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  1. G

    Quitting TRT after low dosage of T

    Hi. I have quit TRT after a year of low dosage of T (50 MG a week), which was with some HCG type testicle stimulating therapy. Do I still need clomid and anestosole TRT quitting therapy if a week after quitting my LH is 17 (1-25 norm) and my FT is 6 (9-21)? My pre trt FT had been 9.
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    Less than 50 mg of T per week

    Do you inject less than 50 mg of T per week? If so, how do you feel? What were/is your lab results before/after you started TRT? I am on 60 mg with high FT, T and E2. I am considering 50 mg, or even less. I'm on Enathate.
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    Failing TRT

    Hello, I started TRT 11 weeks ago. My protocol is 35 mg of T Enanthate twice a week (Wednesday evening and Sunday morning). Initially I felt quite fine and even libido came earlier than expected (in 4 weeks). My lab results after 6 weeks (a few hours before next injection) were as follows: FT...
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    50 mg/per week protocol

    Has anyone experimented with 50mg per week cyp/eth? According to this article, shared on this forum, it may be worth a try:
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    T Propionate protocol

    Hello there. What is your experience with T Propionate in terms of protocol, side effects, efficiency? I am wondering what dosage to start with and when I can expect libido, mental state and erections to improve. I would also like to know how to get off it if it does not work well.
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    Gel vs injections

    Did you move from taking the T gel to injections (apart from skin irritation) or the way around? If so, why?
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    Quitting gel TRT

    Is it easier/faster to quit TRT with gel than with injections? Can one expect faster results with TRT using gel?
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    testosterone gel and the liver

    Do you know if testosterone gel is milder on the liver than injections? As we know, the oily injections may not be harmless for the liver.
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    High estradiol after the gel

    Hi. After a month of being on the gel (a sachet a I did not feel any better. I checked my hormones and testosterone jumped to the upper third but estradiol has reached the maximum. Sensitive estradiol is not available here. It's a regular one. I am a primary T deficiency case. What does it...
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    Impaired/small testicles and TRT

    Have you had a success with TRT with small testicles/small sperm count? The testicles were impaired before puberty and are small (a third of normal size for the age of 40 years) and the sperm count is low. I fear TRT will further reduce the count and the therapy will be counterproductive. Its a...
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    off/on TRT

    I am considering a TRT withdrawal to try an alternative. I saw the one month protocol. If I try the alternative for say 3 months and it does not work for me, how soon can I expect to regain on-TRT status (i.e. relieve low T symptoms)? I have been on TRT for 2 years now. I am one of those who did...
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    Gynecomastia and T dosage

    Even though I inject just 25mg EOD, I have a gyno (moderate) and I had been leaner before TRT. Does it mean that I still need to inject less? Does gyno=excess T dosage? p.s. sensitive E2 test is not available here
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    Anastrazole dosage

    Hi I inject T Enanthate EOD 25 mg Sub Q. My readings are : Estradiol 29 pg/ml (7-43), Free T 18 pg/ml (1-28), T 4 ng/ml (3-8). SHBG 28.8 nml/l (17-77). Now, I decided to start with 0.25 mg EOD Armidex to combat my (presumably) high E2, as: 1) My libido is low 2) I have high blood pressure, most...
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    Secondary symptoms not improved

    I am on 25mg T Enanthate SubQ EOD. I've been on TRT for about 18 months now. After almost a year I regained libido to some extent and my erectile function improved, but I have not improved otherwise. I am not calmer, not less depressed, do not have self-confidence, my memory has not improved. I...
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    TRT and hypertension

    What are your experiences of hypertension caused by TRT? My hormone levels seem to be ok, although I sensitive E2 test is not available in this area. I am on 25mg T Enanthate SubQ EOD and have high blood pressure. It was much worse on T Propionate.
  16. G

    SubQ and the needle size

    has anyone failed with subQ using standard insulin syringe? I had been injecting T Prop in the muscle 50 mg 3 times a week and my libido became huge. when I went to 35mg EOD but SubQ, it didn't work at all. So I can think of two reasons: 1) SubQ needle was to short 2) I kept the open vials and...
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    Low sperm count - small testicles

    How do you achieve optimal sperm count when on TRT? Most of you probably developed T deficiency as adults, when testicles are not small. I developed it before puberty, so sperm volume was already low (2ml), due to small volume of testicles. Now, when on TRT, its even smaller...Have you succeeded...
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    Uncommon TRT side effects

    Have you experienced uncommon TRT side effects?
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    Topical Propecia online?

    Is there a topical Propecia cream/gel sold online? Did it work for you?
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    HCG side effects

    What HCG side effects have you experienced? I added to my IM protocol and it may have worsen my symptoms. It may be a pure coincidence but familiar symptoms re-emerged - pure mental focus, depression, lower libido etc.
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    T gel and aromatization

    Dr.Crisler considers the gels to be the best TRT choice. Yet, it failed with many people here. Does the gel aromatize less?
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    Splitting Nebido

    Has anyone tried to split Nebido (long acting T) and inject, say 0.5 ml per week? How did it work for you?
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    Sensitive estradiol in Europe

    Sensitive Estradiol is not available in Europe. How do you, the Europeans, detect and manage high E symptoms? Moreover, some high/low E symptoms are quite similar.
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    Results after 6 weeks

    I began TRT journey more than 6 weeks ago. Readings before TRT were: T - 11.71 nmol/l (range 8.64-29.0) Free T - 12.96 pg/ml (15-50) Estradiol - 26.77 pg/ml (11-43) LH high, prolactin normal. I inject 125 mg T IM per week. Results right before next injection were: T 4.26 ng/ml (3-8)...
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    TRT and ED

    If I understood it right, in his interview, Dr Ranjith Ramasamy says that TRT may only improve mild ED. TRT alone does not work. Is it why viagra/cialis is a big topic at this forum?
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    Normal range of DHT and hair loss

    If one keeps DHT level within "normal" range during TRT, can he avoid hair loss?
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    Varicocele and T

    Do you have a history of improved T after removing Varicocele? It's large in my case, and has been growing over years. Can TRT benefit from the surgery?
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    Multi-EsterT - Does it Matter?

    Does it really matter whether you use a multi ester T (like Sustanon 250) or a single ester one (Cyp/Ent)? Sustanon 250 is available in the Easter Europe, and is therefore cheaper. But if Cyp/Ent is woth trying...
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    HCG - when to begin

    If I understood Dr.Crisler correctly, HCG is added to TRT protocol only after T levels become appropriate, i.e.not from the outset. When did you begin HCG therapy?
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    on and off TRT periods

    I want to share my experience and it will be interesting to see if you have had similar issues. I had been on TRT for about 3 years (wrong prescription 250ml once in 3 weeks). Then I was off for several years. That off TRT period was very bad in terms of symptoms, especially brain fogs/memory...
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    Checking bloodwork in 5 weeks

    I know from you guys, that one checks T, Estradiol etc in 6 weeks after starting trt. I've been on it for some 5 weeks now. I think I have some very strong high E symptoms - water retention, weight gain etc. Does it make a sense to wait one more week? Maybe I'd better check my bloodwork now...