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  1. Gianluca

    Compounded Pregnenolone cap BUD

    I have some Preg capsule at home from Empower, BUD was 05-2023. I'm wondering if potency is still ok or it has been lost substantially, what do you guys think? toss it?
  2. Gianluca

    Scrotal Pregnenolone/DHEA to raise androgen levels

    I'm not sure this has ever discussed here, but I found some very interesting data posted and commented by Georgi Dinkov AKA Haidut on the RayPeat forum, how applying Pregnenolone and DHEA (in DSMO) on the scrotum, can raise serum androgens like T DHT and Androsterone, this because directly...
  3. Gianluca

    Injectable Progesterone SC may not be the best route of administration

    @Cataceous @Gman86 @JA Battle I would like to know your opinion on this I noticed that when I was on the 1,5mg or even worse at 2.5mg dose of Progesterone SC, I would experience some side effects such as being emotional, and way too much on the 2.5mg, and also more body hair growth, crazy...
  4. Gianluca

    Giving Testosterone in Cottonseed oil a try?

    Hi Guys. I have the chance to pick up some testosterone brand name in Cottonseed oil. I have been either on grapeseed oil or sesame oil. I believe reading back years ago many had issue with Cotton seed oil? since then I thought this was the worst oil possible to use
  5. Gianluca

    If endogenous thyroid peaks at night/early am, why do we take exogenous during the day?

    According to this study, Thyroid level are at the highest between 10pm and 10am, why then everyone takes it during the day? wouldn't make sense to take the first dose at night before bed, and second right after waking up? I may want to try this actually. Free Triiodothyronine Has a Distinct...
  6. Gianluca

    Testosterone Normal Ranges: "Junk Science?" (video)

  7. Gianluca

    Estradiol (ECLIA) test worth?

    Hi guys, I find myself outside the US and wanted to check on my estradiol, I can only find an Estradiol ECLIA test here in Italy. I suspect my E2 is gong down. Would this test methodology give me an understanding if my E2 is on the low side, or it would be just better to get back in the US for...
  8. Gianluca

    Pregnyl vs ReliableRX HCG?

    HI guys, since the latest Pregnyl price increase, I see allot of us have moved to ReliableRX HCG. I'm wondering if anyone has seen any noticeable difference in potency. Optum Pharmacy still carry the Pregnyl for $118
  9. Gianluca

    Are Beef Protein Powders real?

    In the video it is mentioned how beef protein powders are basically gelatin powders, and if I remember correctky , I have seen someone else in the past mentioning how it is really hard to make a real protein powder from beef. Do you guys have any insides about it?
  10. Gianluca

    Is there a better absorbed subQ injection site?

    Im wondering if all subQ injection site yield to same absorption/levels of injectable medication. I would guess yes, but especially curios to hear anecdotes Im about to start Progesterone subQ but didn’t have good luck with testosterone SubQ, I was injecting on the upper outer part of the...
  11. Gianluca

    Permanent side effect from Pregnenolone?

    Hi guys, I mentioned in the past that using Pregnenolone cream enhanced my color perception, especially the flashing colors which I would describe almost disturbing. However, when I would generally stop the cream the side effect would disappear within few days. I haven’t used the cream now for...
  12. Gianluca

    has anyone tried Progest-E for progesterone?

    Hi Guys, Progest-E was formulated by Ray Peat, it is combined with Vitamin E, and should by pass the first pass in the liver. I'm wondering if anyone has tried this before. To my knowledge this is the only oral Progesterone product that skip that first pass in the liver Dr. Peat's Progest E...
  13. Gianluca

    RBC won't lower, what else could it be?

    Last year my RBC started to go up for no apparent reason with no changes in TRT dose, I have seen it in December of 2022 at 5.9 with HGB at 18.7 At the beginning of this year I started to lower my Test dose from 180 to 140mg weekly. Again 3 months ago I went from 140 to 126mg weekly, along with...
  14. Gianluca

    Need advice on HCG and side effects.

    As some of you know, I included again into my TRT protocol the HCG at 150IU daily using Pregnyl. I have used the HCG for 10 days straight now, and I’d like to know if you guys think I should wait a bit longer or this call for a dose reduction. I have good side effects but to keep the post...
  15. Gianluca

    anyone on daily Pregnyl?

    I have recently restarted my HCG after almost 4 years of not using it. I have been using 150IU ED for 7 days now as I used to do for a long time. The HCG does feel different this time, not sure it is the brand vs the compounded or perhaps my system that was dormant for 4 years has something to...
  16. Gianluca

    Carl Lanore reversed a stroke with TB500

    I was amazed of what this peptide did for him. The Peptide world is relatively new to me, beside my doc prescribing some BPC-157 for some shoulder issues, I really don’t know much of anything else about it. In the first 20min of the video below he explains everything...
  17. Gianluca

    Normalization of Testosterone Levels After Testosterone Replacement Therapy Is Associated With Decreased Incidence of Atrial Fibrillation

    Abstract Background Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac dysrhythmia associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Several small studies have reported that low serum total testosterone (TT) levels were associated with a higher incidence of AF. In contrast, it is also...
  18. Gianluca

    Impact of Hemoglobin Levels and Their Dynamic Changes on the Risk of Atrial Fibrillation: A Nationwide Population-Based Study

    Abstract Anemia is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, but its impact on new-onset atrial fibrillation (AF) is unclear. In this study, we investigated the effect of hemoglobin (Hb) levels and their changes on the risk of AF development in the general population of Korea. We retrospectively...
  19. Gianluca

    Stimulation of aldosterone, renin, and cortisol by tryptophan

    Abstract Tryptophan administration was used to evaluate the possibility that serotonergic neurons are involved in regulating the release of cortisol, renin, and aldosterone. Eleven studies were undertaken using 2 or 10 g tryptophan administered to fasting patients in continued supine posture...
  20. Gianluca

    How Many Milligrams Of Testosterone Do Men Naturally Produce?

    I have seen @Cataceous writing this over and over, but recently watched a couple of videos were it was also mentioned how much testosterone a man naturally produce. High HCT? acne? water retention? anxiety/restless, they may be all side effects of supraphysiologic Test dosing. Andrew...
  21. Gianluca

    My labs on 2 grains Armour, looking for feedback on FT4

    I was surprised to see these results, as based on Stop The Thyroid Madness, I really thought optimal would be achieved with over two grains. I wasn’t able to hold the dose for a full month before labs due to traveling, but actually a bit less than 4 weeks. My GF also on the same dose, but held...
  22. Gianluca

    is Armour still working?

    I have seen in other groups people reporting Armour Thyroid has not been that consistent lately, many prefer a synthetic T4/T3 combo I'm wondering if people are still using Armour here and it is working well for you.
  23. Gianluca

    Thyroid/Adrenal Optimization slides by Dr John Crisler

    Dr Crisler (RIP) slides on thyroid health.
  24. Gianluca

    Hematocrit-lowering effect following inactivation of renin-angiotensin system with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor b

    Abstract Several clinical and experimental observations suggest that an intact and activated renin-angiotensin system (RAS) may be an important determinant of erythropoiesis in a variety of clinical conditions, including hypertension, chronic renal insufficiency or failure, chronic obstructive...
  25. Gianluca

    The hypoglycemic side of hypothyroidism

    Hypoglycemia is a not so infrequent condition encountered in endocrine practice. Considered an inevitable (though modifiable) part of diabetes therapy, hypoglycemia occurs fairly often, in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, in patients on oral hypoglycemic agents and insulin, and in indoor as well...
  26. Gianluca

    Thyroid Hormone Promotes Insulin-induced Glucose Uptake by Enhancing Akt Phosphorylation and VAMP2 Translocation in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes

    Abstract The purpose of this study was to test a hypothesis that T3 promotes glucose uptake via enhancing insulin-induced Akt phosphorylation and VAMP2 translocation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. T3 significantly enhanced insulin-induced phosphorylation of Akt, cytoplasma to cell membrane translocations...
  27. Gianluca

    The Great Iodine Debate

    Iodine supplementation can be a confusing subject. I found this article, which I really enjoyed reading. I believe it summarize my 2 years of researching the topic of Iodine. If someone is considering supplementing with it, this can be a good read...
  28. Gianluca

    The Role of Fludrocortisone in Cognition and Mood in Patients with Primary Adrenal Insufficiency (Addison's Disease)

    Abstract Background: Primary adrenal insufficiency (AI) requires hormone replacement therapy with fludrocortisone and hydrocortisone stimulating glucocorticoid (GR) and mineralocorticoid receptors (MR). Evidence from animal and human studies shows that MR function is crucial for cognitive...
  29. Gianluca

    Webinar - Adrenal Hormone Therapies by Thierry Hertoghe

    in the webinar: Cortisol, DHEA, Pregnenolone and Aldosterone diagnosis and treatment. I thought the explanation on low cortisol symptoms was excellent, simple to understand.
  30. Gianluca

    Pregnenolone IR vs SR

    Curios to know if anyone has noticed some differences between the two. My Progesterone increases more with IR compared with SR, .4/.5 compared to .7/.8.