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  1. D

    Tadalafil 5mg Daily Side Effects

    Apologies if I'm in the wrong place to post this, not been here since 2017 so out of practice with the forum. I have been experimenting with Tadalafil 5mg daily, my GP (in England) will only prescribe Sildenafil at 4 a month, I get all the usual side effects from that drug which makes it...
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    Testosterone Viscosity - Injection Advice

    Hi Folks I have been using Gentech Test 300 Enanthate (300mg/ml). Its incredibly thick and difficult to administer. I use 1ml 30g 12mm insulin pins to inject it, typically back-filling the syringe first. At first I was injecting E3.5D and using SubQ at 28mg each (100mg / week), but due to low...
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    High HCT

    Hi Folks My last blood panel came back with HCT at 0.52 (0.37 - 0.5), up from 0.44 in three months. Being in the UK they don't have such a thing as therapeutic phlebotomy, so before I get a Doctors appointment (who is not supervising my TRT) I hope to get some understanding of the types of...
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    Hip and Leg Pain with HCG???

    Hi Folks I started HCG with a 250iu E3.5D protocol and will have my 4th shot tomorrow. I have been experiencing significant lower back and leg/Hamstring pain and it seems this is the only change implemented to my regimen. I'm taking TestoGel daily and my labs were all good two weeks ago. The...
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    Beginning my journey with TRT

    Only joined the site this week but it has been inspirational reading the posts with so many questions and great, clear and supportive answers from those knowledgeable on the forum. If it's OK I'd like to share my journey too, and perhaps attract some feedback from anyone interested in adding...
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    Greetings from UK

    Hi to all I recently discovered this forum, really because of Nelson's YouTube videos. I'll have some info to share and advice to ask later, but in the mean time I wanted to introduce myself and offer some congratulations. I am 61, living in the north east of England. Have had some health...