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  1. W

    Could it be my cypionate dose that's making me moody?

    Hello I've been on trt since 2017 and have always taken 150 to 100mg of cypionate weekly. The last few months or so I've been on 50 mg weekly. I settled for 50 mg because my estrogen sensitive, and ferritin ans rbc have normalized and so has my htc. When I was on a higher dose I felt better as...
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    PSA increases over time on Cypionate

    Is it normal for the PSA level to go up on Cypionate? Before trt back in 2017 my level was 0.8 and it has gradually increased. My latest dose is 50 mg weekly since 5 months ago. 3/8/22= 1.82 8/16/22= 1.32 5/1/23= 1.51 2/6/24= 2.7
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    Testosterone levels off of trt

    I've been off trt for 7 weeks and decided to check my levels being off. How come my free t is 37 which is great despite my total being 255? Should I go back even though I feel great? My e2 sensitive and standard was 24, 27 which is ideal.
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    Cypoinate and high hematocrit

    I currently have a HTC of 55% on 200 mg. When I was doing 100mg it was around 50%. My shbg has been in the 15 to 17 mark. Having said this I don't need much cypionate to raise total and free. If I do 50mg per week will that bring it down below 50%?
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    Why didn't my levels change much despite a dose imcrease?

    I was on cypionate 100mg weekly and after the increase to 200mg they didn't change much in 2 months. As follows: 100mg Total T 644 Free T 32 Rbc 6.14 Htc 52.4 Hemoglobin 17.6 E2 52 200MG Total T 1195 Free T 32 Rbc 6.07 Htc 52.6 Hemoglobin 17.6 E2 70
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    When to check labs?

    If I inject cypionate on MWF in the evening time when do I check the levels? Do I check on Monday morning before my evening shot or the morning of Tuesday or Thursday when I don't inject?
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    Can a reduction in Cypionate cause sleepiness?

    I went from 100 mg weekly to 80 mg and during this time I notice I am more sleepy lately. I've been on the 80 mg for 2 or 3 weeks.
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    How much Sam e for mood/depression?

    I was on 400mg for one month and felt nothing. Today I started taking 800mg and will see if it works. How much sam e do you guys take and is it safe to take a much higher dose?
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    Weekly shots

    Guys I have been on Cypionate 100mg on MWF for many months. I realize micro dosing can be better to avoid peaks and valleys but I feel most days worn out and can't sleep at night well. If I try the 100mg once a week instead could that maybe help me with energy levels and sleep?
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    Peak Testosterone Forum

    Anyone here know if the Peak Testosterone Forum is down temporarily or permanently?
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    Testosterone and E2

    When I was on 80 mg every 5 days my e2 standard was 62 and sensitive 50. Now on 60 mg every 5 days my standard e2 was 72 but don't know this time around what the sensitive was because Dr didn't add it. I can suspect it would be around the 60's. How come my E2 went up instead of dropping since my...
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    Is feeling sore after lifting weights tearing the fibers for growth?

    Guys I understand that after you lift you can expect to be sore and because of lactic acid buildup. What I want to know is if soreness is because you tore the muscle fibers to stimulate muscle growth or no you can be sore just from lifting alone without any muscle tear/growth?
  13. W

    How should I start on shots?

    I may start on shots because I am tired of applying the cream and to avoid contact with others at home. Is 100mg of Cypionate a week a good place to start or is 50mg twice a week better to avoid peaks and lows and to avoid getting a high E2? My current SHBG is 15.
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    Concerned about labs

    Guys do I need to be concerned? I had labs done a week ago and for the first time my urea nitrogen BUN was 27 and normal is under 25. My BUN to Creatinine ratio is 28 and normal is below 22. My creatinine alone is normal though 0.97 and protein total normal 6.6. I have been lifting weights for...
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    Understanding weight loss

    How come some people say they've lost 10 lbs but gained muscle when you can't really tell how many pounds you lost since the scale stays the same or possibly goes up with the muscle gains?
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    Muscle and weight

    I've been lifting for 14 months now. I'm not obese but overweight with a belly. What I want to in now is. Can I be gaining muscle that I currently do not see and that is why I'm losing weight? In other words I don't think I've really gained much muscle if any but I know I've lost because...
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    How many MG is each pump of Androgel?

    I may switch from compounded cream to Androgel. Currently I do 4 clicks of the cream to get 200mg. If I use Androgel will I use it up quicker to get 200mg?
  18. W

    What is the difference between compounded testosterone cream and compounded T gel ?

    Pharmacy is going to change my compounded cream for the gel because the cream I received recently leaves residue almost like caulk. Answer: T gels are alcohol based and cannot be applied to the scrotum for those who want to raise their DHT. Compounded creams do not have alcohol and can be...
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    Gaining muscle and measurements

    This may be a really dumb question but is there such thing as gaining muscle yet you measure the same? Example my biceps look fuller yet I measure the same as a few months ago.
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    Do I still need protein if I'm trying to tone vs bulk?

    Guys I've been having some sciatic back pain and lifting at times aggravates it even using a belt. Having said that will I benefit any lifting lighter and more reps as far as being able to build muscle? I also take whey protein. Do I still use whey to help or do I no longer need it if my goal...
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    Not taking Arimidex while taking DHEA supplements

    My estradiol sensitive came back at 5 and therefore the Dr. took me off of the Arimidex which is a great idea I think. She will retest it in a month or so. Anyhow I am currently taking DHEA supplements because I had a dhea level of 137 or so and now its 355. If I am off the Arimidex will the...
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    Gynecomastia and Estradiol levels

    At what levels does high estradiol cause Gynecomastia?
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    Injection vs Cream

    I have been applying compounded cream for 10 months or so and only once I was able to get the total T in the 798 range. This time I got a 465 when Pre TRT I was at 429. What is the point then you know. Anyhow my Dr. is now doing shots at home or in office. What is a good protocol if I decide...
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    Does TRT cause weight gain?

    I have been eating much better and lifting weights and doing some cardio for 8 months. I have made some muscle gains but not really burning much fat around the abdomen. People have complemented me on losing weight though. Scale won't budge either.
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    Compounded T Cream - Apply to the Thigh?

    Is the thigh a good low fat area for compounded cream?
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    Does DHEA boost Testosterone while on TRT?

    When I was taking DHEA on TRT (compounded cream) my total testosterone was 799 yet off of the DHEA I was at 604. Just wondering if there is a correlation between the two.
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    Estradiol tests

    Hello I'm new here and have some questions. I've been on arimidex for 6 months since I started trt on a.5 mg dose that I take on MWF. I've always had results in the 30s like 36 or so with the standard test. The other day I had the ultrasensitive one done for the first time along with the...