. One post I have come across from a mens clinic in Washington states that...
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    Proven Pregnenolone supplement to raise out of range level?

    My lab just came back with a mark 0f 9(22-237) for pregnenolone. I would like to be prepared to question my doctor about appropriate action. I supplement Dhea of 35mg a day, and my dhea just came back at 204(70-495). I have read you should not take the both of them, Empower info. I have no idea...
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    Anyone have a Proven product to lower Homocysteine?

    I need help finding a methyl product that will lower my Homocysteine level. The last one I tried took me from 12 to 16. If you have found one, where did your numbers start and end up. Thank you...
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    AI pushing BP to 170 are there other options?

    I have been fighting what I now know is high E. April sensitive test scored my E at 65. T900, free was 350. Dr started me on anastrazole. Now my BP has went from 130 to 160+ most of the time. I am going to stop taking the AI for w week and see what happens. I am going to start taking Dim, and...
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    New RSLTS, Dr appt Mon.

    ]My protocol is 0.1ml(20mg) cypionate every day. NO Ai. 20mg Benicar (BP), 5mg/325 hydro 1or2xD Supplements: Grape seed, pinebark, maca, red rice, milk thistle, b5,b6,b12, folate, coq10, anxaathin,mag,5 gams fish oil, flax oil I quit taking HCG in beginning of March so I could try to pin point...
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    DHT is high out of range, and Quest dropped ball on other tests

    Quest was supposed to test a whole panel of things, but they did not. The tech did not see that there were two test scripts. So I wasted a DR. appointment today and have to go back.:mad: What was tested: TSH 2.95mIU/L In Dec. it was 2.11...
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    Any labs I am missing?

    Following labs ordered: Hemoglobin A1c, Comp (this will include eGFR) CBC, PSA, Magnesium, DHEA, Lipid Panel, SHBG, Testosterone-free and total (lc/ms/ms) Estradiol, ultra-sensitive Estradiol, Free Ferritin Free T3, Free T4 Prolactin TSH DHT I pulled all of these from stickies...
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    Probably not the place for this.

    I buried my best freind today. She was a great trail buddy, and was always ready to go. 99 percent of the time it is great to be a dog Dad, but that 1 percent is terrible. The only blessing about it was she went we were gone. I held my infant son and daughter in my arms when they died. Tears...
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    reducing T dose, how long to steady state?

    My doctor cut my T dose in half I was wondering if the same 6 weeks apply to reach steady-state or if you're going backwards does the time cut it in half and you arrive there in 3 weeks? Not that it will change anything but now I'm worried we're going to go too far in the other direction.
  11. B

    Do pde5 increase length of intercourse time or could it be tied to estrogen

    Since switching to injections I have noticed that my intercourse time has increased by a lot of time. I have also been taking a low Viagra dose so I'm curious if the Viagra can increase your length of intercourse or if there is something tied to my elevated hormone levels.
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    Very low Alk Phosphate in blood test, carrier for hypophosphatasia gene, T related?

    My Alk Phos came back as low, really low. It has been low when tested in the last two years since I started this journey. It is now less than half of the bottom range reference number. in December it was 24, its now 18. We lost our two biological children in infancy to hypophosphatasia. Has...
  13. B

    viagra, wait time before taking again.

    I take 20mg of Viagra every evening around 6 p.m., at least until I get my T dialed in. How long do I have to wait to take it again? I was going to take another one early this morning, but didnt know if it was safe. I find that V is more of a performance anxiety cure for me more than anything...
  14. B

    Elevated BP, and 5lb water weight flux, repeatedly, wore out search button

    I switched to inj. at the end of December after being on cream after androgel. I inj. 100mg cyp e3.5d. I also started taking HCG 125iu biw mid January. When I started taking the first inj. all was good, strong libido, very strong morning wood returned, energy and mood+++. I dont have my labs in...
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    Not getting notifications of replies to threads

    Admins or Mods, I believe I have my settings to instant for notice of replies to threads but I am not getting any. Is there a way to check what is going on? I get an email every so often from Excelmale so I know the right email is registered. Subscriptions set to "I" on notifications, but not...
  16. B

    I need Hcg guidance on what to buy, please.

    I need to order HCG. I can not tell what the difference is between brands. I know that there are 3 brands available in the US, but unless someone can point me to a $40, 5000iu vial, I will need to save money an order out of Canada. I am not brave enough to order overseas yet. I have not found...
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    Thread posts are listed in reverse order

    Is it my computer or is this normal? The first post of a thread is on the last page on every thread I have looked at today. The top post of the first page is the most recent one. I have to go to the last page and work my back starting at the bottom of the page.So if there are 60 posts I will...