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  1. T

    Erection Problems

    Hey guys! I've posted in the past and then had some good luck for a while and then have problems again. I have issues where I have erections that are about a 6 out of 10 on a scale. Sometimes I have a day or two where I have a good strong erection but many days I don't. My labs are...
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    Testosterone Propionate Discontinued by all pharmacies

    I just found this information out that Empower and many other discontinued. Waiting for a call back from Defy Medical. Any suggestions from anyone about what to continue on with as I used this to keep my RBC count low and for daily use since i am low SHBG. Any thoughts?
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    Testosterone Propionate Protocol Tweaks

    Hi guys... Looking for some help... I was on a protocol Dr. Saya put me on recently. I tested after 8 weeks and just got the results. I am definitely too high with some side effects (Sporatic ED, Bloating, Delayed Ejaculation) so looking for an idea of what to tweak since I can't get an...
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    Recent blood test results. Low iron high progesterone

    Hi guys... Just got my blood test results back. They are attached. I have a few issues and hoping people have thoughts. I have low iron and very low ferritin. Rbc is slightly high but not worried. My mch and mchc is new. I'm wondering if I should take an iron supplement. The thing that...
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    Low Prolactin

    Hi.... Does anyone know of a known way to raise prolactin levels in a male? Mine is very low and I was curious if anyone knows of a way I can experiment raising a bit.
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    Endless ED Issues... Need new direction

    Hey guys... Might have posted in the wrong category before. Happy 2022! Hoping to maybe get some more help or direction. Actually have a call scheduled with Dr. Saya who i see from time to time but was hoping maybe people can provide a direction for a conversation with him or suggestions for...
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    Endless ED Issues

    Hey guys... Happy 2022! Hoping to maybe get some more help or direction. Actually have a call scheduled with Dr. Saya who i see from time to time but was hoping maybe people can provide a direction for a conversation with him or suggestions for me. I am relatively healthy at 41. I was tested...
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    Multiple issues and correlating bloodwork

    Guys... Just got test results back. My iron saturation and ferritin are low. My red blood cell count, hemoglobin and hematocrit are high See attached screenshots. I'm taking 18mg daily (.09mL) of testosterone cypionate due to low SHBG. My DHEA is also low. I do smoke cigarettes. Yes I'm...
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    Prop vs Cyp Dosage

    What Im seeing with Prop is that the vial strength is 100mg/mL, unlike my Cyp @ 200mg/mL. Could someone tell me if I'm doing 9mg daily on Cyp what the appropriate Dosage with propianate should be? Before anyone comments... The doctor is doing this to reduce my hematocrit from rising so fast...
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    At wits end with ED problems

    Hi...So i have been having an endless amount of ED problems for a very long time. Here is the stats on me: I am 39 (40 in August) I was a smoker until 6 weeks ago when I quit. I cheated for a few days and had 2-3 per day for about a week over a week ago because of a huge business loss but i...
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    ED ongoing issues

    Guys, About two months back I crashed my estradiol. Prior to that my sex life was relatively reasonable although I've been battling with ongoing penis sensitivity issues for a long while. I was waking with morning wood on Cialis for a while prior to the crash and now nothing. I have a hard time...
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    AI Troubles

    Guys... Need some help. When I'm high or low with estradiol I'm sensitive where I have a hard time with erections or get soft ones and have no penis sensitivity. Also I have low shbg which is between 13 and 17 depending when taken. My daily dose of test cyp is 30mg and hcg 300iu 2x per week...
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    Loss of penile sensitivity

    Hi All... I have been on TRT for almost 2 years. I have everything mostly regulated. I am 38 years old. I do daily injections of .13ML and my SHBG is generally 13-15. I also take a daily cialis from empower 7mg. I am on an antidepressant Viibryd which is not supposed to have sexual side...
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    Severe Allergic Reaction After Testosterone Shot

    Guys... I have been using Test Cyp for a while now. Usually no issues. Switched pharmacies a few months ago and the started getting itchy at the injection sites. While not horrible it was annoying. I went back to the original pharmacy and while i wasnt itching anymore for the most part (still a...
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    ED/Libido Issues on TRT

    Guys... Could use some progress has been great. A lot more energy in general, been feeling good overall but have an issue. I am 37 years old. I have a hard time reaching orgasm during sex as many times i feel desensitized. I have read through the forums spoken with my doctor...
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    Sex Issues on TRT

    Guys... Could use some progress has been great. A lot more energy in general, been feeling good overall but have an issue. I am 37 years old. I have a hard time reaching orgasm during sex as many times i feel desensitized. I have read through the forums spoken with my doctor and...
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    Lump after shots all of a sudden

    All, I have been on TRT for almost 4 months. Recently in the last 2 weeks i started getting hard lumps about 2 days after my shot which dont seem to go away or at least not yet. I am doing SubQ using 27 Gauge 1/2 inch needles. I did change from getting prescription filled by Rite Aid to...
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    2 months on TRT

    All... Definitely feeling a better on my protocol which currently is 50mg every 3.5 days...No HCG or Arimidex. Erections are stronger, morning wood has partially returned, mood is improved and feel decent in the gym but not much stronger. My bloodwork was done 48 hours after my last shot. I...
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    Starting TRT - Testosterone and HCG Twice Weekly

    Hi All... Just started TRT today and was looking for some opinions on the regimen my Dr. put me on.... I am 36 YO, 248LBS, 6'2 just started a pretty strict diet a few weeks ago and have been going back to the gym as of recently with a trainer. My Labs as of last week were: Total...