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  1. R

    How much does giving blood drop blood levels?

    I'm wondering how much giving blood will drop your Hematocrit? Also if anyone knows, I would be interested in finding out how much it drops Feritin?
  2. R

    Sleep on TRT?

    For as long as I can remember I have slept pretty good. For years I have been going to sleep around 10pm and wake up around 5:30 am. I have been on TRT for 4 months now and for the last 2 months I have been waking up earlier around 4:30. At first I was thinking maybe I had to urinate earlier as...
  3. R

    3 month follow up labs. Unsure about estradiol?

    I just had my 3 month follow up labs after starting with Defy. My protocol is 50mg test cyp, 300mcg HCG, and .125 Anastrazole all of them MWF. Below are my before and after labs. Total Testosterone - before 490, after 1224 Free Testosterone - before 6.2, after 24.5 Estradiol Sensitive - before...
  4. R

    Question about rotating injection sites?

    I inject .25ml for a total of 50mg of test cyp Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I did Sub Q for the first 8 weeks but every time I would get a lump the following day that would last for 2-3 days. I rotated sites all over the place and every time I would get a the lump. Decided to start IM last...
  5. R

    Looking for advice on Anastrazole.

    I started trt this week with Defy. I was prescribed Anastrazole at 0.125mg 3x a week which is when I also inject hcg and T cyp. When I had my consult I mentioned that I was concerned about taking Anastrazole and was told that I could simple wait and see how I feel and could take it if I were to...
  6. R

    What lab tests for women?

    My wife has been slowly gaining weight even with a pretty decent diet and activity level. She feels run down as well over the last couple years. I have mentioned to her that she should get some labs drawn to see where her hormone levels are but I'm not sure what she should check. Any suggestions?
  7. R

    Do My Labs Show TRT a Possibility?

    I'm 39 years old. I recently had some labs taken to see where my testosterone is. Test 477 ref 348-1197 LH 5.1 ref 1.7-8.6 FSH 2.0 ref 1.5-12.4 Estrdial 22.1 ref 7.6-42.6 I didn't get free test but last year when I checked it my total test was 535 and my...