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  1. L

    Email Newsletter Links Broken

    I received your newsletter and wanted to read several of "This Week's Highlights" but every click on the "Read More" link leads to a 404 Oops! We ran into some problems. The requested page could not be found. Further, when I pasted in the post title I was interested in, every time there were...
  2. L

    Lost Physical Libido

    Until I was a out 45 I had a strong physical drive that would remind me almost constantly in the groin area where I would have loved to have intercourse several times a day. Now at 49, I still think about sex frequently, but I have zero physical drive behind it. Absolutely nothing going on in...
  3. L

    Hematoma following subQ injection

    My last T injection, using a 25G x 5/8, was not a normal experience. Pulling the needle out gave a wee shot of bright red blood and then within minutes I had a nice big hematoma, at least 1.5" in diameter. Now the area is way bruised. The injection site was about an inch to the side of my navel...
  4. L

    Failing to Finish

    Hi folks, I just turned 49, fit, ideal weight, no medical issues aside from low T. I'm current injecting T & HCG twice per week subQ and taking Anastrozole 3x per week. Labs show my T levels are 800-1100 and my E at 20. I've also recently started 2.5mg of Tadalafil a day to try & boost drive a...