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  1. M

    New labs w/ protocol + symptoms

    Got labs back. Labs from 5/18 vs labs 3 months ago when I was feeling a lot better (I have only been feeling bad for the past 10 days or so, thought I crashed estrogen from AI use): -Hemoglobin up to 16, previously 15 -WBC up to 7.5 from 7.0 -Sodium down to 137 from 143 (134-144); sodium is...
  2. M

    New Test Results

    New test results... 24mg TC daily 430iu HCG E3D .125 Arimidex E3D 3 grains of NDT (thyroid) daily split up over day My lipids look like shit. HDL has gone down a little and Trigs have skyrocketed. Also my liver tests are now out of range for the first time. Not completely surprised, my diet has...
  3. M

    Ed !!!!

    I debated putting this because I know that I will get beat up. I don't have any recent labs but in the link here are the last ones I did early November ( My erections were great then. Beginning of Jan I have...
  4. M

    NEW LABS - Thoughts, or comments?

    Updated Test Results...the only thing that I have changed from my last labs is Natural Desiccated Thyroid (2 grains). TRT protocol - 24mg t-cyp daily, 430iu HCG E3D. Remarkable changes: INCREASED SHBG from 14.5 to 19.3 Potassium decreased from 4.4 to 3.7 (3.5-5.2) I need to supplement? HDL...
  5. M

    Primary or Secondary Hypogonadism

    I was wondering if it is possible for LH and FSH to be adequate and for the testicles to also be working fine, and yet testosterone be low due to low Progesterone and DHEA, which is where testosterone is derived from. This could be due to low conversion from cholesterol -> pregnenolone and/or...
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    Increased FT3 increases Pregnenolone => Coversion?

    I have seen Nelson cite a few times so must be reputable...just read this: Low T3 symptoms: Low Pregnenolone and High LDL (R) – anxiety, bad moods, and low motivation are indicators of low pregnenolone. T3 thyroid hormones convert LDL to pregnenolone. Unless you take...
  7. M

    High Transferrin, Normal Ferritin - Iron Overload

    I had a blood test in mid-August. Ferritin- 116 (30-400) TIBC 354 (250-450) UIBC 154 (111-343) Iron Serum 200 (38-169) Iron Saturation 56% (15%-55%) Transferrin (calculated) 56.5% (24%-45%) Should I donate as soon as possible, or am I making an issue where there is none since my Ferritin is...
  8. M

    Please look at my recent Blood Work

    I have posted screenshots of my labs (also available at if there are viewing issues on mobile devices). I had bloodwork peformed 6/15 and switched up my protocol from: -TEST-CYP 70mg E3.5D -HCG 500iu E3.5D -MG Citrate To: -TEST-CYP 50mg EOD -HCG 280iu EOD -MG Malate...
  9. M

    Clomid while on TRT/HCG

    This is not something that I am contemplating, but I am just interested in the mechanism. It is known that Clomid is ineffective while on TRT. Is this because the TRT shuts down the LH production in the pituitary? A common thing to happen is for Clomid user's SHBG to rise while on Clomid...
  10. M

    Alcohol's effect on Estradiol

    I'm still new to TRT and still learning about blood level-symptom correlation. For example, do I like lower or higher estradiol. My estradiol was in the mid-20's last BW. Over the July 4th weekend I drank like a fish (not proud of it but it is what it is). Anyways, for about 4 days after, my...
  11. M

    First Blood Work Since Beginning TRT Injections 7 Weeks Ago

    I have attached my blood work. As the title says, this is the first time that I have had BW since beginning TRT injections 7 weeks ago. My protocol is 70mg Test Cyp and 500iu HCG, both E3.5 days. No AI. I also take Magnesium Citrate and a multivitamin daily. Things that stand out to me...
  12. M

    High E2 and Poor Sleep Correlation

    I know I will get mixed responses here - half the people think that high estradiol is the root of all evil and the other half thinks that it is harmless! I began TRT roughly 7 weeks ago. Protocol is through Defy - 70mg T-Cyp, 500iu HCG, both E3.5D. I have not had BW done since beginning...
  13. M

    Started Nature-Thyroid Yesterday

    Began taking nature-throid yesterday, 97.5mg. So far I feel extremely tired and almost drugged-like. It's not a terrible feeling, kind of relaxed and chill, but hard to get any work done. I read online this is a normal feeling when first starting. Anyone else experience it? I'm thinking my...
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    Slight Stammer - Are Hormones Responsible?

    Hi all, I was wondering if anyone else has ever experienced this or otherwise has any information on it. I sometimes go through stretches where it is hard for me to speak fluently. I know what I want to say but it's just hard to get the words out. This all started when my hormones started to go...
  15. M

    First Injection - Do I Discontinue the Topical?

    I just took my first injection of test cyp (along with hcg). Should I go ahead and take the test cream tonight as well (I have been taking that since mid-march) or will I feel effects from the injection instantly? Not sure how that transition works. Thanks guys!
  16. M

    I think that my E2 has spiked

    I started TRT 3/15 and labs done on 3/31. It is a confusing situation as to why I had labs drawn that early (switched doctors). Anyways, my labs looked great and I felt great. High total T, high free T, normal E2 (was at 35, range was 8-35). Thyroid levels normal. Raging libido and erections...