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  1. Systemlord

    New Labs!! 347 ng/dL increase, FT 8.4 ng/dL and SHBG 37!

    My labs are in from yesterday. I hadn’t been to the gym is over a month due to work. I was having too many cheat days. LH, FSH, TSH and fT4 labs are in. See labs here. My HPTA recovery log: I have reversed my type 2 diabetes (SHBG 31/glucose 80) and may have never had hypogonadism!!
  2. Systemlord

    Vitamin MK-7 Not The Same Response As Regular Vitamin K2

    Recently I switched from vitamin K2 (brand Solgar) that I have been taking for over two months to Vitamin K2 MK-7 (brand Piping Rock, cheap brand) and started having issues right away. I started having burning in my throat, lungs, nose which caused excessive coughing which I thought was just me...
  3. Systemlord

    I have hyperparathyroidism normocalcemic, what’s next?

    Well, it’s confirmed. I have hyperparathyroidism normal calcium variant. TRT is contraindicated for hyperparrathyroidism normocalcemic because testosterone increases urinary calcium loss. I couldn't tolerate vitamin D on TRT at all. Now it's better tolerated. I’m only taking 600 units of...
  4. Systemlord

    I potentially have testicular torsion, testicles are twisting and rotating around each other a week after stopping TRT.

    I noticed today my testicles are moving again just as they did in 2019 after stopping TRT and earlier in life. My testicles are constantly moving, twisting and rotating around each other. I do have some testicular pain on and off. I'm starting to wonder if this was my original medical issue...
  5. Systemlord

    My HPTA recovery log: I have reversed my type 2 diabetes (SHBG 31/glucose 80) and may have never had hypogonadism!!

    I’ve made the decision to come off TRT and restore my natural hormone production and reverse my diabetes. I’ve identified my problems on TRT and they are as follows, Testosterone suppresses hepcidin, which is a peptide hormone that regulates iron absorption. When hepcidin is suppressed more iron...
  6. Systemlord

    Does a high hematocrit change your blood's clotting profile? High altitude vs TRT.

    Does having a high hematocrit mean your blood is more likely to clot? This study looks at a city where people with the highest hematocrit in the world live and work.
  7. Systemlord

    90 mg of Vitamin C causing erectile dysfunction, low libido, 24/7 painful penis sensitivity

    This morning I took 45 mg vitamin C instead of the usual 90 mg vitamin C for the first time in years. Today my erections were the hardest and most sensitive they’ve been in the last 9 years. My libido was starting to surge today! Back in 2019 when I was off TRT for eight months I could only...
  8. Systemlord

    How long do withdrawal symptoms last after discontinuation of bisoprolol?

    I was instructed by my doctor to tapper off and then stop my beta-blocker due to experiencing hypotension which occurred at half original dosage. The hypotension is gone, barely elevated blood pressure (140/80), a bit low in energy. It has been 5 days now without the beta-blocker. Are there...
  9. Systemlord

    Beware, T-Nation silences members opinions on testosterone boosting supplements!

    I had replied to a moderator responding to a new member asking about Biotest T boosting supplement efficiency rating. I asked if they was any clinical trials evaluating the efficiency of said supplement. I stated a fact that the majority of test boosting supplements are unsubstantiated claims...
  10. Systemlord

    Why Do I Get An Allergic Reaction To Vitamin D3 Soft Gel Capsules And Not The Powder Form Of Vitamin D3?

    As the thread title says, why would I get an allergic reaction to vitamin D3 soft gel capsules and not the powder form or veggie capsules of vitamin D3? I get hives, red raised bumps out of nowhere right after taking the Vitamin D3 Soft Gel Capsules. It can't be a coincidence that the gels...
  11. Systemlord

    My vitamin D requirements have doubled as I improved my health, lowered my A1C and lost weight, why is that the case?

    Well, I started having symptoms in early November and had recently switched to vitamin D drops off Amazon, tested vitamin D which was at 17. I suspected the drops were a fake product, bought the reputable brand I used with success for more than a year. I tested vitamin D days ago, after a month...
  12. Systemlord

    Cialis can lower estrogen, increase hepcidin and hinder iron absorption.

    I noticed shortly after starting daily Cialis, within a week, my iron supplement requirements increased, and have been increasing exponentially (out of control now) ever since I started taking Cialis 6 months ago. Since stopping Cialis it appears I'm having to back down my iron dosage back to...
  13. Systemlord

    Thoughts on lipid panels?
  14. Systemlord

    Testosterone & Hypogonadism, A Clinical Perspective by Dr. Mohit Khera.

    In this episode, Dr. Mohit Khera talks about androgen sensitivity (AR gene CAG repeats), how men at 250 ng/dL can feel perfectly fine and men at 400 ng/dL can feel lousy and have all the signs and symptoms of low-T. Low-T and depression link. Dr. Mohit Khera ran registry, 100 sites across the...
  15. Systemlord

    Whey Protein Causes Muscle Pain and Aching?

    Whey protein after only one scoop causes muscle pain and aching shortly after consuming it. I stopped the whey protein several weeks earlier and upon restarting it, a few hours later, the muscle pain and aches returned and the pain gets worse if I continue consuming one scoop whey protein per...
  16. Systemlord

    The Health Optimization Doctors RoundTable: High Hematocrit Not Important?
  17. Systemlord

    TRT induced anxiety and panic attacks can be caused by Monoamine Oxidase A gene.

    MAOA gene Monoamine Oxidase A The MAOA gene provides instructions for making an enzyme called monoamine oxidase A. This enzyme is part of a family of enzymes that break down molecules called monoamines through a chemical reaction known as oxidation. Among the monoamines broken down by monoamine...
  18. Systemlord

    Beta-blocker responsible for significant ED, searching for BP meds that don’t cause ED.

    The beta-blocker, Bisoprolol I found is responsible for the majority of my erectile dysfunction after reducing my dose by half. I have tried Cialis and Viagra, the moment they start working, something happens and they cease to do anything. If I reduce my Bisprolol by half, erectile function and...
  19. Systemlord

    Calcium deficiency, how long and how much to restore saturation and blood levels?

    I figured out what was causing my symptoms when taking vitamin D. I had low vitamin D way back in 2016, doctor never said a thing, started supplementing a little over a year ago. I started having problems, first week was amazing, after a week into supplementing the symptoms start. I figure out...
  20. Systemlord

    Feel very lightheaded after consuming creatine and protein powder!

    I feel lightheaded right after consuming creatine and protein powder which is continuing for several hours. I just finished my loading doses (1 g each 4x daily) for the creatine. I also have never consumed three measure scoops of protein powder in one day. Urination is normal. This was my...
  21. Systemlord

    Anyone tracking sleep cycles/Devices/Apple Watch Ultra?

    I noticed since starting creatine supplements, my time spent in core sleep has increased. I have been working out harder on certain days. Why am I spending more time in core sleep versus the other sleep cycles?
  22. Systemlord

    My Doctor refuses parathyroid hormone testing.

    I'm unable to find parathyroid hormone testing on discount labs. When I eat anything with calcium, my heart beats erratically, muscle spasm, nausea high feeling, weakness, bone pain and excessive urination, the more calcium content in the food, the worse and longer the symptoms. I had been...
  23. Systemlord

    What do you think should be the consequences for Dana White (UFC President) for domestic violence against his wife?

    I think Dana White should be forced to take a significant pay cut and or donate what would have been a pay cut to support domestic violence victims.
  24. Systemlord

    Woman claims she turned *** after going off the pill***-after-going-off-the-pill/ar-AA166hHY?ocid=hponeservicefeed&cvid=cc1e5f85007d498c83b075563246f3d6
  25. Systemlord

    Stroke-Related Mortality at Different Altitudes: A 17-Year Nationwide Population-Based Analysis From Ecuador.

    Living at higher elevation with higher hematocrit may decrease cardiovascular risk!
  26. Systemlord

    Type 2 Diabetes Drug Jardiance Causes B12, iron deficiency & decreases Vitamin D!

    Jardiance causes vitamin B12 deficiency, iron deficiency and decreases 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D.
  27. Systemlord

    Antioxidant Supplement Linked To Deadly Heart Disease & Stroke New Study Finds!