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  1. G

    Water Retention With Fine E2 Labs

    My most recent labs on 8mg daily test cyp. Total Testosterone 675 ng/dL 250-1100 Free Testosterone 162 pg/mL 35-155 Ultrasensitive Estradiol 32 pg/mL <29 Everything looks like exactly where we'd want it, except maybe the free T is a little high. But, compared to when my free T levels were at...
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    New Test/E2/DHT Labs on 8mg Daily

    These results are from labs drawn 16 hours after injection and 8 hours before the next, so not quite true trough, but since I inject at 9pm, I don't know what any other option is. 8mg daily, test cyp shallow IM. Anyone have any suggestions or good to go? I was using 7mg daily for many months...
  3. G

    BPC-157 and Cancer

    I've been wondering about this. If bpc157 increases angiogenesis rapidly, wouldn't it do this to cancer causing rapid progression?
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    New Daily Test Cyp Results

    Here's the timeline of daily test cyp results, all are Dialysis MS, LC/MS, giving each protocol at least 12 weeks, but much more than that mostly... 10mg daily Total T 558 (250-1100) ng/dL Free T 147 (35-155) pg/mL Estradiol, Ultrasensitive 18 (<30) pg/mL 5mg daily (lots of missed doses)...
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    Average Injection Beginner TRT Dose

    For men, it seems the best the place to start is around 100mg weekly spread into a couple doses, but what if the best place for a woman to start? My wife was on cream for a couple months but it didn't move her numbers much (dose unknown but way too expensive) and now on 20mg every 2 weeks. Does...
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    Traveling With Testosterone - Hot Car All Day

    So the family and I will be going on a road trip soon, and there will be days where my testosterone vials will be sitting in the car for a full 8 hours while we're exploring amusement parks and such. Is there any issue with this? If so, any tips to deal with it? Would it be better for it to be...
  7. G

    For those on Telmisartan/ARBs - Potassium?

    Do you monitor your potassium intake, or blood levels? I see that we're not supposed to supplement with potassium while on these, but what's the difference batten using a couple hundred mg potassium in a supplement vs drinking a glass of OJ, or a few tbsp of nutritional yeast? Or am I...
  8. G

    8 Weeks In 7mg Daily

    I'm 8 weeks in to 7mg test cyp, after being on 5mg daily for months (thinking Testosterone was my insomnia and other symptoms cause). I'm pleased with these free test levels. Getting stronger in the gym too. When should I retest to ensure my hgb and hct doesn't keep climbing up...
  9. G

    Workout Hangover/PEM

    Does anyone else get a hangover from working out the following day? The feeling is an overall bad feeling hard to describe, but similar to that feeling when you haven't slept at all for a few days, and includes some brain fog, memory impairment, irritability, lowered mood, and headache.
  10. G

    B12 Injection SubQ

    I've been prescribed b12 injection every 2 weeks. Ask i have are the insulin pins I use for my test cyp. Is there any reason I can do my b12 shot shadow IM/subq? Also, I'm supposed to use a full mL, is that too much to do subq?
  11. G

    Optimal Blood Test Timing

    Gentz, I've been on 7mg test cyp daily since January 23rd or so bumping up from 5mg daily. 6 weeks on that is pretty soon, but the question is since I'm doing my shots before bed, does it matter when I get the blood drawn? Should i skip the nightly dose the day before and get it drawn that...
  12. G

    Disappointing Results

    Got my testosterone and CBC results from 5mg daily, sub-q/shallow IM. Testosterone Total 260 (250-1100) MS ng/dL Free Testosterone 45 (35-155) Dialysis pg/mL RBC 5.6 (4.6-5.8) HGB 16.7 (13.2-17.1) HCT 48.5 (38.5-50) This test was in trough. Perhaps this is why my sleep is suffering so bad. So...
  13. G

    Biotin Affects on Lab Work

    I recently read some discussion by Chris Masterjohn about the effects of biotin on testosterone, b12 and some other levels. Has anyone looked into this? Does it really effect results to a noticeable degree? I've been getting blood work done for 7 years while taking the amount in my multi the...
  14. G

    Blue Light Blocking Glasses

    I wasn't sure where to put this thread, so please move if necessary. Does anyone wear blue light blocking glasses and have seen a beneficial effect on them? And if so, any recommendation on brands?
  15. G

    Ferritin Abnormalities

    Hey gents, Back in January, my ferritin was 97. A few months prior, it was 80. I've donated once since January, and last week my ferritin was 279. I haven't been supplementing iron and haven't changed my diet much except added 4 eggs and lentil pasta almost everyday, otherwise mostly the same...
  16. G

    Newish Study on HCT

    Has anyone seen this? It looks like those with higher hct lived longer... Testosterone Therapy: Increase in Hematocrit is Associated with Decreased Mortality "Results: HCT increased significantly (median change at final assessment: +5.0%)...
  17. G

    Switching From Daily To EOD or Anything Else

    I'm kind of in a predicament. I've been attempting daily injections for about 6 months now, and before that, I was doing EOD for 8 months. Before that, I was doing 50mg twice per week. All of these protocols have driven RBC/HGB/HCT to uncomfortable or borderline levels, but I think EOD was...
  18. G

    What's your HGB/HCT?

    I just wanted to get a feel for everyone's different level and what they are comfortable with as I've noticed the difference is big. I would like my HGB to stay in the 17's and HCT to be very low 50's, but I'm seeing that even 4mg daily is too much. 3 weeks ago my RBC was 5.87, HGB 17.7 and...
  19. G

    Multi-Use Vial Contamination

    For those on daily or eod, how many times do you puncture the same vial? The way my script is written, I get 12 1ml testosterone cyp vials labeled for single use but at my dose (4mg daily), each of those tiny little vials would last 50 days or so. I can't imagine puncturing the same vial 50...
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    Swimming After Injection

    Do injections increase risk of infection if swimming soon after in the ocean, lake or pool, or does the hole close up fast enough that it's not a concern?
  21. G

    Daily Shot Rotation Schedule

    With a daily shot rotation, how often can the same muscle be hit? Is every 4th day too often? What's the risk of hitting the same area too often? Just scar tissue, or infection also? Thanks in advance.
  22. G

    Injection Mistake - Infection?

    On Tuesday, when doing a quad shallow IM (1/2 inch insulin pin) 4mg shot, I blasted through a vein which resulted in quite a bit of blood running out after I withdrew the needle. For the record, swabbed top of vial appropriately before draw, used z-track method, but, there's a tiny chance when...
  23. G

    Feeling Better Off TRT?

    I'm wondering if there's anyone here that just never felt right on TRT whether due to anxiety or anything, and felt better off of it. I'm 8 days since my last daily injection, and it's been a Rollercoaster the entire time I've been on TRT for these past 7-8 or whatever years, on twice per...
  24. G

    High HGB/HCT

    Hey guys, I just got a CBC done yesterday and my hemoglobin is 18.8 and hematocrit is 53.2. I can't believe this as I've lowered my dose to 6-7mg daily about 4 weeks ago from running 9-10mg daily for a couple months. When I lowered the dose, my hct was 50.8 and hgb was 17.8. I also saw on...
  25. G

    Quest vs. Labcorp Free Test Ranges

    I was using an online calculator to see what my free T is from Quest to Labcorp, where on quest my free T is top of range in pg/mL, and Labcorp was ng/dL (I think?). Anyway, converting my top of range free T to Labcorp free T in their Unit resulted in having a free T in the middle of Labcorp's...
  26. G

    Switching From ED back to EOD or 2x Week

    I've been experimenting with an every day test cyp protocol and I'm not sure I can stand to finish adjusting to it. I barely slept in a week. My question is, if my free T is in a good place while on every day protocol, what happens when I double or triple it even quadruple the dose to go back...
  27. G

    Various Forms of DHEA and Their Effects

    First, I'll post this link: A Couple notes from that link: Topical DHEA doesn't really effect DHEA-S levels, but only DHEA levels. I even experimented with topical DHEA early 2021, and absolutely noticed strong effects...
  28. G

    Fish Oil and SHBG

    I can't find the pubmed study at the moment, but it's all over Google if searched. Apparently, fish oil lowers SHBG. I'm wondering how drastic this effect could be and if cutting my EPA/DHA dose from 2.4g to 1.2g may let it rise. I've read on here that guys with low SHBG have harder times...
  29. G

    Newest Labs From Daily Protocol

    I've been using about 9-10mg daily Testosterone cyp and 15mg DHEA sublingual for about 8 weeks. Results as follows: Total Testosterone, MS 558 ng/dL (250-1100) Free Testosterone 147.2 pg/mL (35-155) Estradiol, Ultrasensitive, LCMS 18 pg/mL (<29) DHEA-Sulfate 174 mcg/dL (106-464) Is that...
  30. G

    Sub-Q - where?

    For those doing subq, where are you injecting that? Abs, love handles, anywhere? And does that really just mean injecting into the fat? I can't explain it, but I'm nervous about trying it.
  31. G

    23mg EOD Results

    As in the title, I'm only using 23mg EOD shallow IM and 5mg sublingual DHEA. My labs are as follows: HGB 17.6 (13.6-17.1) HCT 52.8 (38.5-50) Total Testosterone 880 (250-1100) Free Testosterone 210.4 H (35-155) These results are pretty amazing to me. I can't believe this low of a dose would...