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  1. P

    SHBG Changes after Keto

    Started the Keto Diet October LY. A1c 6.0, fasted Glucose 128, BP 140/85. 20 lbs over weight. Doc was alarmed with my steady increase in certain blood markers and possible insulin resistance and encouraged me to act. Fast forward I guess the results are what you would typically expect to...
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    Daily Cialis

    I have seen a lot of folks on here that take cialis as a part of their NO stack daily. Many take it 2x a day. Considering the 1/2 life of the drug, once you build steady state, is there Any real advantage to dose 2x day vs just ED?
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    SHBG Dropping

    Haven’t posted in a while, but I am working through a baffling deal. When I started TRT 4 years ago my SHBG was 46, it fell into the 30’s and stabilized there for a couple of years….I have been on same T dosage range for well over a year now of 120 mg week divided E3.5D. My SHBG has fallen...
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    Going to give No HCG a go.

    I know this is one of the most divided topics in TRT, where many opinions and theories abound. I have been on HCG for two years mostly because of the “refilling the pathways” theory. I have never felt anything positive from it. I also supplement preg and DHEA at the request of my doc. My...
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    Search Function

    Any updates when the search function will be fixed?
  6. P

    HCG and BP spike?

    I have been having some issues with elevated BP over last 6 months and started checking it 3 times a day and logging results, as the doc tweaks my meds. During this process I have learned that the 24-36 hours following my HCG injections my BP is 15-18 points higher on average than other days...
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    L Norvaline

    Just posting as I have used L-Norvaline in my preworkout stack for quite some time. Not sure at the small doses I have taken this is relevant....but something to consider before, or to continue taking. What is L-Norvaline?
  8. P

    SHBG Keeps Dropping

    When I started trt my SHBG was 51 on a range of 19.3-76.4. My trough T has settled around 850-900 with a free T of 28-33. One peculiar thing is while my T has stabilized at a consistent place, SHBG keeps dropping. My last 3 labs were 37, 32, now 28. While trough total T was 876, 842, 883...
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    Thoughts on free T lab results

    Looking for some thoughts on my latest labs. I switched to ED dosing 12mg T Cyp in September from 50mg E3.5D. My labs in November were 900 T with 32 Free T. This was up from 28 Free T in August. Got my latest T numbers back today and my total T was 862 and Free T was 38. My E2 and SHBG...
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    No Phlebotomy Today!!!

    I have been on TRT now starting year 3. Overall the treatment has been a success, with one caveat many of us suffer with.....polycythemia. I have been on the rollercoaster of phlebotomies every 2-3 months since my start. I have tried dosage reductions to the point I started daily injections...
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    Labs are Back

    After switching to daily injections about 8 weeks ago, time for some labs....I was on a protocol of E3.5D 50mg each/.125 Anastrozole on shot days, 300iu HCG on T shot days. New protocol 12mg daily T, no AI, 300iu HCG E3.5D. I wanted to try a daily protocol to hopefully drop the AI and spread...
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    Going to Daily Injection

    After my consult with Defy, we decided going the daily injection route is best for me at this point. I want to try and drop the AI and reduce my phlebotomy frequency. The major question for me is, I have read that daily injections typically require less total testosterone injected weekly. I...
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    HCT and HGB

    Guy’s, I am looking for a little insight from those that have Rising HCT and HGB due to trt. Subsequently, as many, I am taking my Ferritin too low with frequent Phlebotomy. I have seen mine somewhat start to stabilize over the past year, but still over range 30 - 60 days after phlebotomy. I...
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    “Highish” SHBG protocol question

    I have been on e3.5d 50-60mg test c protocol for the past 3 months. I pin HCG on same days at 500iu. My question is two part: 1) my SHBG runs mid 40’s and I have to keep my total T consistently above 1200 to get to the 2% free range.....would I be better served to go to a weekly injection...
  15. P

    Confusing T Levels

    Just received my most recent tests back today and am a little confused. I have been on 50mg test c E3.5D and 500iu HCG E3.5D for last 10 weeks. My total test levels with same T injection schedule was 986 prior to adding HCG. After adding HCG my total T levels have lowered to 846 total T at 5...
  16. P

    Thoughts on latest labs

    Just got my 6 weeks labs back after switching to Defy for HCG. Initial labs at consult were: Total T 1117 ng/dl range 264-916 Free T 29.7 pg/ml range 7.2-24.0 Estradiol sens 45.3pg/ml range 8.0-35 Shbg 46.2 nmol/l range 19.3-76.4 DHEA-s 116 ug/dl range 71.6-375.4 Progesterone .4g/dL range 0-.5...
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    Starting HCG question regarding T and E2 levels

    Just had my consult with the doc and I am adding HCG to my regimen. I inject E3.5D 50mg test c and will be adding 500iu HCG on the same injection schedule. I know all of us are different, but wanted some feedback on the effect of adding HCG to both E2 and testosterone. My total test is 1117...
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    T level question after going to E3.5D

    Hello all, I am a little surprised at my recent test results and wanted to get some insight from those who transitioned from weekly injections to E3.5 days. On 100mg Test C my Total T average levels on weekly injections was 850 total T and 19.5 Free T. After 5 weeks on twice weekly of 50mg...
  19. P


    Hi all, I just wanted to say thanks! I have been lurking here for a while now just gainIng valuable knowledge. I am 50 years old and have been on trt for two years. I am currently under the care of my hematologist and will continue to be, as I have hemochromatosis which complicates trt a bit...