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  1. C

    What to do/check next...non-existent libido

    So here I am, a good 6-7 months into this TRT and while I tell myself I am good, I am only lying to myself and others. Sure I have lost anxiety, and trust me I am thankful for that, but aside from that I dont see a whole lot of positives. Let me ask some questions, I want to gauge where others...
  2. C

    Kidney Stones from Armidex

    [solved] Kidney Stones from Armidex Armidex is not likey to cause any kidney stones, Armidex is not a chemotherapy drug as I thought it was. Of 4.300+ Armidex users, only 4 had developed stones, 3 of them woman, and one man. Chances are Armidex had nothing to do with it. So last weekend I...
  3. C

    Thoughts on new protocol

    Would like to get some thoughts/opinions on my new protocol. I will start by listing previous protocol and the labs from latest blood work. I felt pretty good here, injections were e3.5d, I wanted to move to a Mon-Wed-Fri injections rather than raise my AI as E2 was slightly high. Test CYP 70mg...
  4. C

    High/Low E2 Causing Lower Back/Spine Issues?

    This very well might be the dumbest question ever posted, but I have to seek out a answer. My E2 has always been somewhat high, around 50 or more. About 2 months ago my AI was raised to 3 times per week. After doing so I began to get lower back pain, not just a sore muscle, but severe pain...
  5. C

    SHBG - First time tested, 26.9 is good?

    This is my first SHBG test, just curious if it is a little low? I know someone will point out that triglyceride are pretty high, but they are up due to taking Naproxen. When triglyceride was tested in December, they were at 119. My LDL has also dropped since beginning TRT, so only makes sense...
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    Follow Up with Defy Questions

    So this will be my first real follow up since starting with Defy. I had T and E labs pulled about 45 days ago that lead to an adjustment in my AI, increasing too 3 times per week .22mg Anastrozole. I had a 2 week period where I did not take any AI (thought E2 was crashed) but the addition of the...
  7. C

    Dr. James Carroll - Houston Texas

    I found Dr. James Carroll off the "How to Find a Good Doctor that Prescribes Testosterone, HCG and Anastrozole" Thread, linked below My PCP had given me a horrible...
  8. C

    DHEA - Does it make you Tired too?

    My DHEA when originally tested for Defy start up was @ 130 with a scale of 31 - 701. I was sent 25mg DHEA Capsules from the compounding pharmacy to take daily. Since then Ive notice if I forget to take them for a few days my energy level seems to rise, and when returning to the DHEA I am getting...
  9. C

    Sleep... trouble staying asleep, awake at 3 AM daily

    this may be in the wrong sub, if so please move accordingly. thanks! For as long as I can remember I have had issues staying asleep. I know this was large in part due to my drinking at the time. Back then I wasnt sleeping, I was passing out. Even then I would tend to wake up rather early, not...
  10. C

    Nearing 3rd month of TRT and feel like I am backsliding

    A little back story here. Began TRT in December of 2016 with my PCP. I was on 200mg every 2 weeks, for the first 3 injections (6 weeks), then 200mg once per month. Reddit helped me see this protocol was horrible, and PCP refused to budge. Since the pharmacy kept refilling me with 2 X 200mg 1ml...
  11. C

    On TRT, Now With Defy - Labs and Protocol

    Hello everyone! Thanks for making such a informative site, its nice to see a place where we can come to read, learn, and discuss our TRT. I recently left my PCP for Defy, and they turned me onto Previously I did all my readings and questions at Reddit, but will start to migrate...